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Thanks to all the members on this forum who helped me renovate my theater.

Just posted some pictures of my setup at:
smedhavi's Home Theater Gallery - My Theater (20 photos)

Also check out:



great awesome pics @ HT set up
Nice smedhavi - Like the fact that there are no black bars. How are you getting the full picture on the screen - are you using external lenses? or is the black level of the projector so good that they are not visible in the picture? or is there any masking of the screen? Sorry too many questions :-)

A simple answer :)

No lenses, no masking...

After considering a lot of options and many demos, I chose an extremely bright projector with a good contrast and iris (BenQ W6000). The fact that I have totally controlled reflected light in the room helps a lot too. Usage of Black, Grays and Dark Blue works better than other colors. Even the top side of the chest of drawers is covered with black velvet.

A simple answer :)

No lenses, no masking...

After considering a lot of options and many demos, I chose an extremely bright projector with a good contrast and iris (BenQ W6000). The fact that I have totally controlled reflected light in the room helps a lot too. Usage of Black, Grays and Dark Blue works better than other colors. Even the top side of the chest of drawers is covered with black velvet.


Using my Epson 8350, I am almost there, but the contrast ratio of the epson is not that great so the bars are slightly visible, especially in the 2.40:1 ratio. Using a gray screen also helps.
Regardless you are geeting excellent results - Congrats on a job well done and enjoy.
Using my Epson 8350, I am almost there, but the contrast ratio of the epson is not that great so the bars are slightly visible, especially in the 2.40:1 ratio. Using a gray screen also helps.

I had a home demo for Epson 8500UB before deciding. 8350 did not exist that time. Epson is a very good projector with good blacks in movie/cinema mode. Unfortunately the movie mode was not bright enough for me, and the picture went totally haywire in the dynamic mode. I had to go for BenQ as that produces the brightest picture in the cinema mode (and it is also much sharper). BTW, using a gray screen further reduces the brightness.

I had a home demo for Epson 8500UB before deciding. 8350 did not exist that time. Epson is a very good projector with good blacks in movie/cinema mode. Unfortunately the movie mode was not bright enough for me, and the picture went totally haywire in the dynamic mode. I had to go for BenQ as that produces the brightest picture in the cinema mode (and it is also much sharper). BTW, using a gray screen further reduces the brightness.


What I understand is that 8350 produces higher brightness than the 8500 ub at 2000 lumens vs 1600 lumens. Anyways in a totally light controlled room that would be a moot point and contrast IMO would be more important and a gray screen increases contrast perceptably helping merge the gray bars into the background. That was my experience when using a white vs gray screen and ultimately I opted for gray.
Even in my completely dark room, not many projectors could light up a brilliant picture on a 130" screen. I insist on using the best movie/cinema mode, and there 8350 has 467 lumen compared to 1000 in BenQ. They are different kinds of projectors and need different room treatments. In my case controlling the reflections improved the contrast and black levels. Even switching on a spotlight at the back does not have any significant impact on the picture.

By the way, all the pictures were clicked with the projector in Cinema mode, brilliant color off, and the lamp in Eco mode.

Even in my completely dark room, not many projectors could light up a brilliant picture on a 130" screen. I insist on using the best movie/cinema mode, and there 8350 has 467 lumen compared to 1000 in BenQ. They are different kinds of projectors and need different room treatments. In my case controlling the reflections improved the contrast and black levels. Even switching on a spotlight at the back does not have any significant impact on the picture.

By the way, all the pictures were clicked with the projector in Cinema mode, brilliant color off, and the lamp in Eco mode.


For sure I do not think that the 8350 is a comparison to the Benq, probably the Panny 4000 is a better candidate there. Yes your situation has different needs than mine. I have a 106" screen and at 13' away in normal mode even with the gray screen the projector is bright enough to cause discomfort. I guess every individual's tolerance for brightness varies and is subjective as well, just as in sound.
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