ST50 Owners' Thread - First impressions, Reviews, Tweaks, etc.


I was also in search of both Models in Chennai, even the panasonic brandshops do not have these models till now!:mad::mad:

I was really frustrated. however if you would be interested in a group buy , other like Arun, mylgcookie we could negotiate the prices.. Please send me PM

group buy sounds good to me. There should be lot of saving. How much were you quoted for 50 st 50 and 50 gt 50. Brand shops refuse to quote as they dont know when exactly they may receive stock. Tnagar showroom took down my number to keep me informed on the stock arrival. I could flip through their register and found atleast 10 to 12 other requests for st gt and vt models.
Got the 50ST50 TV yesterday. followed the points mentioned to verify if it was demo piece. The box tape was intact. However, the way box is opened, is that it has plastic type locks in the slots at the lower end. Once its removed, the upper part of the package can be removed. In this case even if the dealer doesn't cut the upper tape, he can still open the box.

I checked for any fingerprints on the screen, couldn't find anything. However, I noticed slight dusty area at the back. I was wondering if it's a new piece, there shouldn't be any dust if its factory packed. I am now slightly confused if it's a demo piece.

I tried to verify the running hours as mentioned in ST30 thread but somehow I couldn't get it looks like I was missing something. I decided to wait for the Panasonic installation guy and get the details.

I wanted to know what is the acceptable running time and count, should it be zero or there will be some time (usually when its tested in the factory)?

Any inputs are highly appreciated.
VMJ what was the price you got your 50ST50 for? What did it include - 3D glasses/ HT offer etc. Also I am keen to know what are accessories shipped with this tv. Thanks.A. Congrats for your buy - its a damn good choice.A.
I decided to wait for the Panasonic installation guy and get the details.

I wanted to know what is the acceptable running time and count, should it be zero or there will be some time (usually when its tested in the factory)?

The count on mine was ~4. I can't recall the hrs but I remember it being quite minimal -- perhaps in minutes?

The Pana technician had no clue about the Srv Menu and wanted me to show him how to use it.
What is the care I need to take for first 200 hrs.

There's plenty of information on this site and on other forums regarding this topic. A few quick searches will keep you busy for hours.

That said, many people swear by the fellow D-Nice @ HiDef Junkies. If you are super crazy do not watch anything for the first 200 hours, just run his test images to get an even phosphorous burn. Then you can use his settings.

ST50 Calibration Process
The "Adjustment Menu" has changed slightly. Here is the procedure to check usage hours:
  • Go to the TV and press and hold the Vol- button
  • On the remote press the Info button 3 times
  • "Starting Adjustment Menu" will be displayed on screen
  • When adjustment menu is displayed, press the 2 on the remote twice (1 is to go down, 2 is to go up)
  • The SRV Tool screen will be displayed
  • Using arrow keys navigate to highlight the PICT option
  • Press right arrow to enter the box next to PICT
  • Press and hold Mute button till the values are displayed

There is no menu option to exit. You must switch off the TV to exit - either switch off the mains or use the "On/Off" switch on the side panel of TV.
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thanks just4kix, I will follow your mentioned steps and check again. btw, how much was your running time when you had purchased it
thanks just4kix, I will follow your mentioned steps and check again. btw, how much was your running time when you had purchased it
39 minutes with 4 times switched on - but that was after some initial testing. Check first few posts.
Got the 50ST50 TV yesterday. followed the points mentioned to verify if it was demo piece. The box tape was intact. However, the way box is opened, is that it has plastic type locks in the slots at the lower end. Once its removed, the upper part of the package can be removed. In this case even if the dealer doesn't cut the upper tape, he can still open the box.

I checked for any fingerprints on the screen, couldn't find anything. However, I noticed slight dusty area at the back. I was wondering if it's a new piece, there shouldn't be any dust if its factory packed. I am now slightly confused if it's a demo piece.

I tried to verify the running hours as mentioned in ST30 thread but somehow I couldn't get it looks like I was missing something. I decided to wait for the Panasonic installation guy and get the details.

I wanted to know what is the acceptable running time and count, should it be zero or there will be some time (usually when its tested in the factory)?

Any inputs are highly appreciated.

Follow the instructions mentioned above by just4kix, it worked for me. Initially, even I thought that the addjustment menu was on, but its not...

* Hold down the {VOL -} button ON THE PLASMA.
* Press the {INFO} button on the remote control 3 times.
* The Service Menu will be displayed with the following menus:

o AGING (Red Screen)

The {1} & {2} buttons move through menus (up/down).

* Press the {2} button once or
press the {1} button six times to select "SRV-TOOL".

* Then press the {OK} button to access it.

* Using the cursor keys, * highlight * the empty
right side of the last option: PTCT :

| TD2Microde: 81c0000f |
| Flash ROM: 1 - 227 e |

* Then press and hold the {MUTE} button for 3 seconds.

* Time and Count will be displayed in red color.

TIME = Hours and minutes of operation.
COUNT = Times the Plasma was powered on.

* To exit, press and hold the {POWER} button
on the Plasma for few seconds.

The pressing {1} six times works for me in the above instructions.
As for running time and such, I was first given a pre-opened piece, verified by a 6:39hrs running time and 18 switch ons.
The second piece I got, was 0 and 0 on both counters - so I have my doubt if Panasonic does indeed do checks on the TV in the factory.

Another advice, get the break in slides (solid colors) and check for dead pixels. My first set had a couple of dead pixels.
Thankfully the 2nd set had no such issues.
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Another advice, get the break in slides (solid colors) and check for dead pixels. My first set had a couple of dead pixels.
Thankfully the 2nd set had no such issues.

How do you check for dead pixels using slides? When the slides run, do they appear any different for dead pixels?
Found in another forum. ST50 tops in all. Value,feature, picture quality and design.

Both, GT50 and VT50, exceed ST50 in terms of specs and technicals. The VT50 in India cannot be taken into consideration because it is now available in 65" only and hence a comparison is notable only when those 65" models become available (and those who can afford them). Where the ST50 excels is at delivering beyond exceptional value for money. There is no point in spending 20k extra for gt50 when near same results are delivered.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
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