Stereo Amplifier for B&W Matrix 805

Pick up this Jaton power amp. 27 k

Jeton Operatta Power Amplifier : AP2140A

Scout around for a cost effective preamp to go with it. A good TVC also should do the job.

Square_wave: Will look into this. Thanks!

OMG.. trust me mate.. I envy you. :just kidding:
I am seeing a quad 306 on ebay uk at the very moment. It has been refurbished by quad according to the seller. And if you can pair that with a good quality passive you are set.

Tirthankar: I bid on the above past midnight, went all the way up to GBP 181 but lost the auction to someone who bid GBP 185.

Shipping was a whopping GBP 98 with Fedex. I searched around and there seem to be specialist companies in India that can be used for shipping. Can someone please suggest me a reliable shipper from the UK? Hopefully that will also solve the used electronics anti-dumping conundrum.

I think I may eventually settle for a 2 bi-amped Quad 306 and a Quad 34 preamp. Does this look OK?

By the way I got the old speaker cable (thick Monster cable but don't know gauge) and found out today that the 2 copper strands in each PVC jacket have oxidized to green at the places where the 2 strands are in contact with each other. Should I get new cables too? If so what would you all recommend?

The other thing is that the B&W Bass Adjustment Filter was not bought at the time of purchase. I couldn't locate one for sale online but I read that the Krell filter for B&W was better. Apparently the Krell cost more than the B&W 805. Any suggestions? Look forward to your replies!
Square_wave: Will look into this. Thanks!

Tirthankar: I bid on the above past midnight, went all the way up to GBP 181 but lost the auction to someone who bid GBP 185.

Shipping was a whopping GBP 98 with Fedex. I searched around and there seem to be specialist companies in India that can be used for shipping. Can someone please suggest me a reliable shipper from the UK? Hopefully that will also solve the used electronics anti-dumping conundrum.

I think I may eventually settle for a 2 bi-amped Quad 306 and a Quad 34 preamp. Does this look OK?

By the way I got the old speaker cable (thick Monster cable but don't know gauge) and found out today that the 2 copper strands in each PVC jacket have oxidized to green at the places where the 2 strands are in contact with each other. Should I get new cables too? If so what would you all recommend?

The other thing is that the B&W Bass Adjustment Filter was not bought at the time of purchase. I couldn't locate one for sale online but I read that the Krell filter for B&W was better. Apparently the Krell cost more than the B&W 805. Any suggestions? Look forward to your replies!

Where are u getting the quad amps from? Thats really old electronics dude. My suggestion is to steer far away from them. Also most other class a amps like krell etc unless you are buying from a dealer who will give you factory refurb certificates....

Just my 2 bits...
Where are u getting the quad amps from? Thats really old electronics dude. My suggestion is to steer far away from them. Also most other class a amps like krell etc unless you are buying from a dealer who will give you factory refurb certificates....

Just my 2 bits...

With speakers from the 80s, what else can one do? :)

Quad is still servicing these amplifiers in the UK (I know someone serviced it a couple of months ago). Moreover there is everything from new 306 Printed Circuit Boards (from China) to new resistors/capacitors available online, some really high end. One firm is also selling a 306 upgrade kit. The Quad 306 seems to be available in spades in the UK.

The investment is also not much though shipping is a killer. I am working on that and how to get around the e-waste anti-dumping law by our government.

By the way, I dropped plans for the Quad 34.
"In 15 years the electrolytic power supply capacitors will get old. Depending on usage, you will begin to have semiconductor and other failures between 10 and 50 years after date of manufacture.

Later, the sun will cool to a white dwarf, and after that the universe will
experience heat death."
< Nelson Pass >

In the meanwhile & then - there's something called "Service" .. to keep good things going ..
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Can someone please suggest me a reliable shipper from the UK?

I know of someone who has some kind of arrangement for getting things across at a very reasonable cost. I'll PM him to bring to his notice your requirement. Hope he obliges.

Later, the sun will cool to a white dwarf, and after that the universe will experience heat death.

Much before that, it becomes a 'red giant' and half of the solar system would experience heat death.:ohyeah:
If you want these to sound as they were intended, you will have to consider replacing the tweeter (preferably both), I know it seems like a lot but only then you will get the performance they are built for. The Kevlar will not have deteriorated so you will have almost a new speaker. B&W may not send you old parts, you may have to contact distributors in India. Hope you get them going, they are great speakers.
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If you want these to sound as they were intended, you will have to consider replacing the tweeter (preferably both), I know it seems like a lot but only then you will get the performance they are built for. The Kevlar will not have deteriorated so you will have almost a new speaker. B&W may not send you old parts, you may have to contact distributors in India. Hope you get them going, they are great speakers.

serum: I agree with you 100%

No doubt I have to replace both the tweeters. Spoke to AudioVision India last Thursday (August 9th) to get a quote on the tweeters. Rough estimate by them is Rs. 9,500 each including customs and shipping.

Folks, I would urge you to be extremely cautious when buying speakers. Have gotten to the bottom of this and it is crystal clear that some horseplay was involved 14 years ago when these speakers were bought from the B&W Authorized Dealer in Dubai. The original tweeters were substituted with locally repaired ones and the welding that was done has rusted over time.

It was only providence that I saw this. Not knowing that the tweeters have a tendency to detach, I had put them in my car. On reaching home, the tweeters had come off and I saw the rust. The innards of the cabinet and the Kevlar woofers are all in pristine condition though.

Am still in shock and upset about this. Hopefully I will get a reply soon.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.