
Purely for my learning, at what price point are Mid, High, and High-end components differentiated? presuming these are categorised by price and not SQ.
ofcourse when I mean the differenciation it is about pricing, both within the same company and a mix.
My apologies I do not want to overtake this thread, but rather add to this with my experience instead of opinion.

I recently went to Delhi for work and stayed with a friend who is a 2 channel audio enthusiast and not an audiophile. He has 3 different sets of stereo setups in the house, including a stereo setup for his TV watching too - no surround setup. While 2 of his setups are very basic, 1 is decently high/mid end. When I asked him which is his favourite - he said depends on the day. The price has no role to play and as he uses all 3 systems very often - he said on most days he has no "star of the show", on certain days he is amazed at how a certain setup sounds incredible - regardless of the cost/price of the setup.

I have to agree, I have heard a fair few systems in my life and in most cases I feel the same - it depends on the day not the setup. Yes a bad setup will sound bad most of the days but then there are days when the same horrible equipment will sound golden depending on the mood/situation/your mental state - I have personally experienced this with a pair of earphones. Science can't really determine the effect of your mental state on the result, can it? How does one take that into account?

I am a big fan of hard rock, Queen, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin and on most days I can start the day with them and finish it with them, but then there are days when the same sound is unbearable. My brain tells me the song is amazing, but the speaker is sounding bad. Wouldn't the music preference of the listener and readiness to be critical, the mental makeup on that day impact the outcome?
Purely for my learning, at what price point are Mid, High, and High-end components differentiated? presuming these are categorised by price and not SQ.
In the context of HFV Indian audiophiles 30k - 1.2L - > entry level
1-4L -> midfi
>4L - 10L - > high end
> 10L - > sigma level :P

This is purely for two channel listening with one pair of speakers , one pre , one power or one integrated, and one source.
Thats how I would arbitrarily bracket it.
Now don’t go ballistic on me …
I would say

Entry upto 5 l
Midfi 5-20 l
Entry Hi-end 20-40 l
Mid Hi-end 40-80 l
Upper Hi-end 80-200 l
Super Hi-end 200 l +

I fall into entry hi-end. Because of my room limitations and the kind of music I listen to, I am pretty happy being at this level.

If I couldn’t afford entry hi-end, I would be perfectly happy being at the entry level. I feel midfi to be a complete rip off. I have never found 5-20 l satisfying. It is designed more for hifi gimmicks than music.

An of course, there will be good and bad stuff in every price category. It’s for you to weed out the good from the bad. Problem is there is too much bad stuff going around which is creating a lot of questions and doubts in the minds of music lovers. More often than not, one feels cheated. Hence the disillusionment with high end.
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I would say

Entry upto 5 l
Midfi 5-20 l
Entry Hi-end 20-40 l
Mid Hi-end 40-80 l
Upper Hi-end 80-200 l
Super Hi-end 200 l +

I fall into entry hi-end. Because of my room limitations and the kind of music I listen to, I am pretty happy being at this level.

If I couldn’t afford entry hi-end, I would be perfectly happy being at the entry level. I feel midfi to be a complete rip off. I have never found 5-20 l satisfying. It is designed more for hifi gimmicks than music.

An of course, there will be good and bad stuff in every price category. It’s for you to weed out the good from the bad. Problem is there is too much bad stuff going around which is creating a lot of questions and doubts in the minds of music lovers. More often than not, one feels cheated. Hence the disillusionment with high end.
Going by Prem’s classification I am well within the Entry level.
Buying “used” has helped much in pushing the boundaries.
My brain tells me the song is amazing, but the speaker is sounding bad. Wouldn't the music preference of the listener and readiness to be critical, the mental makeup on that day impact the outcome?
Mood absolutely affects the choice of music we listen too.
There has been times (days) when I did not feel like listening to music at all. Taking a break was also something that a few FM suggested a couple of months ago when I was very unhappy with synergy between my amp and speakers. The break definitely helped.
Found a bunch of research on the topic:
In the context of HFV Indian audiophiles 30k - 1.2L - > entry level
1-4L -> midfi
>4L - 10L - > high end
> 10L - > sigma level :p

This is purely for two channel listening with one pair of speakers , one pre , one power or one integrated, and one source.
Thats how I would arbitrarily bracket it. - 'Copy'
Now don’t go ballistic on me …
I would say

Entry upto 5 l
Midfi 5-20 l
Entry Hi-end 20-40 l
Mid Hi-end 40-80 l
Upper Hi-end 80-200 l
Super Hi-end 200 l +

I gather from Prem, and Bloom that the classification of Hi-Fi is based on personal perceptions rather than an industrial standard, with the risk of becoming argumentative or eristic (the purpose being light-hearted), let's have a look at this scenario just for fun. Prem defines mid-Fi as anything between 5 and 20 lakhs. Is the system, which costs 499,999, still deemed entry-level?

What if a high-end system goes on sale and now enters the price range of mid-fi, does it still remain high-end? Because audio systems are categorised based on price, right? We might consider it a bargain, but what about its classification?

I'm taking the aforementioned numbers literally for brand new components. Used components in the secondhand market can be left out of the above equation. Again, this is purely for joviality. I personally don't give two hoots.
Yes, it’s all for brand new stuff. Everyone will have different definitions of what is entry level, midfi and high end. This hobby is subjective, remember?:)
@aeroash One of the best ways to guage what benefit a buyer gets by investing in more expensive gear is to listen within the same brand.
For example KEF has speakers that cost from less than a lakh to nearly 50+ lakhs.

I have heard the following speaker brands that have a wide option including Xavian, Rosso Fiorentina, Chario which my friend deals in and the uber expensive Peak Loudspeakers.
I have heard them with different combination of DACs, SS and tube gears.

Scale and dynamics is where the play comes as you go higher up in the echelon.
IME, in most audio brands, their top end model is the best. As you go down the rung, you’ll realise you are paying a huge premium for the brand value. And it’s usually not worth it. It’s then better to go to the not so well known brands and get much better products for the same money.
@aeroash One of the best ways to guage what benefit a buyer gets by investing in more expensive gear is to listen within the same brand.
For example KEF has speakers that cost from less than a lakh to nearly 50+ lakhs.

I have heard the following speaker brands that have a wide option including Xavian, Rosso Fiorentina, Chario which my friend deals in and the uber expensive Peak Loudspeakers.
I have heard them with different combination of DACs, SS and tube gears.

Scale and dynamics is where the play comes as you go higher up in the echelon.
I hope this is not in response to my aforementioned query. Because this response is random. Although I fully understand the concept you have laid out.
IME, in most audio brands, their top end model is the best. As you go down the rung, you’ll realise you are paying a huge premium for the brand value. And it’s usually not worth it. It’s then better to go to the not so well known brands and get much better products for the same money.
+1 to this
If I ever move to a smaller space after retirement and cannot fit my current system, I will quietly buy a Denon M30 or M 31 receiver, transfer all the songs I like on to a hard disk and buy Grundig 2500 speakers and be done with. Total cost approx 50k.

Unless you spend serous money running upto several lakhs, it will be very difficult to beat above combo for sheer musicality and enjoyment.
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