The Movies I Liked

I'm sure most of you have not watched this gem, but if you have then you are true movie lover.

The Seventh Horse of the Sun

The Seventh Horse of the Sun (1993) - IMDb

One of Benegal's best films.

True! If you think deeper, it is a movie which shows the same story from different perspectives, from different angles & view points. It shows that how one sees another person doing bad to someone, but when the story shifts to the another person's angle, then it is justified that he did the right thing.

In all, if you dig into deeper, the message is that there is nothing like reality. It is just what we perceive becomes reality for us.
Must watch if you are in that type of genre.
I'm sure most of you have not watched this gem, but if you have then you are true movie lover.

The Seventh Horse of the Sun

The Seventh Horse of the Sun (1993) - IMDb

One of Benegal's best films.

I have seen this many times and love this movie...
I watched it first time on TV and loved it... and later I just bought the DVD and have watched the same couple more times :)
I recently watched a Kannada movie called Lucia...

Lucia (2013) - IMDb

This is the first Kannada movie I have watched... IMO this was one hell of a good movie made in India.... Quite a nice execution and both the lead actors were very nice...
Obviously I watched it with English subtitles, but that doesn't make it any lesser...

Just read the synopsis and see if it can interests you... I would say.. Cinema lovers... don't miss it....
"A man suffering from insomnia is tricked into buying a drug, Lucia, that makes his desires come true in his dreams, blurring the line the line between fantasy and reality."
Nebraska [2013]

Nebraska (2013) - IMDb

A good Drama movie. Story is nice, about father/son relation ship. Simple and good cinematography. Nice performance by Bruce Dern. Will Forte was also good. Good direction. Worth a watch.

Shanghai [2010]

Shanghai (2010) - IMDb

A good Drama/Mystery movie. Story is good, set in the backdrop of World War II. Good performance by John Cusack. Nice cinematography.

Side Effects [2013]

Side Effects (2013) - IMDb

A very good Crime/Drama movie. Story is good with some good twist along the way, title is slightly misleading though. Very good cinematography and fantastic background score. Nice performance by Jude Law and Rooney Mara. Catherine Zeta-Jones was okay. Worth a watch.

Snitch [2013]

Snitch (2013) - IMDb

A good Action/Drama movie. Story is good and simple, based on true events revolving around the Mexican drug cartel. Nice performance by Dwayne Johnson and a good supporting by Barry Pepper. Good watch.

Some Dogs Bite [2013]

Some Dogs Bite (TV Movie 2010) - IMDb

A nice Family/Drama movie. Story is good, about three brothers. Nice story direction. Good watch.

Sparrow Dance [2012]

Sparrows Dance (2012) - IMDb

A good Comedy/Drama movie. Story is really good. Very good performance by Marin Ireland in the lead role. Paul Sparks was also good. Worth a watch.

Stand Up Guys [2012]

Stand Up Guys (2012) - IMDb

A good Comedy/Crime movie. Al Pacino was the real entertainer in this movie, though not his best, watch this movie for him. Nice humor in the story. Good screenplay. Wroth a watch for all Al Pacino fans. Christopher Walken and Alan Arkin were also good in supporting roles.

Stoker [2013]

Stoker (2013) - IMDb

A good Drama/Thriller movie. Story is interesting. Nice direction. Good performance by Mia Wasikowska and Nicole Kidman. Good watch overall.

Stuck in Love [2012]

Stuck in Love (2012) - IMDb

A nice time pass Comedy/Drama movie. Story is good, coupled with some nice humor/emotion. Very nice performance by Greg Kinnear and Jennifer Connelly. Worth a watch.

Tattoo Nation [2013]

Tattoo Nation (2013) - IMDb

A very good Documentary film about the evolution of tattoo. Fantastic art show through Ink. Danny Trejo gives his views also. For all tattoo lover, this is a must watch. I like the art part of it, but not the tattooing itself. Even if you like art, this is a good watch.

The Best Offer [2013]

La migliore offerta (2013) - IMDb

A fantastic Drama/Mystery movie. Story is good, with a nice twist in the end . Simply awesome cinematography by Fabio Zamarion. Good back ground score. Fantastic performance by Geoffrey Rush. Good production design. Worth a watch.

U-571, Das Boot, Incredibles, Der Untergang, Stalingrad, The Counterfeiters are awesome.
Some movies that are coming to my mind in this regard are?

Fight Club, U-571, Aliens, Apocalypse Now, Das Boot, Incredibles, Monsters Inc., Titan AE, Toystory2, Finding Nemo, Godzilla, Haunting, Gladiator, Blueman Group etc.

Other favorites are LOTR series, Matrix series, Star-war series etc. These moves will test the guts of any sub or surrounds out there!:cool:

I particularly like anything from Pixar. They are just a joy to watch and they excel in the video and audio as well!
SAKET said:
BTW, could not get the relevance of the title. Can anyone with more brains explain?

Saket, The sun's chariot is supposed to have seven horses all of whom are helping drive it. As often happens in a group, sometimes one of them defines the way the chariot goes as it maybe the slowest one or weakest one. The title refers to that horse as the seventh horse.
It was made on the basis of a novel of the same name and won a National award for Best Film in Hindi.
The Berlin File [2013]

The Berlin File (2013) - IMDb

A good Action/Drama movie. Story is a good and a bit complicated IMO. Some good action scenes and good cinematography. Nice performance by Suk-kyu Han. Good watch.

The Big Wedding [2013]

The Big Wedding (2013) - IMDb

A very good Comedy/Drama movie. A simple good family story. Very good screenplay and a good Zorba style Greek music as the background score makes the movie very enjoyable. Good performance by Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton and Susan Sarandon. Good watch.

47 Ronin [2013]

47 Ronin (2013) - IMDb

A nice Action/Drama movie with a touch of Fantasy. Story is good and simple. Fantastic cinematography and very good Art direction. Good sound mixing. Keanu Reeves was fine with his performance, Rinko Kikuchi was really good in the negative role. Good watch.

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) - IMDb


Thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie last night. Its about 7 Brits with wrinkles all over deciding to spend their retirement period in what is supposed to be an exotic hotel for senior citizens in Jaipur run by an ambitious Dev Patel. All the British actors have lived their character in this film while the excellent /matured performances of Judi Bench, Maggie Smith and Bill Nighy especially are to be lauded. Dev Patel might seem to have overdone his role but amidst the seriousness of other characters, it seems to go well. Some of the dialogues are intense and thoughtful, especially the narrations by Judi. I usually like movies which sets the characters in a foreign location and captures its cultural essence. The movie is a nice blend of relationships, humour, emotions, racism and more. Except for some clichs like India=call centre, mother against girlfriend, children begging from tourists etc, the movie depicts India as colorful, bustling and vibrant nation. I never got bored during any part of the film and towards the end I wished they had extended the movie a little further. The film has got good reviews on IMDB and I too recommend this. It will surely add warmth to your heart.
With my family out of town, had a movie binge the past week. Starting with the good

Nebraska (2013) - IMDb
Nebraska is a very touching movie of an ageing father who thinks he has won a lottery when he receives a typical junk mail and a son who feels its still worth making the long trip from Montana to Nebraska to keep his father happy. The movie is in black and white for some reason, although I couldnt think why. The story is nice and touching. Not one for the effects.

Saving Mr. Banks (2013) - IMDb
A nice story about how Walt Disney convinced PL Travers the writer of Mary Poppins to convert it into a movie. The acting is superb esp. of Emma Thomson as the eccentric Brit as also of Tom Hanks as Walt Disney. Watch out for the scene at the credits when they play the tape recordings of the real PL Travers.

Dallas Buyers Club (2013) - IMDb
Another True story of an electrician cum rodeo rider who gets diagnosed with AIDS and is told of 30 days to live. The movie captures his transition from anger to disbelief to survival. How he transforms from a self centred guy to one who plans to fight the FDA and the pharma companies to give better access to AIDS and other critical patients on the choice fo drugs. A must watch esp. for Matthew McConaughey's superb acting should probably have got him the oscar.

12 Years a Slave (2013) - IMDb
The movie is pretty gruesome in its depiction of a free man who is kidnapped and turned into a slave and who fights for his survival and his final release. Overall an above average movie although some scenes are very touching but I felt the gruesomness was overdone.

The Bads were many,, but the highlight was

American Hustle (2013) - IMDb
Such an average movie and I still cant figure out what the fuss was about the movie. Probably the only claim to fame will be the makeup used by Christian Bale to make him look plump, balding and middle aged.
Captain America : Winter Solider ...... wow what a punch. For me this was the best avenger movie after the avengers and Iron Man 1. The plot was good, action choreography was impeccable. Reference to other avengers was a nice touch. Nick Fury escape sequence gave me goose bumps.... it was so damm exciting ......... I only felt the climax action sequence was a tad toned down as compared to the rest of the movie. Over all I was glued to the seat the entire movie (even though it was a bit longer than the usual Hollywood stuff)............7/10 for this one.

Waiting for The amazing spider man - 2... :D
Re: The Movie I Liked

Captain America - The Winter Soldier
Simply loved it. Guess its the best one after Avengers. Not a single dull moment. Good story line and awesome action scenes. Honestly, first one was so meh i had low hopes from this one and was pleasantly surprised. Must watch.
3d was a waste as this was more of a 2d.

Any link to see post credit scene as I was in a hurry so missed it?
Watched after this hectic weekend.


Flipped (2010) - IMDb


Its from the novel of Wendelin Van Draanen. This charming, romantic youth comedy from director Rob Reiner follows the two leads from the early school years to early teens through family drama and first love as they discover who they are - and what relationship they have with each other. A pleasing family watch.
The Butler [2013]

The Butler (2013) - IMDb

A very good Drama/Biography movie. Story is good. Nice performance by Forest Whitaker. Good watch.

The Citizen [2012]

The Citizen (2012) - IMDb

A wonderful Drama . Story is really good, touching with some nice emotion. Very good performance by Khaled Nabawy in the lead role. Good cinematography. Worth a watch.

The Great Gatsby [2013]

The Great Gatsby (2013) - IMDb

A good Drama movie. Story is good and too long. Very good performance by Leonardo DiCaprio. Good cinematography and screenplay. Good watch.

300: Rise of an Empire [2014]

300: Rise of an Empire (2014) - IMDb

A good History/Drama sequel movie. Story is fair enough. Very good Art direction. Nice visual effects and cinematography. Worth a watch.

The Internship [2013]

The Internship (2013) - IMDb

A very good Comedy/Drama movie. Story is good. Nice performance by Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. Good watch.

The Lunchbox [2013]

The Lunchbox (2013) - IMDb

A good Drama movie. Story is simple and slow. Nice performance by Irrfan Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui.

Re: The Movie I Liked

Captain America - The Winter Soldier
Simply loved it. Guess its the best one after Avengers. Not a single dull moment. Good story line and awesome action scenes. Honestly, first one was so meh i had low hopes from this one and was pleasantly surprised. Must watch.
3d was a waste as this was more of a 2d.

Any link to see post credit scene as I was in a hurry so missed it?

You Harsh1387 on TDF ..???
Re: The Movie I Liked

That's correct.

Snowpiercer -
Saw it after good ratings by many people. Performances are OK but story is kinda weak and climax is plain ridiculous.
Rating - 5/10
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