The Movies I Liked

Saket, The sun's chariot is supposed to have seven horses all of whom are helping drive it. As often happens in a group, sometimes one of them defines the way the chariot goes as it maybe the slowest one or weakest one. The title refers to that horse as the seventh horse.
It was made on the basis of a novel of the same name and won a National award for Best Film in Hindi.

Thanks friend. It was a nice explanation and you have conveyed the concept very nicely. Regret that I got to see your post today only. :)

Re: The Movie I Liked

Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit.
Another movie with a CIA operations and saving US plot. Good one time watch. Could have been better.
Rating- 3/5
GodZilla ........ This Godzilla is much much serious, dark and horrifying that the 1998 one. There are quite a few things that actually seriously works in favour of this movie and few that goes pretty much against.

First In favour ::: This movie is HUGE HUGE HUGE in it portrayal of effects, destruction and ofcourse Godzilla, almost surpassing Pacific Rim. The cinematography in this film is impeccable and jaw dropping. The Godzilla creature is portrayer exactly the original 1953 had. There was actually a plot, even though minimalist, and I think very reminiscent to 1954 one ...... 1998 had a laughable plot. The action sequences again are just monstrous.

Sound Effects ... again monstrous, I mean this move begs an ultra tetra sub-woofer to compensate the vibrations and resonance that is there while Godzilla is on screen. Incidentally my theater had a pretty decent sub and so my chair was just shaking all the time while Godzilla was roaring on the screen :D

Against ::: For me the major drawback, was the screen time of Godzilla, this is a movie of Godzilla with a title Godzilla and if Godzilla is not what you will get, you will feel a bit disappointed, specially when you do get it its just freaking awesome, leaves you carving for more much more,and all you get are kind of teasers, till the very end where actually you get to fully watch him fighting for maybe 10-12 minutes. BUT those 10-12 minutes are just adrenaline pumping and HUGE.

Almost all, infact ALL scenes I guess with Godzilla are pictured in dark, even though it does give a scary and eerie feeling, I wish I could have seen the fight in broad daylight atleast one fight

Bryan Cranston was a wast, even though what ever screen time he got he delivered, but I wished him much more screen presence.

I would give this a 6.8/10 ........... even though I enjoyed the 1998 one as well, but that was coz of different reasons all together ...
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Side Effects ... this is intelligent cinema, The plot outlines like this "A young woman's world unravels when a drug prescribed by her psychiatrist has unexpected side effects" at first it does not sound like a very entertaining movie, but mind you this grips you like anything right after 10 min in to the movie, The first half is amazing, well-crafted, intelligent, involving and gripping, the second half is a bit rushed in the sense that outcome of the tension built on the first half is released too briskly. Thats all I can say without actually giving out the plot.

Its an intelligent thriller ...... go watch ....7/10 .... from me
X-Men : Days of Future Past
Loved it. First class still remains my fav. X men movie but this was quite close. Best part is how they have given same screen time to all characters without making any one stand out. Quicksilver was the best and the kitchen scene was awesome.

They didn't explained in the movie how Xavier was still alive so had to google it which makes sense. So, as a complete reboot has been done the makers are free to experiment anything in coming installment. Exciting times ahead.

I saw a 12.30 pm day show after years. Wasn't expecting more than 10 people in the hall considering the hot weather outside. However, was amazed to see at least 90% hall was filled. A

Also, at least 40 people waited with me for the after credit scene. A first for me to see so many people waiting. Took more than 5 minutes but the scene is totally worth it. Don't miss it.

Rating- 9/10
Into the Wild (2007). A must watch movie. Most soundtracks in this movie are by Eddie Vedder and its simply perfect. I tell you, all those who watch this movie will most probably want this movies OST :).
Harry10, echoing your views. Loved the movie. Although I felt the movie was more suited for fans of the series rather than the generic movie goer. I also felt X-men first class as the best of the lot.
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Flipped (2010) - IMDb

A sweet movie about two eight graders whose relationship moves through different stages from the girl being besotted by the boy to the other extreme.

The name of the movie is derived from the way it flips from one perspective of the same scene to the other. Beautifully directed and acted. Must watch.

A Nice, sweet movie after a long time.
Divergent (2014) - IMDb - Kind of getting tired about this dystonic future all new authors write about and Hollywood immediately makes into movies.

But the movie is good if you don't have major expectations and entertaining even otherwise.

What I liked was the heroine... Shailene Woodley does a good job. The male lead Theo James is also good... a new hunk now that the old guard has aged.

Kate Winslet is good but not much on the screen, ditto for Ashley Judd, Tony Goldwyn, Mekhi Phifer, Maggie Q and Ray Stevenson. Not sure why the studio would even want them wasted in such small roles unless parts 2 and 3 give them more scope.

Coming back to the dystonic future, The Hunger Games and especially Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen is definitely the pick, though part 2 was a let down. Divergent continues along the same lines but this time its not an outsider trying to take down the system, but rather an insider who is a misfit.

Definitely recommended seeing all the recent movies Hollywood has put out.
Harry10, echoing your views. Loved the movie. Although I felt the movie was more suited for fans of the series rather than the generic movie goer. I also felt X-men first class as the best of the lot.

True that. Only the fans will understand what's going on in the movie and how everything is correlated.
X men First class is undoubtedly the best of the lot with DOFP coming a close second.
Edge of Tomorrow
Really enjoyed it. Probably more than X-Men: DOFP.
If you have seen one of my favorite movie- 'Groundhog Day' then you can easily understand whats going on.
There are few loopholes and ending was quite predictable. I was looking for a twist which didn't come.
Tom cruise has given a very solid performance but the show stopper is Emily Blunt.
Very good mixture of humor and action.
Don't miss it.

Rating- 9/10
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