The Movies I Liked

Transformers : Age of Extinction...... I personally enjoyed the movie, why???, because its a transformers movie;;;; and you go to see this movie for Transformers kicking some serious butt with an over the top but complex CGI induced action. If you expecting something else you have no right to criticize it. There are good and bads in this movie, unfortunately the bad that has been removed from this installment, they somehow forgot to maintain the the good that was there from the previous installments. I will take things in points ..

GOODS or Pros as you say

1. Absolutely zero toilet humor, no sexiest or raciest comment or profanity, not even a single one. This however was also already brought to a low level in Tran-3, but here its absolutely gone. Total family movie, just a one quick kiss in the entire movie.

2. Action is toned down, the biggest crib most of the people had/have in Transformers movie is that no one clearly knows who is fighting who and its all chaos and mixup. I'd say in that department this movie shines. The action is better layered and have more clarity. But if you say the quality of action, I would still go with Trans-2. The Complexity of action was far superior in Trans 2. The forest battle, the desert battle were just simply superior. But the inclusion of an over dose of toilet humor just ruined that movie for me.

3. No New York : Well I loved Transformers fighting in Hong Kong, The choreography again is just mind blowing, its blows you off, As I said this is a transformers movie and what it has to justify most is the CGI induced complex action sequences, which IMO it does.

4. Sound ::: Wowowo I was totally impressed by the entire sound mixing. The effects and background score was to the point and really gave the fast action happening on screen a much needed boost

BAD or Cons

1. Acting and Dialogues ::: The worst of the lot, I mean yes I agree and I still support that action/cgi in Trans movie out weighs almost everything else, but come on you have to have a decent level of acting and Dialogues.(plot can still take a back seat) The first hour they still were enjoyable, but then as the movie progresses, they just start to become cheezy n cheezy and more cheezy, till the time when the movie is almost at the end when it becomes almost laughable.

2.The plot :: I dont under why people bother to even bring this crap comment for Trans movie, that there was with no story, I mean come on, what can you expect from a franchise that was originally a cartoon series made for kids, How much plot and story can you add to satisfy a 30-35+ audience and a kid at the same time ..... Its there to show some butt kicking action and Michael Bay knows how to do that ... Period!. But yes I agree the plot was the weakest among the 4 installments.

3. Duration : It was long too long almost touching 3 hours, could have cut down quite a bit from the middle half to bring the movie down to around 2 hrs 20 min. Would have made the movie much tighter .....

I would still say, people who even remotely are Trans fans and enjoy the franchisee, dont miss it, watch it for mind blowing action adventure right from 10 min in to the movie ........ you would not be disappointed .......6.5/10 for this one
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@sam9s: Haha...
well I personally hated watching the last Transformers movie, but again an excellent write up Sam... I don't know but these kind of disaster movies don't attract me anymore at all. Your love for Transformers seems to be similar to my love for Westerns... Yes I am a sucker for westerns..even for the worst westerns ever made.. LOL :)
Seem to be getting some good recommendations for subtitled movies viz. Drishyam, 13 assassins, Chaser.

Keep those recommendation flowing for Korean thrillers. Their action and thrill level is just superb
Watched The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - IMDb


It was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. One of Anderson's best! Its the magical atmosphere where the viewer is immersed into a dark and at the same time comical world of a bygone era.
It is no doubt that this is Anderson at his most quintessential as its got his trademarks of immaculate frame composition (the use of three aspect ratios, one for each timeline), retro music (with an original score by Alexandre Desplat), different period settings and an ensemble cast mostly consisted of previous Anderson collaborators: Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman, etc.

My rating: 8/10
Watched The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - IMDb

It was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. One of Anderson's best! Its the magical atmosphere where the viewer is immersed into a dark and at the same time comical world of a bygone era.
It is no doubt that this is Anderson at his most quintessential as its got his trademarks of immaculate frame composition (the use of three aspect ratios, one for each timeline), retro music (with an original score by Alexandre Desplat), different period settings and an ensemble cast mostly consisted of previous Anderson collaborators: Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman, etc.

My rating: 8/10

I didn;t like the Grand Budapest much except for perhaps the setup and costumes. It doesn't lose its pace though.

Watch Foxcatcher and Locke! Excellent movies from this year!
Seem to be getting some good recommendations for subtitled movies viz. Drishyam, 13 assassins, Chaser.

Keep those recommendation flowing for Korean thrillers. Their action and thrill level is just superb

The man with no name

I saw the devil

The vengeance series - lady, old boy and sympathy

Bin-jip(3iron) & Spring,summer,fall,winter....spring by Kim Ki Duk

Sunflower(underrated but probably my all time korean favourite)

Thirst(was ok)

Chaser and Memories of a murder

Suspect X

Even though Korean movies from the 2000s are very admirable, please do take your time to watch stuff by Takeshi Kitano(the same guy behind Takeshi's castle)

He incorporates a lot of Samurai principles in his movies. Besides the only person who has actually used the art of Dead pan violence effectively. Tarantino mentioned him as one of his greatest influences.

Hanabi is my favourite Kitano movie. Sonatine and Violent cop are equally good. Zatoichi is another brilliant film.


P.S> There is apparently a Takeshi Kitano day celebrated in France every year.
Snowpiercer - 8.5/10

A Korean American movie about a train in perpetual state of motion that holds the survivors of earth after a failed climatic experiment pushes all of the earth into an ice age.

Fantastic acting by Chris Evans - I think it is his best movie till date. The story is very compelling and has pointers to other walks of life - similar to District 9. Its a pity this movie went unnoticed as it really is very very good. As Korean director Bong join ho's maiden English venture, it is a job well done and I hope he makes more English movies.
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In the Valley of Elah (2007) - IMDb - It was ok. Just not great and definitely not in the league of No Country for Old Men.

Need for Speed (2014) - IMDb - Good action and Aaron Paul fans should enjoy. Not too taxing on the brain and its good fun.

Centurion (2010) - IMDb - Very disappointing fare for stars like Michael Fassbender and Olga Kurylenko. The premise was good, but the treatment was weak and the performances insipid.
In the valley of Elah ....... just OK !!...just OKEY!!!!! wow that movie was just rocking for me I mean I just LOVED that movie to the core ..... ...wowo man now I can see why people say movie taste differs a LOT from person to person ...... TLJ's one of the best performances IMO. The way he carried out his role as a dejected/disappointed father looking to what actually happened surpassed every role he has ever played............

That scene where he discloses the news to his wife on phone sends shivers down my spine ........ and I dont know why would you even compare this with No country for old men. Both different movies by different director, only common thing is both have TLJ, and well TLJ is in lot of other movies, then why the comparison.

Maybe you need it to see it again, I am seriously surprised..... In the valley of Elah was just ok for you ... :)
In the valley of Elah ....... just OK !!...just OKEY!!!!! wow that movie was just rocking for me I mean I just LOVED that movie to the core ..... ...wowo man now I can see why people say movie taste differs a LOT from person to person ...... TLJ's one of the best performances IMO. The way he carried out his role as a dejected/disappointed father looking to what actually happened surpassed every role he has ever played............

That scene where he discloses the news to his wife on phone sends shivers down my spine ........ and I dont know why would you even compare this with No country for old men. Both different movies by different director, only common thing is both have TLJ, and well TLJ is in lot of other movies, then why the comparison.

Maybe you need it to see it again, I am seriously surprised..... In the valley of Elah was just ok for you ... :)

Maybe its me or maybe I had high expectations. For once IMDB ratings are in line (for me at least) with 7.2.

What I did not like...

1. Susan Sarandon in a wasted role... ok she had 1.5 scenes (if you call snapping at TLJ a scene/moment).
2. Charlize Theron in a wasted role... ok she has been on a downward spiral for a few years now, but still.
3. Josh Brolin takes the cake here... seriously playing a 2 minute role of a chief giving favors to his girlfriend.
4. Jason Patric - Most will probably say Jason who so ok.

Why compare to No Country for Old Men... only because its TLJ's best. Ok he was great in The Fugitive too and MIB.

Thankfully, TLJ was great in the movie and not a disappointment like in The Missing... but that's where the movie started and ended for me. Lame story, big stars in small wasted roles, not much in terms of the atmosphere or even the suspense element and no bad guys or everybody is a bad guy because the US is stupid enough to send its army to Afghanistan. Not even sure what Paul Haggis was trying to tell, but apart from Crash everything else from him has been a disappointment and/or overrated.

Maybe its me... but that's what makes us human.
In the Blood (2014) - IMDb - Better than its IMDB rating and its way better than Haywire which was a huge disappointment.

Good action that stays consistent throughout the movie, not too much MMA, but definitely entertaining on the whole. I enjoyed it though I wished for more physical action from Gina.

On the cons side, a tad predictable, plot loopholes as can be expected, and the limited budget shows through... but nothing that can stop you from enjoying a good action flick.
Metro was good, it could have been great had there not been few cliched situations. The main train crash scene was one of the best, it was filmed with detail and effects were really good ....
Swelter (2014) - IMDb - Interesting premise that could have been much better than it was. Jean-Claude Van Damme is in a smaller role and plays like the 3rd lead. Lennie James is good, Alfred Molina is wasted, and the rest of the cast is ok. Decent action flick that could have been much better, but still worth a watch if you are tired of the big budget superhero action movies.

Sabotage (2014) - IMDb - A different kind of movie from Arnold. Action is there, but it takes backseat to a mystery about missing money and dead partners. Good performances from everyone. A good action thriller that goes beyond the bullets and involves a fair bit of mystery... I liked it and definitely worth a watch.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.