The Movies I Liked

Subhash - just goes to show how we all perceive these movies differently! :)

This is a modern masterpiece, in my mind. Of course we can agree to disagree.

definetly thevortex

wud like other guys to have a look at this movie and post comments too , most wudnt be aware of Dogville ,its abt 5-6 yrs old starring nicole kidman

would like to know opinion from others too
Cairo Time

In Cairo on her own as she waits for her husband, Juliette finds herself caught in a whirlwind romance with his friend Tareq, a retired cop. As Tareq escorts Juliette around the city, they find themselves in the middle of a brief affair that catches them both unawares.

Cairo Time (2009)

hats off , u liked this movie
had watched just for N kidman abt 5 yrs back,failed to complete on several attempts
to this date failed to understand what this movie was all abt:)

I suppose such movies come under a different league of filmaking and not meant for all

These discussions have piqued my interest about "Dogville".

I know what you describe. Been there myself not too long ago :o.

It's not as if my taste got "cured" in a day - it took me a long while, step by step to develop a taste for such movies.

I cannot comment on "Dogville", but in general, some movies demand an open mind. Instead of trying to figure out the movie, just let go - follow what's on screen and when it's all over, you would be able to have a wholesome picture. Sometimes, you may need to revisit the movie with that general understanding to pick out nuances. The first few movies are difficult as you have to be in "mood". Once you get used to it, like everything else, mind gets trained and it'd be a cakewalk from thereon.
At times i too did not have a open mind while seeing some of the movies, by doing so it did benefit me at times which is of great joy.

Always after seeing the movie i rate them, there have been times when i have changed the rating during next day or so based on my more thinking about the movie in question.

For me mood factor is a lot when i want to watch a movie, depending upon my mood i very often decide the type of movie i want to see.

Furthermore if today i have seen a action movie then next time i will try to see a movie of romance, etc.

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Totally agree regarding the discussion. I watched 8 1/2 by Fellini and understoood very little of it. On the other hand I understood Bergman's Seventh Seal completely. I have to revisit 8 1/2. Same with 2001: A Space Odyssey. I hated the movie the first time I saw it but after reading more about it, I bought the blu ray and am intend to explore more. I am intrigued by Citizen Kane too. I liked the movie but didn't think it was a masterpiece. I bought the two disk DVD set and am inclined to give it more time.

I believe a good movie has a lot of repeat value and you can view it multiple number of times.
^ Pratters,

My views are similar to yours about Citizen Kane. 8 1/2 was less interesting to me compared to Bergman films. I don't think I understood all of what Fellini wanted to convey - only some of it. I'll revisit 8 1/2 later when I watch it with other select Fellini's films. But, I liked "2001" the first time around.

Bergman is one of my favourites. If you are in the habit of watching two or more movies in a row (like me), I suggest that you change it a bit and catch one Bergman film at a time, especially true in my case for his post "The Virgin Spring (1960)" films. I, at least, have never been able to watch more than one Bergman movie at a time.

Some films are worth watching for what happens on screen. A few others are intriguing for what was represented on the screen. Such films could be boring to watch, but much more interesting to think about and get better with every successive viewing. As a result, they also have that longevity that "flavour of the season" movies lack.
These discussions have piqued my interest about "Dogville".

I know what you describe. Been there myself not too long ago :o.

It's not as if my taste got "cured" in a day - it took me a long while, step by step to develop a taste for such movies.

I cannot comment on "Dogville", but in general, some movies demand an open mind. Instead of trying to figure out the movie, just let go - follow what's on screen and when it's all over, you would be able to have a wholesome picture. Sometimes, you may need to revisit the movie with that general understanding to pick out nuances. The first few movies are difficult as you have to be in "mood". Once you get used to it, like everything else, mind gets trained and it'd be a cakewalk from thereon.

thanks esanthosh

I do understand what you are trying to explain
I expect a movie to entertain in whatever manner it can
reality/quotes/experiences,good/bitter/bad are better off to be handled in the real world
A movie got to take you beyond reality and make you believe that it did ,atleast till you are done with the movie
my mind is not open to movies of any genre without an entertainment factor ,and would rather prefer my mood to be influenced by the movie am watching:)
Serious Moonlight (2009)

This is Meg ryan all the way

lousie (meg ryan) holds her husband hostage when she comes to know that he is leaving her for a younger women , she trys her best not to loose him, but by keeping him hostage things turn out to be bad .
In comes a thief and all three lousie/husband/mistress end up hostage in thier own house

This is a different kind of comedy ,theres some good dialogues and scenes
and Meg ryan will definetly make you forget about everything else

IMO definetly requires a higher rating then 5.5/10
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Double Jeopardy (1999)

This is an intense thriller about a woman (Ashley judd) tracking down her exhusbsnd who set her up for his own murder and disappeared with her child
and there is tommy lee jones as the Parole officer who is out to nab the woman

absolutely intense thriller , Ashley judd and Tommy lee jones are fantastic

here its Ashley judd that makes you forget about everything else !!!:)
thanks esanthosh

I do understand what you are trying to explain
I expect a movie to entertain in whatever manner it can
reality/quotes/experiences,good/bitter/bad are better off to be handled in the real world
A movie got to take you beyond reality and make you believe that it did ,atleast till you are done with the movie
my mind is not open to movies of any genre without an entertainment factor ,and would rather prefer my mood to be influenced by the movie am watching:)

I do get your point and believe me I go through moods when I do want the kind of movies you talk about.

But I have never liked this tendency to go beyond reality. That is exactly when it goes over the top and the immersion value of the movie is gone.

Even the best sci-fi or horror movies hit the hardest when they are intensely believable. That is the name of the game anyway. Believability. Ultimately reality. :)

And yes you should always allow your mood to influence the movie you watch. No question about that.
I do get your point and believe me I go through moods when I do want the kind of movies you talk about.

But I have never liked this tendency to go beyond reality. That is exactly when it goes over the top and the immersion value of the movie is gone.

Even the best sci-fi or horror movies hit the hardest when they are intensely believable. That is the name of the game anyway. Believability. Ultimately reality. :)

And yes you should always allow your mood to influence the movie you watch. No question about that.

HI Thevortexx

Thanks for the highlight ,:clapping: it cud have been better if u had lncluded some more words

Dude ,do enjoy your movie viewing
IMO the movies you are talking here is absolute heights of Boredoom
glad you like them ,go ahead and have a blast :)
^ Pratters,

My views are similar to yours about Citizen Kane. 8 1/2 was less interesting to me compared to Bergman films. I don't think I understood all of what Fellini wanted to convey - only some of it. I'll revisit 8 1/2 later when I watch it with other select Fellini's films. But, I liked "2001" the first time around.

Bergman is one of my favourites. If you are in the habit of watching two or more movies in a row (like me), I suggest that you ch ange it a bit and catch one Bergman film at a time, especially true in my case for his post "The Virgin Spring (1960)" films. I, at least, have never been able to watch more than one Bergman movie at a time.

Some films are worth watching for what happens on screen. A few others are intriguing for what was represented on the screen. Such films could be boring to watch, but much more interesting to think about and get better with every successive viewing. As a result, they also have that longevity that "flavour of the season" movies lack.

I loved The Seventh Seal. I will definitely explore his filmography in due course. :)
Firaaq (Hindi)

Cast: Naseeruddin Shah, Deepti Naval, Paresh Rawal, Sanjay Suri, Tisca Chopra, Shahana Goswami

Direction: Nandita Das

From its very opening scene of a truck dumping dozens of corpses at a graveyard site for mass burial, Nandita Das makes it clear that her directorial debut, Firaaq is not going to be an easy watch. A fictionalised account of true stories set one month after the horrific communal riots of Gujarat in 2002, Firaaq focuses on a handful of ordinary characters whose lives are changed irreparably by the riots.

Masand's movie review: Firaaq is a must watch - Movies News - ibnlive

HI Thevortexx

Thanks for the highlight ,:clapping: it cud have been better if u had lncluded some more words

Dude ,do enjoy your movie viewing
IMO the movies you are talking here is absolute heights of Boredoom
glad you like them ,go ahead and have a blast :)

Dont you worry, Subhash. I am enjoying them movies to heart's content. About absolute heights of boredom, if you think 'Dogville' is boring, then well, I can only say that you are not into serious cinema. That is nothing wrong.

For me, a change from the mindless crap that we see in terms of the popular mainstream movies is required from time to time.
Firaaq (Hindi)

Cast: Naseeruddin Shah, Deepti Naval, Paresh Rawal, Sanjay Suri, Tisca Chopra, Shahana Goswami

Direction: Nandita Das

From its very opening scene of a truck dumping dozens of corpses at a graveyard site for mass burial, Nandita Das makes it clear that her directorial debut, Firaaq is not going to be an easy watch. A fictionalised account of true stories set one month after the horrific communal riots of Gujarat in 2002, Firaaq focuses on a handful of ordinary characters whose lives are changed irreparably by the riots.

Masand's movie review: Firaaq is a must watch - Movies News - ibnlive


The problem is I expected too much out of this movie. And came away a bit disappointed. I was shocked when the movie ended. But perhaps that was the idea? :)

Nasseruddin sleepwalks through his role. Still doing commendably well. Ah yes, it is inescapable that the director has a certain sensitivity, different from other Bollywood directors.
500 days of Summer.

Perhaps the best edited and directed romance drama that I have seen in quite a while. Dare I say ever? I dont know. A very tight, cohesive (despite the back and forth timelines of the scenes), sensitive, yet hard hitting movie. Dont know that I agree with the last message part of it though. I thought the movie might have been better without that last statement, perhaps the take of the director on love.
Same with 2001: A Space Odyssey. I hated the movie the first time I saw it but after reading more about it, I bought the blu ray and am intend to explore more.

Science Fiction movies that follow the original story are difficult to understand unless you have read the book. In 2001: A Space Odyssey, the author, Arthur C Clarke, acts more like a visionary, predicting how the first contact will be. Instead of using a biological figure that is easy to link with, he uses a stone based monolith as a marker that the aliens have left on the moon. He then creates a series of monoliths and links them all back to the very birth of earth and the evolution of the human race. The message? - that our evolution itself was guided by a very advanced civilisation.

Arthur C Clarke, though he died earning a bad reputation, had predicted a large number of things some of which have come true. Literally every idea of his has been used in some movie or the other. Some of his predictions include the following:

  • Multi Stage rocketry
  • Geostationary satellites as primary communication carriers. They are actually called Clarke Orbiters.
  • Mission to the moon, and man's landing on the moon.
  • Space probes going beyond the moon to Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
  • Power generation using nuclear reactors
  • Replacement of IC engine with a new energy source
  • Human clone
  • Closure of coal mines
  • Small quantum generators doing away with EBs and power carrying pylons.
  • Monitoring of criminals and the wiping out of crime, literally predicting a crime before it happens (remember the movie?)
  • Commercialisation of space travel (multiple movies, including a favourite Bruce Willis one)
  • Space based hotels (another movie?)
  • The control and use of matter and anti matter
  • The crashing on earth of a major meteor (another major movie?)
  • The maturing of artificial intelligence (yet another movie?)
  • Human landing on Mars
  • The detection of communication signals from aliens (one more movie?)
  • The cloning of dinosaurs from DNA samples (3 or four movies?)
  • Advancement of neurological research allowing human brains to become more advanced and sensitive.
  • The Universal Replicator
  • The return of Halley's comet
  • The development of a space drive allowing humans to go beyond the Solar System (Movies and TV serials?)

    Clarke has written so many superb books. Some of his best books are:

    Rendezvous With Rama
    2001: A Space Odyssey
    Childhood's End
    A Fall of Moondust
    The Fountains of Paradise
    Against the Fall of Night


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Liked this movie despite the predictable ending. Morgan freeman was decent but felt he has done better acting esp. since I felt he fit visually the character of Nelson Mandela.
Matt Damon is good as the South African rugby team captain. The story is set in the early days of Mandela having come to power and reflects Mandela's vision of a united South Africa.
Firaaq (Hindi)

Cast: Naseeruddin Shah, Deepti Naval, Paresh Rawal, Sanjay Suri, Tisca Chopra, Shahana Goswami

Direction: Nandita Das

From its very opening scene of a truck dumping dozens of corpses at a graveyard site for mass burial, Nandita Das makes it clear that her directorial debut, Firaaq is not going to be an easy watch. A fictionalised account of true stories set one month after the horrific communal riots of Gujarat in 2002, Firaaq focuses on a handful of ordinary characters whose lives are changed irreparably by the riots.

Masand's movie review: Firaaq is a must watch - Movies News - ibnlive


Firaaq was great.

My review from my blog when I had watched the movie -

Nandita Das' debut venture as a director is brave, stunning and path breaking. Set a month after muslims are killed in the 2002 post Godhra Gujarat violence, the movie spares no punches in showing how muslims were treated in an inhuman manner, the prejudices which people held against them and the climate during these troubled times. This is easily the best movie to come out of India this year among those which I have seen. A solid
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