The Movies I Liked

Nothing strange about it, looser! It just means that there are different people with different tastes of movies/music in the forum. Enjoy your stay.[/QUOTE]

thetortex ,me thank you for kind welcome, are you host , me welcome you also
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Peacock (2010)

the movie is kind of slow paced ,but the main character who plays 2 roles has done a splendid job ,he plays the role of husband and wife and when things go beyond control he needs to eliminate one of himself, how he does it is the movie all abt
good acting ,kind a resemblance to one of Kamalhasan role , but this is a serious movie
recomended only for serious movie lovers , others wud curse me:)

i only liked the way the 2 characters were portrayed by one person (cillian murphy)

this is excellent thread for movie lovers:clapping:
Three Monkeys - Turkish

A subtle, realistic movie. Characters brimming with humanity. A mature tale told without underestimating either life itself or the viewers.
+1 to Kick-Ass
+1 to (500) Days of Summer

The General (1926)

Last year, I downloaded a copy of this film since it is in the public domain. I found a copy here here, but not sure if it's the same as the one I have. The quality of the one I have is nothing to write home about. But then, this film deserves a DVD.

Some of the physical risks taken by Buster Keaton for this comedy amazed me. Yes! there are a few slapstick routines you can tell from a mile away, but the amount of planning and money that went into this movie is great. Here's a bit from IMDB FAQ: The train crash cost came to $42,000 ($1.7 million at 1995 price levels), making it the most expensive single shot in all of silent films. That figure did not include disposal of the wreckage. Not until World War II would the Texas's rusty carcass be salvaged for scrap metal.

While based on a real incident, it is still a work of fiction. For factually correct portrayal, The Great Locomotive Chase (1956) is referred to by IMDB comments. I have no plans for watching that one though.
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He's Just not that into you

A brief background - my wife forced me to watch this so obvious chick flick.

However, a few mins into the movie, I really started enjoying the movie with its humour and not so subtle message on how men and women view relationships.

Found it so engrossing that I missed 10 mins of the Champions league final.

Nice chick flick to take your wife/gf along and even scores for having taken her to avatar or iron man or like :)
+1 to Kick-Ass
+1 to (500) Days of Summer

The General (1926)

Last year, I downloaded a copy of this film since it is in the public domain. I found a copy here here, but not sure if it's the same as the one I have. The quality of the one I have is nothing to write home about. But then, this film deserves a DVD.

Some of the physical risks taken by Buster Keaton for this comedy amazed me. Yes! there are a few slapstick routines you can tell from a mile away, but the amount of planning and money that went into this movie is great. Here's a bit from IMDB FAQ: The train crash cost came to $42,000 ($1.7 million at 1995 price levels), making it the most expensive single shot in all of silent films. That figure did not include disposal of the wreckage. Not until World War II would the Texas's rusty carcass be salvaged for scrap metal.

While based on a real incident, it is still a work of fiction. For factually correct portrayal, The Great Locomotive Chase (1956) is referred to by IMDB comments. I have no plans for watching that one though.

FYI..... A very very special edition of The General was released some time back at Recordings . It was not available at any retail store in USA. However, recently the much acclaimed Kino Studio released The General as the first blu-ray from their stable.
I was thinking of buying The General on blu ray and I think it is a must. The movie will look so much better than the downloaded version which I had watched.
Elizabethtown :)

This movie is very close to my heart for some unknown reason. The movie might not have won awards and even may have some loose ends in it's direction as per some critics, but for me it is the most inspiring and positive movie I have ever seen. I like to watch this movie whenever I feel somewhat low.
I fell in love with Kirsten Dunst again after watching this movie. Orlando Bloom also acted well his role of a man in distraught.
The soundtracks of the movie are also awesome. The whole drive home scene is so mellow with the amazing songs thrown at all the right moments.

My Blueberry Nights [2007][Bluray]

My Blueberry Nights (2007)

A good Drama/Romance movie. Starting off a bit boring, but interest creeps in as the movie goes on. Good supporting performance by Natalie Portman and Rachel Weisz.


This is the winner for me.

I liked In the Mood For Love and am due watching 2046. Have to watch My Blueberry Nights in due course. I have a feeling I will really like it.
The Stoning of Soraya M. [2008][Bluray]

The Stoning of Soraya M. (2008)

A very good Crime/Drama movie. The incident in this movie is really a touching one, never knew such a cruel punishment existed in the Islamic Laws . Must watch for everyone.


P.S- No offense to any religion, it's just about how different things happen at different places in different ways, and most of the things do not even reach the outside world.
OldBoy (2003): The twist was guessable, yet the movie was engaging. Frankly, I did not think too highly of it until the last 40-50 mins.

Ichi the Killer (2001): Guilty pleasure I guess! I liked this movie despite it's sadistic, masochistic, brutal images. Sort of reminded me of "A Clockwork Orange" with respect to programming a person to do something. On IMDB boards, I've read people going nuts and interpreting Takashi Miike's films in David Lynch style (this and Audition (1999)). Why would anyone search for meaning instead of just watching the "beauty" of arms being ripped, body parts spread all over the floor, necks spraying blood, body splitting in two etc., etc., is beyond me :rolleyes:

David is an edgy 52 year old divorced white South African professor teaching the romantic poets when he befriends a student and they begin an affair. She is uneasy about the relationship and there is clearly an imbalance of power. David is disciplined by the university and is forced to resign. He is unrepentant about fulfilling his desires. David heads off to visit his adult lesbian daughter, Lucy, who is farming in the bush. He finds her living alone, but in a business partnership with Petrus a black farmer, who has settled adjoining land. While staying with Lucy, David helps out at the voluntary animal clinic, mostly helping destroy unwanted dogs. He becomes involved with Lucy's friend who runs the clinic. When Petrus is away, they are attacked by three youths. Lucy is raped and they are robbed. David suspects that Petrus is involved and soon it is revealed that one of the attackers is related to Petrus' wife. David urges Lucy to prosecute her attacker, but Lucy wants to make peace with her community and wants the protection of Petrus and his family. She has become pregnant as a result of the rape and chooses to have the child. David gains insight into his abuse of power and visits the family of the student with whom he had the affair. He seeks their forgiveness. Lucy makes an arrangement with Petrus and she becomes his tenant in return for his alliance and protection. David moves into the township and continues his work with the animal clinic. He accepts Lucy's compromise.

Disgrace (2008)

Enemy at the Gates

In World War II, the fall of Stalingrad will mean the collapse of the whole country. The Germans and Russians are fighting over every block, leaving only ruins behind. The Russian sniper Vassili Zaitsev stalks the Germans, taking them out one by one, thus hurting the morale of the German troops. The political officer Danilov leads him on, publishing his efforts to give his countrymen some hope. But Vassili eventually start to feel that he can not live up to the expectations on him. He and Danilov fall in love with the same girl, Tanya, a female soldier. From Germany comes the master sniper Knig to put an end to the extraordinary skilled Russian sniper.

Enemy at the Gates (2001)

Movies I watched recently and liked:
1. Fargo(1996)
2. Cannibal Holocaust(1980)
3. The Stranger(1946)
4. Sisters(1973)
The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3

Four heavily armed men, led by Bernard Ryder (John Travolta), board the New York City subway 6 train departed from Pelham Bay Park Station at 1:23 p.m., and proceed to take control of it.

Meanwhile, MTA dispatcher Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) is assigned to the Rail Control Center, due to an ongoing investigation that he took a bribe to recommend a Japanese car manufacturer for the next subway car contract. The group then uncouple the front car from the rest of the train and hold the passengers in this front car hostage. One of the hijackers, Bashkim (Victor Gojcaj), kills an undercover police officer in the course of the action. Ryder and a former MTA train operator named Ramos settle down in the front of the car, while the other hijackers watch the hostages in the back. They demand $10 million in ransom money to be paid within 60 minutes. For each minute past the deadline, one passenger will be killed. Garber and Ryder exchange conversations through the microphone, while his men set up a wi-fi booster apparatus to enable Ryder to access his laptop in the tunnel to watch the stock market plunge nearly 1,000 points during the next hour.

Unknown to him, one of the male passengers has an active laptop with a webcam, that was casually knocked to the floor, facing the car's interior previously when they took their hostages, which simultaneously reconnects using that same wifi link; reestablishing the feed to his girlfriend's desktop with whom he was videochatting; when she returns to her PC, she sees the hostage situation through her webcam and provides the live feed to a local television station. Garber agrees to have the city pay Ryder the $10 million ransom, after the Mayor (James Gandolfini) is intercepted by his staff aboard a train in the Bronx and is transported back to RCC.

NYPD Emergency Service Unit Lt. Camonetti (John Turturro) enters RCC, and Garber's boss, who has a rocky relationship with Garber, orders Garber to leave the premises. Camonetti takes over the hostage negotiations, infuriating Ryder, who demands that Garber be put back on the mic and that he will speak only to Garber. When Camonetti refuses, explaining Garber has already left the building, Ryder shoots and kills the train operator, James Pollard, who was Garber's classmate in motor school. Camonetti immediately has Garber brought back on the mic, talking to Ryder, while he sets up a sniper unit in the tunnel where the car is stuck, ordering all officers not to fire upon any hijacker until told to do so. Camonetti is puzzled as to why Ryder will only talk to Garber, but when he learns about Garber's bribery investigation, he asks Garber in consenting to search his home, which Garber agrees and tells his wife about it. Ryder learns through news reports about Garber's alleged bribe in Japan and forces him to confess by holding the boy with the laptop at gunpoint, saying the reason for taking the money was to pay for his kids college education but that the Japanese company was his first choice anyway. While the police stand down in the tunnel, a rat on the roadbed crawls up an officer's leg, causing him to discharge his sniper rifle, killing Ramos, who was sitting in the motorman's position.

The money is transported uptown to Grand Central and Ryder demands Garber to personally deliver it within 7 minutes. Garber calls his wife to inform her about his new responsibility, in order to save the hostages, but she cares only for his own safety. She makes him promise to pick up some milk on the way home, because he must come home safely. Garber delivers the money (An officer has loaned and concealed a 9mm pistol in one of the bags), then is ordered to operate the train to another location, where the hijackers exit. To ensure that the police go to the wrong location, Ryder uses a special mechanism to lock the driving lever in the full-speed position, bypassing the dead-man's switch and causing the train to accelerate and go down Coney Island at high speed.

The MTA are unaware of the mechanism holding the driving lever down and believe the hijackers and Garber to still be inside the train. Garber manages to escape from the hijackers and follows them to the emergency exit inside an abandoned subway station underneath The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Inside the hotel, Ryder splits away from Bashkim and Emri, who are surrounded outside the hotel by police; as they both reach for their guns, the police open fire on the two of them, killing them. The runaway train is tripped by a red signal one station away from Coney Island and the train comes to a halt safely. Ryder boards a taxi with Garber in pursuit. Ryder checks his laptop, where it is revealed that he has shortsold the market and invested in gold, earning him a profit far larger than the ransom money. Ryder goes to the Manhattan Bridge, where he leaves the cab, due to heavy traffic, and uses the pedestrian walkway on the bridge. Garber confronts Ryder on the bridge where Ryder demands Garber kill him before the police do. Ryder gives Garber 10 seconds to shoot him. When Ryder finishes counting to 10, he takes out his gun, but Garber gets the first shot out. Before Ryder dies, he calls Garber his "goddamn" hero.

The mayor thanks Garber for saving the hostages, and vows his staff in representing him in the bribery investigation. The Mayor then offers Garber a ride home in his car along with the escort service. Garber refuses the offer, saying the subway is faster and is his lifeblood. He then heads home with the last shot of the film being Garber, walking into his home holding a halfgallon of milk in a grocery bag.

The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)

Just saw Blu-ray version of this movie yesterday. Hmmm....Good one. No need to discuss the story as Vinayji has already done it.

This is a movie for Denzel Washington's fans, but not for Travolta. Travolta's fans may not like this movie, as this movie does not give much emphasis on his character other than a wall-street-stock-broker-turned hijacker who already did some jail time. Because Travolta can go much more as we have seen in other movies.

I liked the scene where Travolta makes Denzel confess his felony that he is accused of but not proved in the course of his employment at Railroads Dept. The movie is pretty much predictable, except for a couple of scenes.

You can go ahead and watch this movie and this wont disappoint you

Taking of Pelham 1
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