The Movies I Liked

The terrorist may not be brutal but scenes or action scenes are surely brutal.

One of the reasons i liked this movie was because if someone has to hijack a aircraft, i can teach them how to be fully brutal, these ideas have been on my mind for more then 2 decades.


:sad: one more day left to figure the brutal terrorist :p
Actually you may also be a winner if you stick your neck out and say a particular movie name, even if someone else had named the movie, the game is simple, winner will be who sticks his neck out first and says the correct movie name.

Subhash what are the chances you think that you have guessed the correct movie name?



based on the clues ,there is a terroist and he is brutal with his killings

on the other movies named here--

From Paris with love- there is a terrorist but not Brutal
United 93 -- there are terrorists but again not brutal
Body of lies --more political
Rendition --only a suspect terrorist
24 redemption, little terrorist, Unthinkable --not yet watched
V for vendatta , Darknight --doesnt fall into the clues

So based on your clues i wud pick ---Law abiding citizen
chances shud be quiet good!!
Hello Subhash,

I like the amount of efforts you are putting in this guess game, thank you so much.

I hope others will join this race to win the free movie from me as the offer closes today midnight.


The terrorist may not be brutal but scenes or action scenes are surely brutal.

One of the reasons i liked this movie was because if someone has to hijack a aircraft, i can teach them how to be fully brutal, these ideas have been on my mind for more then 2 decades.


missed this !!! hijack stuff

may have to rethink .

hijack movies that come to mind are -Passanger 57
-Executive desicion
- Delta force
-united 93

The first 3 are beyond 3 years , so only the 4th one is left out and has already been named
Hello Subhash,

The movie is not on hijack based, i just gave an example that if one has to hijack a plane, i can tell them how to be very brutal, this brutal part comes in because the movie which i have liked is quite brutal in several scenes.


based on the clues ,there is a terroist and he is brutal with his killings

on the other movies named here--

From Paris with love- there is a terrorist but not Brutal
United 93 -- there are terrorists but again not brutal
Body of lies --more political
Rendition --only a suspect terrorist
24 redemption, little terrorist, Unthinkable --not yet watched
V for vendatta , Darknight --doesnt fall into the clues

So based on your clues i wud pick ---Law abiding citizen
chances shud be quiet good!!

then i shall stick on to this

Looking at your massive efforts, i will try to make the game easier for you and others.

You'll can name 2 movies, and if one of them is the correct one, the winner is born.

Please importantly remember who ever name's the movie first, will only be the winner.

I once again thank you all for being in this guess game, well the movie is "Unthinkable".

The story hovers around a terrorist who has planted three nuclear bombs in United States of America and a black ops interrogator who is responsible to make that surrendered terrorist in divulging the locations of those bombs. As the story progresses it is witnessed that a combination of psychological techniques and extreme torture is applied on the terrorist who knows more than he claims he knows. However failure in able to crack the terrorist, the interrogator thinks the Unthinkable, applying the similar brutal methods on first his wife and then his kids and no one can dare to stop him for he has the clearance from the highest authorities. The movie is a tug of war between the terrorist and the interrogator and no one is ready to give up.

Unthinkable (2010)

I once again thank you all for being in this guess game, well the movie is "Unthinkable".

The story hovers around a terrorist who has planted three nuclear bombs in United States of America and a black ops interrogator who is responsible to make that surrendered terrorist in divulging the locations of those bombs. As the story progresses it is witnessed that a combination of psychological techniques and extreme torture is applied on the terrorist who knows more than he claims he knows. However failure in able to crack the terrorist, the interrogator thinks the Unthinkable, applying the similar brutal methods on first his wife and then his kids and no one can dare to stop him for he has the clearance from the highest authorities. The movie is a tug of war between the terrorist and the interrogator and no one is ready to give up.

Unthinkable (2010)


That was close

i named it and dint name it !!!!!!!!!! this movie has been with me but not yet watched .................
anyway it made the thread lively!!
thanks to Vinay
I too subhash had this movie for quite number of days but i never realized that i was sitting on and among my life time of movies.

I have never paused a movie so many times to see the face expressions and slow rewind and forward just to see the body language but i can assure you that there will be several of them who will not like this movie to the extent i liked but please be assured that if anyone believes that attack is the best form of defense, then his belief will be stronger and needless to say this movie is going to be on his mind and soul for a very long time to come and moreover as said i had emotional values to this movie when it came to how far one can go brutal as i had visualised being much more brutal when it comes to hijack a aircraft and related.

V. :yahoo:
'Unthinkable' yep it sure is "Unthinkable" . :sad:

Thanks Vinay for keeping the members challenged with your puzzles :clapping:
I once again thank you all for being in this guess game, well the movie is "Unthinkable".

The story hovers around a terrorist who has planted three nuclear bombs in United States of America and a black ops interrogator who is responsible to make that surrendered terrorist in divulging the locations of those bombs. As the story progresses it is witnessed that a combination of psychological techniques and extreme torture is applied on the terrorist who knows more than he claims he knows. However failure in able to crack the terrorist, the interrogator thinks the Unthinkable, applying the similar brutal methods on first his wife and then his kids and no one can dare to stop him for he has the clearance from the highest authorities. The movie is a tug of war between the terrorist and the interrogator and no one is ready to give up.

Unthinkable (2010)


folks..I couldn't come online last night :(..

But happy to know that I was very close :) with "black friday" and "law abiding citizen".. Subash was more confident than me on these two guesses :D
Thanks subash for the support...

Thanks vinay for an exciting game..
I have not watched 'unthinkable' though it is available with me.. this weekend for sure :)

A must see for suspense fans.. The story keeps one guessing where the movie's going till the very end. Michael Douglas and Sean Penn are both outstanding; even though Sean Penn doesn't get much screen time, but still does complete justice to his role..
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