Update after home demo
I managed to get a REL T5i on loan for a day to check it out in my home + system.
It is a new unit, so followed REL's procedure for breaking in.
I gave the driver/mechanics/amp a good workout before attempting a demo dial in.
Later this afternoon, FW
@anirudhchandrashekar dropped in for a listen.
The best dial-in for music we got was with the sub in a corner.
Anywhere else, it does not have the muscle to pressurize the room to optimal level.
Since I do have the control to up/down the sub level from remote on preamp, it saved a few trips back and forth.
Also we could do an instantaneous A/B with sub on and off.
As it was a loaner unit, we did not use the high level connection; just stuck to standard subwoofer cable.
Impressions on 2-Ch:
The little guy is quick and renders bass/drum notes in a taut manner at reasonable SPL.
The sub brings a bit more into the music; it fleshes out the bottom end quite well.
When dialed in, our quickie dial in, it was never in the face or localized.
We also heard a wee bit of cleaning up in the mids/vocals/HF.
Impressions on movies:
Obviously, there can be more here if one is hungry for reference level LFE.
In my room and family's viewing habits, this unit itself will do an admirable job for its size.
A big brother sub will definitely be better.
The addition of a good sub for music will make a difference; in my opinion a positive impact.
Operating the sub from remote control adds that extra bit of convenience.
A REL T9i seems possible in my room/rig and is very tempting.
The logistics of price haggling will start very soon.