Vinyl I am listening to...

I think it's an EMI release manufactured in Germany (180 g). At least they claim so in the lp I saw. Beautiful songs. First heard in cassettes then in cd and then in vinyl.

Yes all the new releases are 180 g from Germany. I have the Pakeeza Rang Barang one which is a good pressing too.
Enjoying "Intimate moments with Yesudas" - A lovely 12 inch 45 rpm Disc
Listening to movie Meri Kahani LP with music by Ajit Singh (who does lots of singing. Daleep Tahil also sings one!)
Female singer is a Parvati (Khan?)
Looks like movie was set in Goa and hero was poor
Amusing Lyrics

Its a stereo multi track recording in HMV studios
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gaadi bulaaa rahi hai..

seeti bajaa rahi hai...

My kids are singing this now..:)

One of life's lessons and my most favorite song..

Sun Ye Paigaam, Ye Hai SaNgraam, Jivan NahiN Hai Sapanaa
Dariyaa Ko FaaNd, PavaRt Ko Chir, Kaam Hai Ye Usakaa Apanaa
NiNdeN Udaa Rahi Hai, Jaago Jagaa Rahi Hai


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Beginning of an Era... did anyone thought about it then...
All songs were like fresh bread from a baker's oven.... glazing..shining.. spreading a good energy...and making us feel hungry for more...
When I heard the first humming of S. Janaki in "Annakiliye" song, my hair stood on its end.. such a mesmerizing rendition...I just became his fan.... for-ever..., who else, the great Maestro Illayaraja...


Moodupani... En iniya pon nilave.... This one song, a treat for Guitar players. May be, the song which had the longest prelude and interlude using a guitar.
Listening to this for the first time. Not so great music. Some hit tunes from Tamil remixed and reused but least impressive. Appears to be one of the worst vinyl pressings. Sounds very dull and disappointing:-(

Anil, I have fond memories about that My Dear Kutti Chatthan LP, India's first 3D movies..

Was in schooling, and Dad took us all to Cjakravarthi theatre ..

The black glasses and the sword pointing to nose at the opening shot..

And a smart kid in our class, stole a that black glass from theatre, hoping that it would give 3D vision, we all tried that with all the photographs in text book, but in vain ..

Though the songs are not that great except one or two, still I would love to get hold of a copy ..

Lucky you !!
Anil, I have fond memories about that My Dear Kutti Chatthan LP, India's first 3D movies..

Was in schooling, and Dad took us all to Cjakravarthi theatre ..

The black glasses and the sword pointing to nose at the opening shot..

And a smart kid in our class, stole a that black glass from theatre, hoping that it would give 3D vision, we all tried that with all the photographs in text book, but in vain ..

Though the songs are not that great except one or two, still I would love to get hold of a copy ..

Lucky you !!

We traveled to Trivandrum (I do not remember the Theater (may be Ajantha or New Theater) ) to see this movie.

Apart from the songs, the LP has 7 tracks of BGM score from the movie. Having known for his incredible Background scores...IR magic can be heard in this LP too.
I will let you know when I get a duplicate copy.
We traveled to Trivandrum (I do not remember the Theater (may be Ajantha or New Theater) ) to see this movie.

Apart from the songs, the LP has 7 tracks of BGM score from the movie. Having known for his incredible Background scores...IR magic can be heard in this LP too.
I will let you know when I get a duplicate copy.

The movie played at Dhanya and Remya Theatre in those days, These theatres were known as Srikanth and Kasturi before the Muthoot Group took them over. Yes, I too was there to see the movie. It was a sensation back then :)
"My Dear Kutti Chathan" is one of the most wanted LP for many people. Last year one dealer asked me Rs.2000 for the Malayalam version EP. Couple of months back I got this LP without cover. LP also not in a great shape. Still looking for a good copy....
I was so moved, at the age of 10, when I first heard Giorgio Moroder's "I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone". My father had recorded the album in his Spool Tape from a borrowed LP.
We used to Mimic that synthesized sound during our play hours, without knowing/understanding , what Giorgio was pronouncing......
Then came another album to our house - Kraftwerk's Man Machine......The Drum Beat was more punchier than Georgio's and we fell in love with the "We are the Robots" song instantly.
Dad had a bigger SONY Speaker box by then and he used to play the "Man Machine" much louder and we used to make "ROBO" dance moves, from a different room, hidden away from his eyes....
When ever I play these (I play them at least once in a week).. the sound makes me feel like I am still 10....
Now, my son also loves it, even though he is a "Bob Marley" fan.

From Here to Eternity: Giorgio Moroder

E=MC2 Giorgio Moroder

Kraftwerk:Man Machine
My 'old horse' Technics SL 1100A playing Lobo's 'How can I tell her' with Tannoy 15' MGs.

Uncleaned dusty LP, poor camera recording do not fully justify the Tannoys magical sound.

Sachin's CNC phono stage is a wonderful one!!:thumbsup:

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