What exactly you get more from High end vs Entry level

Mi_10, if you go through the history of the posts, the DIY reference starts in #48 and not by me. It was just a response to the conversation after that. Also the point you are making is similar to any speaker (DIY or not), say the listening experience of a song. My point however was to illustrate that talented DIY are able to produce excellent speakers or electronics, esp having seen couple instances of the same though I am not a DIY by any measure.

My sarcasm was around the comment by Flute re: highend only meaning very expensive stuff based on some experience visiting the Munich show. This is as far from reality as possible.

Finally I agree that this debate is a non starter as high end is a relative term. Quantifying from subjective emotional experiences is an act of futility. The best high end is if one listens and feels the emotion of a song or music. thats all!
There is nothing right or wrong in this hobby. You have to satisfy only yourself to your own reference of sound quality or nirvana that you are looking for, not anyone else. If you are able to achieve this with a 20k music system or a 200k music system, who cares. It's the emotional connect with the performer that your soul is looking for not the amount of money you have spent to achieve this. If it connects you will know this in a minute. No need to listen for hours to check if this is happening.
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