Active Member
Yes, I agree that for some genres where electronic amplification is a major part of the performance, like trance, metal, rock or pop.. live performances have many issues which are overtaken in a personal stereo.I've noticed live performances normally have very poor sonics, too much ambient noise and reflection along with non ideal sitting positions.
But for more acoustic or softer music like classical, jazz or folk, live performances can be un amplified, and they have and intimacy or immediacy which can be difficult to reproduce in a stereo.
I agree, that when you go above a certain threshold, AVRs can give sound quality to rival stereo amps. But if I concentrate on two channel music only, for the same amount of money.. wont you agree that the sonic benefits of a quality stereo amp will exceed that of an avr at any level?sorry I have not read the entire thread. But I am experiencing that my opinion that AVRs are worse than stereo amps has changed. It was a WRONG setting that was screwing the soundstage and vocals were not coming dead center. I think if you have a good AVR, stereo amp is not of much use, at least in the case of NAD T785
For example, the NAD T875 costs around 4000USD, I think. Used for two channel music, for 4000 USD.. will you say that there are stereo amplifiers which can beat it any day?