Why tube amps?

there is something special about tubes. Apart from the ubiquitous tone, mood, warmth etal, I find tubes to do something more. They make the presentation more 3D. They illuminate the soundstage. There is more air and glow to everything in the stage. Together this gives the feeling of real instruments and live performance. 3D is the key word here IMO.

YouTube - NILE - "Sacrifice Unto Sebek" HD

So music like this will sound as if it is being played live in front of me???
If so then I will be headbanging straight to 'south of heaven' :ohyeah:
Among all the auditions I did,earler this year,among the most enjoyable were with the 2A3 SET and the EL84 SET at Lyrita.For the prices quoted 25K and 47K,if memory serves me right(don't remember which was the more expensive model) I don't think there is any solid state amp/tube amp available in the sub continent which would provide the same pleasure.The pleasure came first of all,from meeting an urbane,interesting,sophisticated jazz afficionado.And second from an amp+speaker combo which actually worked and created magic.We were both covering familiar territory with Ray Charles,Ella Fitzgerald,Joe Pass,John Coltrane,Miles Davis,Mozart,Schubert etc.Played through a humble Marantz CDP the music never disappointed.Viren changed rooms,amps,speakers.Everything worked!I am not saying it was the last word in tube amplification,but for the money it was damn good!Incidentally,Viren has put his jazz cd's for sale on the website,but for every cd I selected and wanted to buy for the stated price of 300/- I was told that this particular cd was not for sale!:)
Dug out the 2A3 tube, will roll it in right now to see how it sounds after all this time. Sure is a very pleasurable amp! :) Many is the time I've silently thanked Viren when I've heard other stuff in the market.
Among all the auditions I did,earler this year,among the most enjoyable were with the 2A3 SET and the EL84 SET at Lyrita.For the prices quoted 25K and 47K,if memory serves me right(don't remember which was the more expensive model) I don't think there is any solid state amp/tube amp available in the sub continent which would provide the same pleasure.The pleasure came first of all,from meeting an urbane,interesting,sophisticated jazz afficionado.And second from an amp+speaker combo which actually worked and created magic.We were both covering familiar territory with Ray Charles,Ella Fitzgerald,Joe Pass,John Coltrane,Miles Davis,Mozart,Schubert etc.Played through a humble Marantz CDP the music never disappointed.Viren changed rooms,amps,speakers.Everything worked!I am not saying it was the last word in tube amplification,but for the money it was damn good!Incidentally,Viren has put his jazz cd's for sale on the website,but for every cd I selected and wanted to buy for the stated price of 300/- I was told that this particular cd was not for sale!:)

Well, Virenji used to be in the business, is no longer (software, i.e.). So what's put up is remnant stock. Of course, there still remain a few gems (that I got more than a couple of), and are a steal @300! Just my two bits.
ummmmm...yes, as long as the tube equipment is also honest enough not to call for a tube vs SS comparison;).

True measure for tubes or SS is to be honest with the source (not colour too much) and be able to provide for long auditions without fatigue. Much harder than one can think of
ummmmm...yes, as long as the tube equipment is also honest enough not to call for a tube vs SS comparison;).

I am not sure if I would agree to this statement.

All amps need to sound like the real performance. SS do not need to keep tubes as the benchmark or vice versa. SS made to sound like tubes are bad examples ! It is a marketing gimmick!

Both tubes and solid state if designed appropriately will sound close to the real thing. The best examples out there will combine absolute transparency while adding certain inherent qualities of SS or Tubes.

Bad/cheaply designed tube amps are bad just like bad examples of SS. ;)
I am not sure if I would agree to this statement.

All amps need to sound like the real performance. SS do not need to keep tubes as the benchmark or vice versa. SS made to sound like tubes are bad examples ! It is a marketing gimmick!

Both tubes and solid state if designed appropriately will sound close to the real thing. The best examples out there will combine absolute transparency while adding certain inherent qualities of SS or Tubes.

Bad/cheaply designed tube amps are bad just like bad examples of SS. ;)

SW, I am with you on this. This is "THE" benchmark for all gears.
However the benchmark is always too tough to achieve and also expensive, thus rare. So in a real world where one is limited by many factors while choosing a gear, a good SS and a good tube equipment could be judged by how far neutral they are by not calling attention to themselves and thereby not letting the listener to think about a tube vs SS comparison....as much as possible.

And yes about the bad examples, I have heard from both camps and was equally dissapointed and unfortunately both equipments were from very well known brands :)
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I've added some more amps to the list,although many of them may not be available in India.Earlier this year I had got in touch with a dealer in Kolkata who was stocking Cayin but have forgotten his name.SKS Traders?
Checked out Montille and Shindo Labs on the net.Nice.One thing can be said with a great deal of certainty!That Tube Amps are definitely far more attractive looking than SS Amps.Check out these beauties!
6moons audio reviews: Octave HP 500SE & V80
6moons audio reviews: Jeff Day's Music Lovers Series - RoadTour 1, Exit Pitch Perfect Audio
conrad-johnson Premier 11
SoundStage! Equipment Review - Lamm Industries ML3 Signature Mono Amplifiers (9/2008)
6moons audio reviews: Hyperion HT-88 Monos
Stereophile: McIntosh MC 275 Commemorative power amplifier
Like reading 6Moon reviews for the great pictures and atmosphere they create.
LOGO on a tube amp site...Solid State Make Sense Tubes Make Music!

There is an Octave Pre in Mumbai.
It has been installed in some one I know [house]
There is also a D & D for it I believe.
Nexus Audio Video.
So, a demo should be possible - I presume.
Since my question has not been answered by anyone here, I assume that tube amps do not work with this genre of music :(
Since my question has not been answered by anyone here, I assume that tube amps do not work with this genre of music :(

Hi denom,

I went back to check, apparently you wanted to know bout metal. Well I listen to seventies rock, maiden, purple, hendrix, queen, satriani etc with 1.5 watts of SET power through single drivers.

What you won't get is a headnumbing wall of sound. But what you get and what I like is nuance and an involvement I don't find in solid state gear.

All depends on what your idea of good sound is and what you're looking for in a system. For example, you could listen for soundstage, individual events in music, treble bass. I like to listen to how an artist plays, the individual inflections, variations, personal styles that make each performance unique. eg blackmore plays highway star differently on each live album I've heard, holding notes for varying times, playing it slower, faster, bending more, less, straight forward fast triplets etc. To me, all this makes up the flesh and blood of a performance. Now the average rock fan does not listen like this and wants a loud gut wrenching sound. Me I'm just weird ;) well that's what I enjoy and that's what comes alive on a SET amp.

I hope it gives you some idea :)


Many thanks for answering what I was looking for. When in bengaluru I will surely like to listen(feel) to what you are talking about :) (if its ok with you)

Hi denom,

II like to listen to how an artist plays, the individual inflections, variations, personal styles that make each performance unique. eg blackmore plays highway star differently on each live album I've heard, holding notes for varying times, playing it slower, faster, bending more, less, straight forward fast triplets etc.
I hope it gives you some idea :)


Bro, I get all of this, if not more on my non-tube, SS gear... Personally, I feel if the set up is cohesive, then you get the magic - tube or non-tube, notwithstanding....

Bro, I get all of this, if not more on my non-tube, SS gear... Personally, I feel if the set up is cohesive, then you get the magic - tube or non-tube, notwithstanding....

Sorry Ajay Bhai for going totally off topic

@ Malvai
I see a change in your signature :)

Congrats for the new pre-amp
Sorry Ajay Bhai for going totally off topic

@ Malvai
I see a change in your signature :)

Congrats for the new pre-amp

Yeah!Just noticed.Congrats Manav!What happened to the Arc?
Have noticed before.Rikhav,you have a sharp eye for the fine print and detail!
Thanks guys!

The ARC is kept with a dealer and is up for sale!

I brought home the Coherence 2 last week. Had one beautiful session with it (been travelling and working my bootie off, since...)

The COHERENCE 2 is absolutely THE BEST preamp I have EVER heard!

But, wait up for my detailed review... It may be some time before I write it as the next two weeks seem to be full of work and travel...
Since my question has not been answered by anyone here, I assume that tube amps do not work with this genre of music :(

Hello !
I do not have much exposure to this genre of music, however, my limited exposure to audio suggests that the musical preferences that you have may be best addressed through SS Amplifiers.
Else 'big' & 'powerful' tube amplifiers.
I am assuming this cause spl levels may need to be between 95dB & 110 dB more often than not & unless you have horn loaded loudspeakers [like Avant Garde or the kind] set amplifiers may not work and sheer 'head room' may not exist.

Bro, I get all of this, if not more on my non-tube, SS gear... Personally, I feel if the set up is cohesive, then you get the magic - tube or non-tube, notwithstanding....

:) absolutely! cohesive is the key to making a set up sing. after that personal preference on which side of the tunnel to start digging into eh? ;) congrats on the new coherence!!! will await the review.

Many thanks for answering what I was looking for. When in bengaluru I will surely like to listen(feel) to what you are talking about :) (if its ok with you)


most welcome to get a taste. no guarantee you'll like what you hear though :)
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.