Why tube amps?

Keep trying & experimenting - think out of the box & answers will appear by themselves & you will be amazed with what you come across....


Well said Sir.

An audio set up in 1 room, no gear change, just the way it is 're-routed' [positioned hard ware] cables & speaker placement will change the way an audio set up represents itself.....
Keep trying & experimenting - think out of the box & answers will appear by themselves & you will be amazed with what you come across....

Couldnt agree with you more ! and if I may add...the most optimum position can take many months or even years to get to (with the same components)!
I just have 1 big big thing to say & request.
Try to listen as much as possible to as many different audio set ups as possible. The simplest to the most elaborate will have so much to teach you....
An audio set up in 1 room, no gear change, just the way it is 're-routed' [positioned hard ware] cables & speaker placement will change the way an audio set up represents itself.....
Keep trying & experimenting - think out of the box & answers will appear by themselves & you will be amazed with what you come across....

That is the quest, sir!
Every change is a lil step closer to perfection... one of these days when I am back in Mumbai, i will meet up and have a long conversation with you for sure!
Hi hifiashok,

Isn't that the one using the el34 tubes? The 15 or 20 watter. Ummm forget the name right now...
sir, the VA-1 is the 20/36 (9W pure Class A) watter integrated, based on 4*EL34.

the Canasya is a 200W (50W pure Class A) monoblock, based on 4*845 PC.
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Same info about Cadence Amplifiers;

a] The driver stage in all 3 models they make is SS. Microprocessor Controlled.

b] The Tubes they use are - EL34 in the VA-1's & 845 in the Canasya.

c] The VA-1 has 2 versions. Pure class A - 20 Watts & the other one is 36 Watts in Class A & A/B. Both these are Stereo Integrated Amplifiers.

d] The 'Canasya' is a Mono Power Amplifier only. 50 Watts pure class A & then can go up to 200 Watts @ 6 ohms [very strange - could never understand that part]. Each mono has 4 tubes. All are 845's.
That is the quest, sir!
Every change is a lil step closer to perfection... one of these days when I am back in Mumbai, i will meet up and have a long conversation with you for sure!

That would be nice;
Please do call on me.
You could p.m. me & we will work it out.
Any evening post 6 @ my place is fine.
Weekends post 10 a.m. too suits me.
You may need to get your CD's [music] along & we can have a small session & also talk audio / music. Should be fun.
If you have some other audio friends that would be interested in meeting, I would be open to the idea.
p.s. I do not have a CD Player now - I play off a HDD based server.
Hi Shanti
What are your impressions of the Skylla?


I just got it;
Have not even 'burnt' it in as yet;
It is a 'superb' DAC.
I like it.
The Build quality is top notch.
It does not sound nice in USB Mode.
However connected through AES/EBU is nice.
Very warm & highly musical product.
It is currently not with me. A friend has borrowed it for 2 / 3 weeks.
Will run with a ESI Julia Card from the computer via an I2S. That is the best way to use this DAC.
It is a 'serious' product.
I am happy with its performance...
Same info about Cadence Amplifiers;

a] The driver stage in all 3 models they make is SS. Microprocessor Controlled.

b] The Tubes they use are - EL34 in the VA-1's & 845 in the Canasya.

c] The VA-1 has 2 versions. Pure class A - 20 Watts & the other one is 36 Watts in Class A & A/B. Both these are Stereo Integrated Amplifiers.

d] The 'Canasya' is a Mono Power Amplifier only. 50 Watts pure class A & then can go up to 200 Watts @ 6 ohms [very strange - could never understand that part].
same, sir, as in the VA-1, if i could hazard a guess. pure Class A upto 50W and then Class AB for 200W. this configuration could actually go upto 260W in Class B.

Each mono has 4 tubes. All are 845's.
I just got it;
Have not even 'burnt' it in as yet;
It is a 'superb' DAC.
I like it.
The Build quality is top notch.
It does not sound nice in USB Mode.
However connected through AES/EBU is nice.
Very warm & highly musical product.
It is currently not with me. A friend has borrowed it for 2 / 3 weeks.
Will run with a ESI Julia Card from the computer via an I2S. That is the best way to use this DAC.
It is a 'serious' product.
I am happy with its performance...

Thanks for your impressions. We have a few people using the CD-5 (which is the same as the Skylla) and this is the same feedback. No one is using the AES/EBU as far as I know, just the coax in. Good to have gotten this feedback though

That would be nice;
Please do call on me.
You could p.m. me & we will work it out.
Any evening post 6 @ my place is fine.
Weekends post 10 a.m. too suits me.
You may need to get your CD's [music] along & we can have a small session & also talk audio / music. Should be fun.
If you have some other audio friends that would be interested in meeting, I would be open to the idea.
p.s. I do not have a CD Player now - I play off a HDD based server.

Will take you up on it in the next 10 days! Would be great to meet in person!
Here is a comment by the renowned Lynn Olson (in March 2008) that is relevant to the discussion here:

"Turn off the TV for a while. Turn off the radio, iPod, and other electronic gizmos. No movies, no car stereo. Avoid the phone as much as possible. At least a 24-hour (and a whole week would be better) fast from electronic sound, then go listen to live, non-amplified music with singers, violins, brass, woodwinds, and a piano - at fairly close range. Spend a whole evening doing this. Enjoy yourself. Get into it. Relax, have fun, dance if you feel like it.

"When you first listen anything electronic, from a Toyota truck AM radio to a $150,000 boutique hifi or home-theater system, it will all sound awful - grotesque, an appalling and tasteless parody of the shimmering and transitory beauty of the real thing.

"Good! Welcome to reality.

"Now you can assess if anything electronic or "hi-fi" is any good at all. The very first time anything sounds "good", turn it off, turn it all off, and go back and listen to some more live music.

"Personal taste aside, I cannot imagine how a hifi system can be compared against anything other than acoustic instruments, and for a very simple reason. Their sound simply cannot be duplicated by electronic means, as musicians know, and not for want of trying over many decades. A Steinway or Bosendorfer does NOT sound like an electronic piano. Ask any professional pianist."

Guys, live unamplified music is it - the reference!

Guys, live unamplified music is it - the reference!

So true;
Western Classical Music @ NCPA - only window in Mumbai we have to live & un-amplified music.
Else go to an artist house in the morning when 'rias' is on & experience 'bliss' !

There is no other way to enjoy & appreciate music in its truest & purest form.
All else is a joke !
Else go to an artist house in the morning when 'rias' is on & experience 'bliss' !

Manna Dey lived 5 mins from my house. Not sure where he lives now.
But as kids we used to hear him to do rias early morning. But then we used to make fun of his voice and the rias he did :mad:
"Turn off the TV for a while. Turn off the radio, iPod, and other electronic gizmos. No movies, no car stereo. Avoid the phone as much as possible. At least a 24-hour (and a whole week would be better) fast from electronic sound"

Why only a week?Why not forever?My wife and I have always found TV revolting.My daughter is growing up sans TV.A couple of years ago I chopped up the cable wire into tiny peices and threw it away.I was tempted to smash up the TV set but finally relented because the poor Sony cannot be blamed for the stupidity of channels worldwide.Ditto Hollywood/Bollywood.Never Again.
Even if one is not fortunate enough to hear Live unamplified music,one can choose Silence and the silence of a house sans TV is sheer bliss....

Viren, Lynn Olson is bang on target.Most electronic reproductions sound like 'appalling and tasteless parodies of the shimmering and transitory beauty of real sounds.'
When I was hunting for an amp someone told me that "LIVE sound is far less dramatic and sensational than reproduced sound but it is the real thing....It's more subdued,devoid of the emphasis that audio equipment imparts to the sound of reproduced music."Useful advise when you are being subjected to headbanging equipment and music in an audition rooms!
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the toxicity of TV can be mitigated to a considerable degree by muting it..do that especially when a hotshot commentator is dispensing his pearls of wisdom..the face looks serious but since no sound is forthcoming 'the blabbering person looks ridiculous'.....as one book put it, muting the TV has the effect of making " Television pundits lose their intimidating effect; they even look ridiculous. They seem to be excited about something terribly unimportant. Suddenly pundits become clowns...."
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