You Favorite Stereo Amplifier

My favorite amp is the Dynaco Stereo 120. It hales from 1966 and was one of the first Si transistor amps. You could build it yourself from a kit, or assembled and tested. I just hook up speakers to my taste and let it run. I have a pair of them that are driven by a Pioneer Quadraphonic preamp. I mostly use vintage Altec/Lansing theater speakers, but sometimes sit back with some Energy RC 70's for a little breakfast with the Beatles. Sure there are countless amps that are better, but not by much to a casual ear. I rather enjoy my very simple amps, and enjoy both a Benz and an Audi in the garage.

If you are interested, here are details. While not as many fanboys as Apple, there are a lot people still using these amps almost half a century on.

Dynaco Stereo 120 Power Amplifier Component Info
Well I suppose all of you are right; Including 6 Moons.....:)
The Lars must be a 'poor' sounding amplifier - but to my 'tin' ears it was the BEST I have EVER HEARD !! Maybe I have not heard enough;;;
Hence it was the choice I posted to Jenson's 5th question :-

Best Amplifier you auditioned but couldn't go for it because of high rate:

No one else needs to like The Lars - I know I do & if someday I get it @ a 'competitive' price - I will surely buy it to replace my Cadence Canasya !!

I do not have a 'replacement' for my Tidal [TAD] or my dCS [digital] as yet - the hunt is on - if I find a better speaker or a better digital source - I will consider a 'change' !!

Thanks to all for your 'contributions' ! I appreciate the 'other' point of view !! :clapping:

Srajan Ebaen has his own personal taste for music and his own bias towards certain brands, he is just one among the million's of audio lovers in this planet just like every one else in this forum. i don't understand how his review will ever influence any of my buying decision. I have personally heard a few equipment which was praised by him in 6moons and found them to be junk and intolerable to listen to, this also applies for all reviewers.

Audio unlike Video has more weight on personal taste and hearing abilities and less on measurements, technology or reviewer recommendation.
Srajan Ebaen has his own personal taste for music and his own bias towards certain brands, he is just one among the million's of audio lovers in this planet just like every one else in this forum. i don't understand how his review will ever influence any of my buying decision. I have personally heard a few equipment which was praised by him in 6moons and found them to be junk and intolerable to listen to, this also applies for all reviewers.

Audio unlike Video has more weight on personal taste and hearing abilities and less on measurements, technology or reviewer recommendation.

Very well put;
I would love to meet you.
Where in India do you stay ?
Can I invite you over for a drink & some music - will be an honour to meet you !! Please...:)
Very well put;
I would love to meet you.
Where in India do you stay ?
Can I invite you over for a drink & some music - will be an honour to meet you !! Please...:)

I stay in Madras and thank you very much for your kind invite. I would love to fly to Mumbai and listen to music through your very interesting setup. :)

I don't drink but the music we listen all day long :),oh! and i want to try all the Mumbai street food. I will visit there in few months and would love to meet you for sure, if you are free and available at that time, may be i will check with you before i plan my trip.
Hi Bhagwan

I have nothing against Lars. I have never heard them. I also have no issues with chinese tubes. I think the objective of his design was to get more linearity from the 300 tube and also to have a higher damping factor with a unique negative feedback circuit. Hence it really does not matter whether expensive NOS tubes are used or the new chinese ones.

From a purely academic perspective would it not make sense to start with a tube which is more linear than the 300 like for example the 6C33 tube which Lamm uses in its amp or the 211 which Audio Note and Wavac use? Why use a 300, add complex circuitry and increase its power handling capacity? I may be wrong but i always feel in a tube amp, simpler the circuitry, the better it is.
Dear Bhagwan, longshanks and everyone
here are some thoughts I have gathered
but to my 'tin' ears it
Maybe I have not heard enough
Of course you are kidding when you say you have tin ears. (Infact I really do have tin ears) Most of us know you have auditioned good number of fantastic sounding high end systems and probably have one of the best system in India.
Please have no misunderstanding between 'my concern about audio amplification' and 'subjective listening of a particular product'. I have nothing against anyone or any product. All I was concerned about was at Rs, 48 lacs some very few basic things were not considered. But if you think they are and you like them it is ok. At certain level of financial capabilities one has tremendous options to listen to various systems or acquiring them. So please dont ruin them. For poor guy like me unfortunately (or fortunately ???) options are limited so I incline towards learning what goes in an audio amplification system.
Tell me if one particular amp though sounding good has abnormal distortion what logic or common sense it makes to have a Rs, 10,000 power cord in it which is considered to improve sonics. None. But people do put expensive power cords in them.
In the discussion forums difference of opinion is good otherwise we would all be sitting in our living room with our music systems. I thought sharing was what this hobby was about.
People who say measurements or reviews dont matter. If one love this hobby and are honest with it everything matters. From 1W SET amps to 2000W digital amps, from fullrange drivers to electrostates, from analogue source to digital high fidelity, from room acoustics to psychoacoustics. from measurements to subjective listening opinions. At least I find it interesting and important.
So with more respect to you all my best regards. :)
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First apologies to OP for OT.

The 'curve' for audio awareness & appreciation [as far as I am concerned] works like this;

Sound Stage
Black Spaces [black]

As time passes - the things we need & look for is audio change. Some use the term [loosely] 'maturity' I call it - priority.

I found the above post very interesting and honestly very confusing to me. I hope I am qualified to talk about at least the aspect of listening to music.

IMO, the above order is all wrong (may be I have misunderstood something). The first thing a musician or a deep music lover is looking for is the tonality. Musicians try to get a certain tonality of their voices and instruments through years of practice and experimentation. Ravishankar's sitar has a very different tonality from Vilayat Khan's. Abdul Karim Khan's voice sounded very different from Faiyaz Khan's. Tonality, IMO, is the most important thing in any music reproduction. If one gets it wrong, there is no point going any further. If a system makes Ali Akbar's sarod sound like a guitar, I would not be able to listen to it even for half a minute.

Next, comes dynamics, both macro and micro. Without dynamics, the music is devoid of emotions. Generally a system with great transparency/cleanliness (that is, high signal to noise ratio) will produce good levels of macro and microdynamics. The phrase "Black spaces" in the above quote probably refers to at least part of this. But it should be right after tonality in my list.

Then actually comes imaging (related to 'separation' as talked about in the quote) and soundstaging, but only after the above two. I like to know exactly where each musician is located. This gives a feeling of physical space to the recorded music being played. In a live unamplified music performance, this is already there. In a recorded music being played through a system, it is not easy to achieve. However, if achieved (both through proper recording and then playing it through a good system), this gives a sense of immediacy to the music. Soundstaging is a related concept, basically totality of the imaging of all the performers makes the soundstage.

Next, I look for openness of the sound. This is one feature usually not talked about, but I conceive it as follows. If a recorded music is being played from a system in a particular room, imagine a listener in the next room who is oblivious to the source of this music. Would the listener think it is reproduction of music, or would he think of it as a live performance. JA of Stereophile discussed this aspect some time ago, and it is a relevant point. No matter how expensive is the system, the listener in the next room would always be able to differentiate the difference between live unamplified music to the recorded and reproduced music. This is what I call lack of openness and naturalness in a system. It is there in all systems I have heard (and I have heard quite a few in my life so far, although I usually do not remember all the brands and models, because my focus usually always comes to the music). Although, never perfectly done, one should try to get this openness and naturalness in the system to best of one's abilities.

Last in my list would be SPL levels or loudness of sound. Of course one needs to have audible levels so that one can hear every nuances clearly. However, I like to mention one thing I find important in this. Every amp comes alive after a certain level of volume. To evaluate the amp, one of course should not listen to volumes lower than that.


PS: BTW, for the only relevant part related to this thread, let me just mention that I like my current stereo integrated amp (Leben CS300) immensely, because for its price, it does a tremendous job in all the departments I have mentioned above. It is a very well-balanced amp. In fact, it is hard to find a serious weakness of this amp, if one has the speakers to pair with this tiny 12 wpc amp.
Sound Stage
Black Spaces [black]

This is how 'I think' people climb the audio ladder.
In my 'younger' days SPL was my only priority. Then Clarity became the next priority - etc. so on and so forth....

For 'bhagwan' the priority list is exactly inverse - at this point in time.

Separation / Layering
Black / Dark Spaces
Sound Stage [Width & Depth]

You are 100 % Spot on - People should sound like People - A Rashid Kan should sound like a Rashid Khan - Umakant & Ramakant Gundecha should sound like them when they sing - spot on observation.....
However, when you listen to a radio in the car - do they ?

Most Hindi Music that we listen to in Multiplexes sounds so 'un-natural'
A Tabla sounds like a 'bloated' Pakhawaj. More like Dholak gone wrong etc. I do not know how it is in Kol, but in Mumbai all Movie Theaters sound like junk !!
Even Indian Classical Concerts in Mumbai are below par - I am sorry to be sounding like broken record here - all play through a PA Set Up. No one is pure acoustic - so what you listen to is the Mic Signature + Cables + Mixing Consul + Cables + Amplifiers + Speakers etc. So the real 'tone' of the artist [voice] & his instrument never gets to you.
Therefore I prefer Western Classical. That is the only genre I can listen to with no electronics - it is pure - live & acoustic. Artist & Me. Nothing in the middle....
So my point being - how do people 'know' what the correct tone is ? In the day & age of an electric / electronic Tanpura ???
A very interesting set of opinions.

1) An Ashram beggar to riches reviewer who does not get what he wants, decides the quality of sound of a product based on matters other than sonics.
2) A group of people who have not heard the product, but have opinions based on what above said reviewer has written.
3) A man (god?) who owns amazing stuff, and has heard a great deal more than any 5 people over here have, and the best part is that he is willing to put his money where his mouth is.

Who is correct? Go figure for yourself.

A very interesting set of opinions.

1) An Ashram beggar to riches reviewer who does not get what he wants, decides the quality of sound of a product based on matters other than sonics.

Who is correct? Go figure for yourself.


You sure know how to read between the lines !!
Interesting way you write too;
I appreciate the 'candid' words.

p.s. Bhagwan = Osho [Name] - That is how I remember the name !!
This is how 'I think' people climb the audio ladder.
In my 'younger' days SPL was my only priority. Then Clarity became the next priority - etc. so on and so forth....

For 'bhagwan' the priority list is exactly inverse - at this point in time.

Okay, this is fine with me. I understand you now. Thanks for clarifying.

... how do people 'know' what the correct tone is ? In the day & age of an electric / electronic Tanpura ???

I do not know what others do, but I am in a privileged position. I have heard many artistes of repute and not so known ones at a hand-shaking distance without amplification. In addition, there are good quality recordings of Indian Classical music available. Usually these recordings are done with much more care than with light music genres in India. For the last 30-40 years many more classical musicians are traveling to the Western countries. There are numerous quite decent and some premium quality recordings done in those countries and made available that way too.

A man (god?) who owns amazing stuff, and has heard a great deal more than any 5 people over here have, and the best part is that he is willing to put his money where his mouth is.

I find that quite questionable. How does one know what people have heard over here? Isn't that an (ill)-assumption?

I think the confusion comes from the lack of appreciation of music. I firmly believe there is a point to which all this discussion and search for something better make sense. Music should take the centre-stage, nothing else. And, music is not just sound, it is a very special sequence of sound. Once a certain level of equipments has been reached, music should come through and the equipments should disappear. We all say, we are in this for music. But is that completely true? I see very little effort to improve the level of music appreciation. Music is a serious business, and something that does not come with a casual approach or just accumulating thousands of recordings. Proper lack of attention to music gives rise to statements like - I have heard this, I have heard that, have you? I'd encourage everybody not to indulge in this sort of tone. This should be a forum where we enjoy the interaction and learn. Of course, we can debate. But it has to be enjoyable at the end of the day.

bro nosortof,
A very interesting set of opinions.
1) An Ashram beggar to riches reviewer who does not get what he wants, decides the quality of sound of a product based on matters other than sonics.
Quality of sound or subjectiveness was never put in question. Only amplification basics were asked for. But it was final conclusion in this thread that it also doesn't matter if a person likes the sound.
2) A group of people who have not heard the product, but have opinions based on what above said reviewer has written.
We all have opinions. Read post #71 of this thread.:)
Otherwise this forum would be meaning less.
3) A man (god?) who owns amazing stuff, and has heard a great deal more than any 5 people over here have, and the best part is that he is willing to put his money where his mouth is.
has heard a great deal more than any 5 people over here have,
I strongly condemn this.
Who is correct? Go figure for yourself.
As per your definition (not mine) Srajan Ebaen is correct. As I am sure that he may have heard more hifi stuff (Expensive or otherwise) has more technical knowledge. Or did you mean to say owning expensive stuff automatically makes anyone (him/her) a final word in audiophile stuff.
No offense, just trying to make the sense of this very confusing hobby.
Regards :)
Once a certain level of equipments has been reached, music should come through and the equipments should disappear.
Great insight Asitda.
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1)Opinions should be educated.

2)Only those who have heard a particular piece of audio gear should give their insight about its sound quality. Hypothetical approximation is useless.

3)Reviews are bought, everybody knows this.
Like all reviewers, how does one know that Srajan does not have a hidden agenda?

4)Unlike Bhagwan who desires to put his money in where his mouth is, Srajan
may be quite the opposite. Bhagwans measured response confirms what I

Coming to owing gear, it seems this Bhagwan sonny has been through a lot and only spends (large) money if he can hear the difference. That alone in most cases proves he knows more that most; immaterial of whether one (or 5 of us) likes the idea or not. Taking offence is irrational for anybody, the sheer amount of exposure cannot be contested.
He probably has stared this hobby before 6moons ever existed and knows hifi
better than most reviewers.

LOL... I cannot find anything about anybody's favorite stereo amplifier here.

And everybody is fighting over something no one owns.

Cmon guys... if you have time for this... you should have time for answering my query (but no hits there).
LOL... I cannot find anything about anybody's favorite stereo amplifier here.

And everybody is fighting over something no one owns.

Cmon guys... if you have time for this... you should have time for answering my query (but no hits there).
ha ha you are absolutely right. This thing can go on an on.
sorry about that.
LOL... I cannot find anything about anybody's favorite stereo amplifier here.

And everybody is fighting over something no one owns.

Cmon guys... if you have time for this... you should have time for answering my query (but no hits there).

I don't think so it is a fight and found to be an useful one :p:p

This is about "MODS" duty to monitor it and move the thread to create an new one...And I have "REPORTED TOO" I have already put my comments to move from post no...10 , no use..:) They will do only closing the thread at last:lol:
This is difinitely my last post in this thread. :)
The Bare Necessities - The Jungle Book (1967) - YouTube
highlighting some lyrics which are relevant :lol:

Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
Old Mother Nature's recipes
That brings the bare necessities of life

Wherever I wander, wherever I roam
I couldn't be fonder of my big home
The bees are buzzin' in the tree
To make some honey just for me
When you look under the rocks and plants
And take a glance at the fancy ants
Then maybe try a few

The bare necessities of life will come to you
They'll come to you!

Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life

Now when you pick a pawpaw
Or a prickly pear
And you prick a raw paw
Next time beware
Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw
When you pick a pear
Try to use the claw
But you don't need to use the claw
When you pick a pear of the big pawpaw
Have I given you a clue ?

The bare necessities of life will come to you
They'll come to you!

So just try and relax, yeah cool it
Fall apart in my backyard
'Cause let me tell you something little britches
If you act like that bee acts, uh uh
You're working too hard

And don't spend your time lookin' around
For something you want that can't be found
When you find out you can live without it
And go along not thinkin' about it
I'll tell you something true

The bare necessities of life will come to you

Goodbye and happy listening :D
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