You Favorite Stereo Amplifier

Here is one desperate attempt to push the thread back to its original intent :)

My favorite amp (probably not the best I have heard, but favorite) is Behringer A500. It is a $200 pro equipment that is used by many audiophiles in their home setup. In one blind test conducted by Matrix HiFi, as many listeners picked the setup with this amp as those who picked one which cost many times higher.

Matrix HiFi --> Blind testing high end full equipments

Audio critic, which did measurements on this amp, found it to be very good.

Behringer A500 Reference Amplifier

You get a lot of amp for $200 with this one.
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Okay, this is fine with me. I understand you now. Thanks for clarifying.

I do not know what others do, but I am in a privileged position. I have heard many artistes of repute and not so known ones at a hand-shaking distance without amplification. In addition, there are good quality recordings of Indian Classical music available. Usually these recordings are done with much more care than with light music genres in India. For the last 30-40 years many more classical musicians are traveling to the Western countries. There are numerous quite decent and some premium quality recordings done in those countries and made available that way too.


Hello !
I have sent a PM to you - please do try and 'guide' me !
I some of those 'recordings'
Chanda Dhara / Moment / Navras / Darshan / ECM etc. I have.
What I do not have - can you guide & help ? Please...Shall be truly appreciated...:)
LOL... I cannot find anything about anybody's favorite stereo amplifier here.

And everybody is fighting over something no one owns.

Cmon guys... if you have time for this... you should have time for answering my query (but no hits there).

With due respect;
This entire thing started because of 'amplifier that one loves but cannot buy due to financial reasons'
Here, I had mentioned The Lars & that is how this thread took this turn....
All said, we are still discussing Amplifiers [& that is good - I think] !!!

However, you do have a point - every [most] people that have commented on this thread - have not answered the 5 questions that were asked by the Thread Starter - I may be wrong - but they were :-

Would be great if we could comply with the following format

Stereo Amplifier in use:
Speakers it's paired with:
Musical Preferences:
Any other Gear that you use which contributes in a significant manner:
Best Amplifier you auditioned but couldn't go for it because of high rate:

Can all participants try and answer these questions ?

Thanks - Shall be appreciated...
Okay, this is fine with me. I understand you now. Thanks for clarifying.

I do not know what others do, but I am in a privileged position. I have heard many artistes of repute and not so known ones at a hand-shaking distance without amplification. In addition, there are good quality recordings of Indian Classical music available. Usually these recordings are done with much more care than with light music genres in India. For the last 30-40 years many more classical musicians are traveling to the Western countries. There are numerous quite decent and some premium quality recordings done in those countries and made available that way too.



Hello !

I tried to send a PM to you - but it says your mailbox is full & cannot get any more messages - so I am posting here - I am sorry - I do hope I will be excused;

I do not know what others do, but I am in a privileged position. I have heard many artistes of repute and not so known ones at a hand-shaking distance without amplification. In addition, there are good quality recordings of Indian Classical music available. Usually these recordings are done with much more care than with light music genres in India. For the last 30-40 years many more classical musicians are traveling to the Western countries. There are numerous quite decent and some premium quality recordings done in those countries and made available that way too.


Hello !

I am 'xxxxxx' aka 'bhagwan' !

I would like to request you to share some music with me;

Getting 'good' Indian Classical Music is very very difficult.
If you could guide me - to some good labales / cd's etc. I shall truly appreciate it.

I do have a few - Navras / Makar / Indian Music Archive / Chanda Dhara / Moment Records / ECM etc. etc. But not up to the mark.
Darshan Records is good.

Kindly suggest some more - although I have stopped using CD's 2 years back, I still need them for the music - I am 100 % computer audio now.

Everyone [most professional athletes] can run 100 M in 11 seconds. 20 people in the world can run it in 10 seconds & only 3 can run it under 10 seconds....So my point is - high end is about that last 1 second - rather last 1/10th of a second !!

Well said.... ;)
Hello !
I have sent a PM to you - please do try and 'guide' me !
I some of those 'recordings'
Chanda Dhara / Moment / Navras / Darshan / ECM etc. I have.
What I do not have - can you guide & help ? Please...Shall be truly appreciated...:)

I am sorry about that. Actually my PM-box is almost always full. I certainly can give you a list of some reasonably good quality CDs on Indian classical. The only trouble is that I usually come home from work very late, and at the moment my weekends are also completely taken because of on-going work at a new apartment we plan to move to in a couple of months. So, please bear with me. I'll try to compile a list for you. Most of them are decent quality, some are quite good in my estimation. But before I give someone like you the list, I actually have to work hard: that means I literally have to listen to some of them (because my memory is not very good) and then decide if the CD passes a preliminary test both for the quality of music and the quality of recording (mastering and pressing).

I forgot to mention something (in relation to unamplified live music) in my reply to your post yesterday. Although, I am deeply into Indian classical music, I have tastes for all kinds of music, including Western classical. Because of my stay abroad (US and Europe) for a continuous period of almost 14 years, I had the opportunity to be at some of the most famous concert halls in the Western world. As you know most Western classical performances are without much amplification, I have heard these concerts live and mostly unamplified (In Vienna opera house, for example, for some solos, they use what they call 'audio enhancement' (I suppose it's got to be some amplification), but you do not see a lot of equipments used.

I do not want to drag this discussion here any longer, because already the thread is derailed a long way, although the discussion had some meat to it. Any further discussion not directly related to the thread should be done elsewhere or through PMs.

As you know most Western classical performances are without much amplification, I have heard these concerts live and mostly unamplified (In Vienna opera house, for example, for some solos, they use what they call 'audio enhancement' (I suppose it's got to be some amplification), but you do not see a lot of equipments used.

Thanks for the post;
Is your PM up ? If so, I will follow up from there - please do ping me.

Just to take up on the Western Classical Concerts - I too have been blessed with visits to Vienna a few times ++ & have actually attended several concerts there in 4 different concert halls & I have never seen or heard any of the music through any amplifier / speaker - it has always been love & acoustic - no electronics.
Yes, mics are always present - but those are for recording - CD Label or Archive - none are used for PA of any sort !!

On the Indian Classical front - can you share some record label names with me - cause I really want good Indian Classical Music [Waterlilly Acoustics - was another one I had not talked about - I have all their CD's] !!
I just need to source all Darshan Records CD's [not getting them at the right price] !! One of the best Indian Classical Recordings I have ever experienced !! :clapping:

I shall wait for your PM !
I know this thread has been derailed quite a bit :rolleyes:

There is merit to what both Asit and Bhagwan says. It is about understanding where they come from and what each of them are trying to say.

Understanding quality of gear needs experience with plenty of hi-end gear. Otherwise you are just shooting in the air !

Experience with live unamplified concerts and enhanced music appreciation sensibilities can help a buyer choose gear much more wisely.

Folks with both these skills are usually very difficult to find. Most folks with very enhanced music appreciation skills are hypnotized by the magic of the composition once they have assembled an entry level hi-end system and usually do not venture any further.
There u. Are I Am very much interested yOUr experiEnce Too espeCIally on Symphonic. LiNE I coMe to know its very muCh trAnSPAreNt. Reg. LF IS iT. TigHT. And dIscreet or leAn liKe. Cyrus. How dId it drIve power. Hungry. Atc. With. WhAt Accessories tHANks in AdvAnce
woahh!! what the hell is going on !! I came in just now :)
Wondering whether to write something on the ongoing stuff or :rolleyes:


Start With :-

Would be great if we could comply with the following format

  1. Stereo Amplifier in use:
  2. Speakers it's paired with:
  3. Cables:
  4. Musical Preferences:
  5. Any other Gear that you use which contributes in a significant manner:
  6. Best Amplifier you auditioned but couldn't go for it because of high rate:

Address the questions that Jenson has asked & then you may comment - if you so desire !

All the Best !
And Where is AJAY.....................Sir, They are talking about Live Concerts and Western Classical, Chip in your views too.
Loving this thread very much. Thank you bagwan, Asit and all other members.
The amplifier I use is the Bryston 4Bsst with BP 25 pre. The Speakers are B&W 805N and the Interconnects and Spk cables are Nordost Red Dawn.

I have heard few Hi end setup in India and abroad, But I could not forget the voice of Vidushi Kishori Amonkar on LP played on a Thorens TT , The speaker and the amplifier was not a hi end, but the emotional feeling towards the music was something which I will never forget.

The amplifier I use is the Bryston 4Bsst with BP 25 pre. The Speakers are B&W 805N and the Interconnects and Spk cables are Nordost Red Dawn.

I have heard few Hi end setup in India and abroad, But I could not forget the voice of Vidushi Kishori Amonkar on LP played on a Thorens TT , The speaker and the amplifier was not a hi end, but the emotional feeling towards the music was something which I will never forget.


This is the spirit;:yahoo:
Write what you use - so the Thread Starter gets his answers & also post your experiences - that way we all can benefit & 'grow' !!
I too want to attend a "Vidushi Kishori Amonkar" performance - not a concert - but a 'baithak' !! Please - some one help - I will touch your feet for this !!
I would like to write something that I would have written when the thread had derailed sometime back:D, please, this is not fair, everyone had their share of too:ohyeah:

So, I am happy to see some curious questions regarding high end gears put forward by Hiten and few other members. I think technically a lot has been answered, like you cannot challenge the laws of physics, every design has its limitations no matter how much money goes in etc etc. Yes, these are all valid but I would like to put forward a different perspective to this whole game. Something that will give you an idea of what is happening in the high end circles and what you should and should'nt be expecting when you think high end.

For this discussion, I will simplify and define "high end" as any gear that costs USD 10k and above.
Any high end gear can be classified into one of these 5 major categories:

Either it is:
1. A bargain for the money
2. Good value for money
3. Worth the money (neutral)
4. Okay, not junk for the money
5. Junk

With my limited exposure to I have heard till date, IMO high end has lots of junk !! If you take into consideration all the gears that fall in category 4 & 5, you have covered 80% of high end already. Finding a piece of gear which is worth the money is serious achievement. You see so many reviewers declaring a piece of high end gear as "Bargain", here is a simple rule that if you apply to a typical review you will hit it right most of the time, whichever category the reviewer thinks a gears falls into, downgrade it two notches and you have the actual category. So, if a reviewer says it is a "Bargain", you can consider it is "Worth the money" in general, and if he says it is "Worth the money" take it as "Junk" straight away:lol:. This is high end for you! The only way to find a really good product which fits into category 1 or 2 is by auditioning or at least knowing the brand and its product well (which again takes auditioning).

So, if a Lars costing Rs.50 Lakhs even falls into Category 4, it is a huge achievement, it is "okay" even at 50 lakhs;) !!! It may not have reached level 2 or 3 that is the reason even almighty meaning 'Bhagwan' preferred to skip it.
And yes, what Srajan says is okay, he may not have liked the product. When you do not like a product every little issue seems like a big issue and exactly reversed when you like a product, you forgive sometimes much bigger issues..big deal ?

If you look at high end from this perspective a lot of your curiosity will die down automatically:). There is no magic as you go higher, just that you have more options so the chances of finding a good option increases. If you think about it, it really takes a genius to make something magical, how many geniuses do you think can exist at a point of time in a field ? Just a handful. In cars only the genius can survive, others go out of business because of the cost of running the production. In audio it is a lot cheaper so there are too many manufacturers, but the real class belongs to a handful. Rest are all category 5:D.

And I totally disagree the comparison between a Mercedes E series owner to a high end audio owner. It is very clear that those cars are owned mainly for "social status" and to make a statement but high end audio is far from it. People dont do it to show off, mostly not. What will you show off ? Most people do not even know what the hell is "Lars" even after you play it for them:D. Brand consciousness I agree but that is not the same as "show off". Audio is rather a very personal matter and hobby, most people keep it to themselves and their close circles. In Singapore, whenever I visited an audiophile with a very high end setup, at the exit I hear a disclaimer, "Please do not discuss my setup outside", it has happened thrice already. Do they say the same thing about the Porshe that was standing in their portico, nope:).
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but high end audio is far from it. People dont do it to show off, mostly not. What will you show off ? Most people do not even know what the hell is "Lars" even after you play it for them:D. nope:).

So true - if I had not said I like the amp to answer Jenso's 5th question how many FM's would have known about this Amplifier from Sweden made by an Railways Electrical / Electronics Engineer ??

Ok people,

Best amplifier is debatable, but a amplifier with very fine qualities that
I have heard is Icon.
Fine tone, deep stage and great control on loudspeaker drivers.
Great product.
Ok people,

Best amplifier is debatable, but a amplifier with very fine qualities that
I have heard is Icon.
Fine tone, deep stage and great control on loudspeaker drivers.
Great product.

Never heard them.
Will keep a look out for it - hope to hear it some day;
Prices :-

David Shaw, Dharmendra Khodiara
Some Indian seems to be involved - I think.
The Prices too seem to be 'legit' !!
Dr. Bass any comments ???

What speaker did you listen to these amplifiers with ?

[p.s.] This is what we need - list of what is owned & what one likes & may not have got - so that we all can get exposed & try to learn...please do contribute !
oh how i wish i had requested folks to add a picture of their set up..

bhagwan, your setup looks mesmerizing.. thank you for sharing it with us..

Dr. Bass, would you do the honors and lay out your cards :)
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.