Thinking upgrading but it's too difficult.

This is a very bold statement as Maharashtra is vast in terms of community & culture. You will find changes is traditions and even language differences even its a Marathi.Making of food also changes with the area.Taste of poha,upama is very different from part to part. I guess you need to explore more :).
When I want to get into a jovial fight with my wife (who is a marathi manoos), I just have to say "Sambar mein Chinni". Then it becomes a fight like between audiophiles who can never agree on things like cables, lossy vs losless and many things.
The wikipedia mentions two different versions on the origin of sambar. One by Acharya and one that speaks about Maharashtrian origin.

here is an interesting book which also mentions that.
English is a funny language.
We don't call or make sambar in original Maharastian food. It's either Varan or Daal.
The wikipedia mentions two different versions on the origin of sambar. One by Acharya and one that speaks about Maharashtrian origin.
Yes. Hence I wrote ‘Wikipedia also says’. But while it provides inscription al evidence on Champaram, the other theory comes across as anecdotal.

Sorry @bpranay you’ve to tolerate with the Sambhar-Puraan which wont help you upgrade your Wharfedales. 😀
If you like the sound of your speakers, atleast in my opinion, invest in a good subwoofer.

Obviously IF it is all about the itch, the go ahead and splurge by all means.

Investment in a subwoofer will not be wasted even if you go ahead and change your entire chain.
Sub upgrade is planned for near future but not as of now. I am as such happy with my sub and except watching movies I generally don't care much about the sub while listening to the music. I am generally fussy about the mid & highs (without it being harsh) with layers and layers of details & finesse.

This is a very bold statement as Maharashtra is vast in terms of community & culture. You will find changes is traditions and even language differences even its a Marathi.Making of food also changes with the area.Taste of poha,upama is very different from part to part. I guess you need to explore more :).
Come to Nagpur and you will be served Poha with hot red chana curry. No ways anyone will put sugar in any of the item in Nagpur and surrounding areas. They just call it "mast zhamazham" means " we enjoy spicy food."

Anyone using Evo 4.2? Can arrange budget only for speakers at this point, not for the amp.

Yes. Hence I wrote ‘Wikipedia also says’. But while it provides inscription al evidence on Champaram, the other theory comes across as anecdotal.

Sorry @bpranay you’ve to tolerate with the Sambhar-Puraan which wont help you upgrade your Wharfedales. 😀
Surely I can tolerate it as long as your share your expereince with castle knight 2.0 ? :D
Sub upgrade is planned for near future but not as of now. I am as such happy with my sub and except watching movies I generally don't care much about the sub while listening to the music. I am generally fussy about the mid & highs (without it being harsh) with layers and layers of details & finesse.
I understand - I was here a long time ago too. Not trying to irk the purists.

But logically, when you expect a 5/6 inch driver rated at maybe ~50hz to reproduce decent bass, well... :) In my humble experience most speakers up-to a certain budget (or MAYBE any budget) with that kind of driver size can't reproduce enough bass below 80hz, some do good around 60hz, but that is rare. There is a fair amount of information in "most music" upto 40Hz odd as the low E string of a standard tuned bass guitar is around 41HZ. Lowest notes on a piano can be around 25-30Hz (maybe lower). Hard for most bookshelves to do.

Please note - I said "good sub". That is important :) More important is integration. I have never had great luck with a full range sub setup like RILs. However subs with LPF/Crossover around 80-100Hz, have been brilliant in my case. When you take the low bass duties away from the speakers with 5/6 inch mid bass drivers, I feel they do much better.

I also feel, a subwoofer is as important in a stereo setup as it is in movie watching experience, but I gave up ages ago trying to be a purist.

I am not trying to convince you to not go for a speaker upgrade (I am no one to suggest anything like this - I buy new audio gear every month) - but as you said you like the sound of your speakers - hence. A new toy is always fun. Best of luck with your search.
I understand - I was here a long time ago too. Not trying to irk the purists.

But logically, when you expect a 5/6 inch driver rated at maybe ~50hz to reproduce decent bass, well... :) In my humble experience most speakers up-to a certain budget (or MAYBE any budget) with that kind of driver size can't reproduce enough bass below 80hz, some do good around 60hz, but that is rare. There is a fair amount of information in "most music" upto 40Hz odd as the low E string of a standard tuned bass guitar is around 41HZ. Lowest notes on a piano can be around 25-30Hz (maybe lower). Hard for most bookshelves to do.

Please note - I said "good sub". That is important :) More important is integration. I have never had great luck with a full range sub setup like RILs. However subs with LPF/Crossover around 80-100Hz, have been brilliant in my case. When you take the low bass duties away from the speakers with 5/6 inch mid bass drivers, I feel they do much better.

I also feel, a subwoofer is as important in a stereo setup as it is in movie watching experience, but I gave up ages ago trying to be a purist.

I am not trying to convince you to not go for a speaker upgrade (I am no one to suggest anything like this - I buy new audio gear every month) - but as you said you like the sound of your speakers - hence. A new toy is always fun. Best of luck with your search.
Very true, a small sealed speaker cabinet with a 5.5 inch driver can hardly produce any bass at least in my limited experience. A good well integrated sub is important in this case for a good stereo listening experience too as is required for movies. In the end it is listening to the required range of frequencies recorded for the track.
BTW: Sambar's origin comes from Maharashtra who introduced it to South India when they invaded large parts of TN (Tanjore). The name comes from Sambhaji in whose honour the concoction was first prepared
My like was for details on sambar. This confirms that Sambhar section of our brains match because with whatever experience I have, none could better the sambhar from Sarvana Bhavan, Chennai 🙂.
My like was for details on sambar. This confirms that Sambhar section of our brains match because with whatever experience I have, none could better the sambhar from Sarvana Bhavan, Chennai 🙂.
And then there is Ratna Cafe which has its own unique taste for sambar. In the early 90s there was Dasa Prakash on mount road which had outdoor seating and a grand piano and an old gentleman would play the grand piano.
As some might have already suggested, try amps, especially the stereo ones. If you have a US connection, check Wyred4Sound, Schiit, or even Benchmark, if budget permits. And it does not end here. After this, get a tower or speakers with 6+ inch drivers.
The demo is making me think does the performance with costly speakers gets better with the cost or it's just a perception or speakers gets better with age. Or maybe I just stick to the same brand Wharfedale. My usage is around 50:50 and budget is around 80K. Was getting a good deal from the local dealer on B&W 606 S2
B&W may need a good power to perform it's best. Marantz avr has good power still a good stereo amp can drive them better. Again speaker wire also can matter.
B&W may need a good power to perform it's best. Marantz avr has good power still a good stereo amp can drive them better. Again speaker wire also can matter.
The audition was done in a controlled environment at a dealer’s place. The wiring he used is top notch I can say. As I said before & simillar to what you are mentioning, B&W might need some care in choosing partnew equipment.
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