new subwoofer help

Dont need tactile transducer. Its a motor like stuff attached to the chair we are sitting in (or may be chait with inbuilt motor) that vibrates depending on the bass...its more physical which we are not into yet😜.

Forgot to mention previously about subwoofer and bass
Inside menu- speakers-manual setup-crossover- front- set to 'full range'
And then
Pcome back into the advanced menu- low frequency effects-distribution- front - set to '-20db'
Can increase this -20db depending on how much low frequency your front towers can handle. Initially keep this to -20db for atleast a year and let the speakers season well and then increase it. Initially they will handle well even at 0(zero) db but then speakers will take the hot sooner. If seasoned well speakers can do wonders later!
Hy full range i have dali opticon 2 mk2 . I am confused between lfe+mains or lfe for sterro music playback
I did not know getting subwoofer to work at its best is pain on the S dont know how mnay weeks will it take
Well since may be you are new it feels so. But then once we get it to work, the feeling of achievment (a feat) and thats more satisfying for me nowadays caz the real music that I want to hear is far away of my reach😅😜...
Jokes apart since you got a single woofer may be audysy would do it right...but then checking again opens up the full potential...
Its like buying a ferrari and feeling lazy to drive it more than 60kmph😉
Seems like there is a „null“ at your listening spot. Option 1 was to have move the subwoofer to another spot like @ajuvignesh mentioned. If that’s not possible, then second option is to add some acoustics in the room that, you can reduce the waves cancelling at your listening spot. Try keeping few cushions and pillows to the corners of the room to see if it works. Once you find the spots where the problem is solved, replace them with proper acoustic panels
I guess there is something else that went wrong. If he did the crawl right, there is no reason not to get the right bass in the sitting position.
@hardcore_gamer99 how did you do the crawl?
to the left most side of room bass was too heavy and to the right most side of room and tv unit bass is deep now but mid level bass is very less hwo do i proceed now
Seems like there is a „null“ at your listening spot. Option 1 was to have move the subwoofer to another spot like @ajuvignesh mentioned. If that’s not possible, then second option is to add some acoustics in the room that, you can reduce the waves cancelling at your listening spot. Try keeping few cushions and pillows to the corners of the room to see if it works. Once you find the spots where the problem is solved, replace them with proper acoustic panels
any cheaper way to do room acoustics? i have normal bedroom concrete walls
then what to do? It also feels that bass is late in stereo music
menu-speakers-manual setup-crossover-front- change to full range
Menu-speakers-manual setup-advanced-Low frequency effect-subwoofer output- change to LFE+Main

If bass is late then surely there is a phase issue.
Already gave a extensive write up. Write up may sound long but the process is simple if understood.
any cheaper way to do room acoustics? i have normal bedroom concrete walls
Before buying expensive panels, just try with stuff you have at home like pillows or cushions. I have basotect g+ but honestly it’s overpriced for what it does. Anyway before going with something like that, try with something you have at home to see if it’s improving. My relatively large floorstanders had this „hole“ which sounded really bad. Without the panels bass was virtually „phased out“ and boomy
Thick curtains help a lot in accoustics. And the carpets (kashmiri) would complete the deal.
But this cannot help in delayed bass.
Have you done audysy yet?
actually i run my system only on saturday an sunday. I will do crawl again first tomorrow as mid bass is missing where i put it before but deep bass was good. Also when this big pc table is gone then i guess i will have plenty of space to test sub in many places. I am thinking of wall mount now can you tell how much from bottom it can be so that video quality is not lost and also i dont get eye or neck strain the main thing is my dali opticon 2 are on stands and just dont want to cut the tv screen. ok these dali opticon2 are 42 inches from bottom and the thing is tv on wall has to be above this level from bottom. i think that will be too high?
actually i run my system only on saturday an sunday. I will do crawl again first tomorrow as mid bass is missing where i put it before but deep bass was good. Also when this big pc table is gone then i guess i will have plenty of space to test sub in many places. I am thinking of wall mount now can you tell how much from bottom it can be so that video quality is not lost and also i dont get eye or neck strain the main thing is my dali opticon 2 are on stands and just dont want to cut the tv screen. ok these dali opticon2 are 42 inches from bottom and the thing is tv on wall has to be above this level from bottom. i think that will be too high?
Now this reminds me of how was stuck earlier with the denon. Mid bass was missing because of phase alignment. But once the phase was dealed with, the deep bass vanished caz it was an outcome of misaligned phase and was not an intended music from the source!
If you like the deep bass then....dont want to say with it...
For me mid bass feels right now, but missing those deep bass...may be the creators give more importance to it.
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