It is usually like this: in the deepest recess of the heart (or brain), the wish is already made up. The rest is all confusion and ultimately a storm in a tea cup.

As stated by miniwarmth, 99% of the people are not even aware of black level. Actually the human body is very adapting. Once the eyes adapt to a certain viewing, the brain starts believing that it is seeing proper black, gray, red, blue, green, etc.
Finally who watches the TV most? They are the people who are mostly at home - the parents, the wives, young children. And what is watched most? DTH/Cable. Does black level and superfast response matter while watching drama? And even most sports do not involve lightening fast action. So while black level is important to movie watchers (and that too hollywood movies), it is not the 'nirvana' that one needs to attain.
So Indian11 liked passive 3D and LG and was totally sold to the idea. He has made the choice. He saw, he liked, he purchased ... end of story.

I am very happy for him because once the decision is made, the agony of wait is over. And we should now no more talk about what was good or what was not.
avmaxfan, We have different values that need not be necessarily better.

My father in law thinks "TV = Sony". And he is not totally off track.
Indian11, enjoy your gadget. But don't get so engrossed that you forget to update your experience on the forum.