50VT20 offers accross India (Hyderabad - 80k)

you got it from hypercity if am not mistaken ? yeah i've got the TV, but still some confusion regarding the freebies. croma has asked me to furnish the invoice no./scanned copy of invoice of a better deal from another branch of croma mumbai (the deal that 'illusion_heart' got; have PMed him), so that they could compensate me the same way.

I got from Croma hyd only.. A month back..
They still say the same prices.. Hypercity has better options now than croma here.
oh alright....BTW am grateful that illusion_heart has PMed me his invoice no. now.....shouldnt be any hassle now it seems......the salesperson was arguing that either you get 'brand offer' or you get 'dealer offer', not both, whereas he had got items from both the offers in his price (tata sky as brand offer, keyboard, scratch card as dealer offer).....so now since he said later today that if i could gather invoice details/no. and tell it to him, he will surely provide me the reqd items, i guess it will be fine then.

you had paid 80k for everything ?! even am gonna pay him the rest of the amount now, even if i land up with 2 tata sky STBs (though croma guy says he doesnt have stock, which is the reason i registered my ID with tata sky for y'day's scheme, but not got any call from them yet. dont wanna take chances :( ) dont know what to do if really i get two STBs :D
Whoaaaa!!! You guys seems to have got better deal on VT20. I bought mine today from Devi Intl Bangalore for 77K :( (wireless keyboard, gift set an 1 pair of 3D glasses). According to them this was the last set that they had (there was one more TV at their godown but the storekeeper said that that TV is already booked by someone. How did I missed this thread. I could've bargained with them had I known that people got for 71.5k with more goodies. Anyway, it's an awesome TV and I'm just loving. Any pointers for the best settings for this TV? I'm also going to check the net for any such settings.

Also one of my friend bought 50V20D for 64K from them (they do have 2 more V20's with them it seems). We really tried hard to bargain to get better price but they didn't budge at all. May be we should've tried harder. Anyway, now it's time to enjoy the TV.

EDIT: Bit OT, but thought I will ask. How much can I expect to get for my 2.5 years old Panasonic 42PV80D? One of my acquaintance is showing interest but I'm not sure how much to quote.
Whoaaaa!!! You guys seems to have got better deal on VT20. I bought mine today from Devi Intl Bangalore for 77K :( (wireless keyboard, gift set an 1 pair of 3D glasses).

Thats very high!!
Atleast get another pair of glasses from them. They cost 9k a pair.
Best offer is 71.5k with another 3D glass (~9k) and TS HD PVR (4k). So you got like 19k more costly.. ;)
For comparison, You can sell your PV8 for only around 19k.. :s

BTW, How is the move from PV8?
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VT20 is no longer available at Devi International, Bangalore.

They do have a small stock of V20. Contact Ramesh and make sure you push them for a good deal with all the freebies.
Satan - Ramesh can NOT give us the best deal. I am interacting with their Sales Head who have the power to get us the best deal through me. Last when I discussed, they only have display stock of V20. Currently I am concentrating on VT20 group buy as it is certainly a better buy than V20 at 64k or less (most probably I can get it for HFV members at 63k or less). I have been highlighting the need to channelizing these deals through the group buy initiative to get the best offer without needing any individual negotiations. Not sure if you read my posts.
Whoaaaa!!! You guys seems to have got better deal on VT20. I bought mine today from Devi Intl Bangalore for 77K :( (wireless keyboard, gift set an 1 pair of 3D glasses). According to them this was the last set that they had (there was one more TV at their godown but the storekeeper said that that TV is already booked by someone. How did I missed this thread. I could've bargained with them had I known that people got for 71.5k with more goodies. Anyway, it's an awesome TV and I'm just loving. Any pointers for the best settings for this TV? I'm also going to check the net for any such settings.

Also one of my friend bought 50V20D for 64K from them (they do have 2 more V20's with them it seems). We really tried hard to bargain to get better price but they didn't budge at all. May be we should've tried harder. Anyway, now it's time to enjoy the TV.

EDIT: Bit OT, but thought I will ask. How much can I expect to get for my 2.5 years old Panasonic 42PV80D? One of my acquaintance is showing interest but I'm not sure how much to quote.

They only had 1 display piece of VT20 which they didn't want to sell at lesser price (as it was the only piece). There was no other piece they are claiming. This is the reason I am insisting to let me know before buying Panasonic/Samsung/LG TVs. I am trying my best to get best offers for Bangalore customers at rock bottom prices without further needs of negotiations. Hope rest of the members realize this sooner before they get duped like this yet again.
Satan - Ramesh can NOT give us the best deal. I am interacting with their Sales Head who have the power to get us the best deal through me. Last when I discussed, they only have display stock of V20. Currently I am concentrating on VT20 group buy as it is certainly a better buy than V20 at 64k or less (most probably I can get it for HFV members at 63k or less). I have been highlighting the need to channelizing these deals through the group buy initiative to get the best offer without needing any individual negotiations. Not sure if you read my posts.

You must be talking to Arvind from Panasonic. Refer my name or Kittu's name and you can go from there.

This is the deal that Kittu and I got @ 75k

1) Extra Pair of 3D Glasses
2) Tata Sky HD+
3) Logitech Wireless Keyboard
4) Scratch Card (although I didn't get mine)

BTW, Chroma seems to be BS'ing a lot of people.

All these offers are from Panasonic and not the Dealer.

The new extras that we didn't get a month ago are
1) Gift Set (Glassware I think)
2) Shrek Collection
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They only had 1 display piece of VT20 which they didn't want to sell at lesser price (as it was the only piece). There was no other piece they are claiming. This is the reason I am insisting to let me know before buying Panasonic/Samsung/LG TVs. I am trying my best to get best offers for Bangalore customers at rock bottom prices without further needs of negotiations. Hope rest of the members realize this sooner before they get duped like this yet again.
They had one more piece. I saw it myself at their storeroom (I took the delivery myself). Anyway, I won't say duped or anything, it's just that I was in a hurry and till now I've got the best price from Devi. Had I not known about HFV I would've still think that it was great deal considering last year's price. My mistake that I somehow missed this thread before buying. Anyway, no point about spilled beans and will just enjoy the TV :)

@BLASTO, actually it's PV80. Well the move is as overwhelming as it was from the 21inch CRT to PV80 few years back. I mean to be frank except for the bigger size everything else is looking same for me (10ft viewing distance). But first of all, I still haven't calibrated the TV yet. Things will surely be different when I calibrate it. Will let it run in with the default settings for a week first. BTW, so should I sell my old TV for 19k only?
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@BLASTO, actually it's PV80. Well the move is as overwhelming as it was from the 21inch CRT to PV80 few years back. I mean to be frank except for the bigger size everything else is looking same for me (10ft viewing distance). But first of all, I still haven't calibrated the TV yet. Things will surely be different when I calibrate it. Will let it run in with the default settings for a week first.

PV80 is a good TV to start with. :)
Is SD better/same or worse in the 50"? For me, it has been worse moving from samsung B450. Thats why enquired.

As the saying goes.. Once a plasma, always a plasma owner. :)
You must be talking to Arvind from Panasonic. Refer my name or Kittu's name and you can go from there.

This is the deal that Kittu and I got @ 75k

1) Extra Pair of 3D Glasses
2) Tata Sky HD+
3) Logitech Wireless Keyboard
4) Scratch Card (although I didn't get mine)

BTW, Chroma seems to be BS'ing a lot of people.

All these offers are from Panasonic and not the Dealer.

The new extras that we didn't get a month ago are
1) Gift Set (Glassware I think)
2) Shrek Collection

I talked with Ramesh today buddy. He has to redirect all the best price deals to his seniors only. Confirmed yet again, they don't have V20 and VT20 in stock.
I guess someone from HFV itself picked up the remaining V20's from Devi (actually just 2).

BTW, Arvind is Ramesh's boss at Panasonic.

Stocks are dwindling which is why they are not as inclined to give out good deals anymore. Hope you guys can all get them ASAP.
I guess someone from HFV itself picked up the remaining V20's from Devi (actually just 2).

BTW, Arvind is Ramesh's boss at Panasonic.

Stocks are dwindling which is why they are not as inclined to give out good deals anymore. Hope you guys can all get them ASAP.

And I rather talk with the big boss of Devi instead of climbing the ladder. Also, if we go through the group buys organized by me, we can guarantee best prices.

BTW they din't have V20 stocks themselves and were borrowing from Panasonic branded shop and selling at higher price.

Just got another HFV member X30 for 32.5k who was otherwise quoted 34k as the best price for this group buy. Only after talking with their big boss I was able to bring down the price at the last moment. This is the reason its very important to contact me before closing the deal thru them.
PV80 is a good TV to start with. :)
Is SD better/same or worse in the 50"? For me, it has been worse moving from samsung B450. Thats why enquired.
I found the SD (talking about STB) to be better in the PV80 and that's I think because of the fact that it's smaller and lower resolution (720p). But SD is kind of pain to watch now in this TV. Just did a bit of change in the settings and things are looking better. Watching Matrix now. Gotta get the LOTR Blu-ray soon :D

As the saying goes.. Once a plasma, always a plasma owner. :)
Very very true. I'm for one is never going to look for LED's. LCD's anyway are not upto mark according to my humble opinion.
I found the SD (talking about STB) to be better in the PV80 and that's I think because of the fact that it's smaller and lower resolution (720p). But SD is kind of pain to watch now in this TV. Just did a bit of change in the settings and things are looking better. Watching Matrix now. Gotta get the LOTR Blu-ray soon :D

Very very true. I'm for one is never going to look for LED's. LCD's anyway are not upto mark according to my humble opinion.

Couldnt agree more:ohyeah: just came back from my friends house who recently bought an lcd tv from pana. after watching vt20 for a month now, lcd pictures were looking absolutely flat:p. No depth and details at all. now i know the worth of master piece i got:D
after watching vt20 for a month now, lcd pictures were looking absolutely flat:p. No depth and details at all. now i know the worth of master piece i got:D

Depth is first class in this TV. And it has to be 'owned' to see a difference. I did not notice in the demo per se.

It is absent my samsung plasma. So it is not a trait for all plasmas either. So, I dont think LCD vs Plasma even come into picture here. I have been writing this over and over again. :)

@Konfused, Can you throw some light on this aspect from point of view pf PV80?
Spoke to Milind just now as I was thinking of picking up a second panel. Per him the offer is not available anymore?? If anyone else is able to get a response to the contrary, do advise.

@Everyone who is interested in the offer i got, contact Milind - 7838962448 ( Croma, Rohini )
You can give my reference to get the deal.
The Deal is on till stocks last which stood at 11 at their warehouse arnd 8P.M. today

- Shubham

Supposedly the deal is as follows:

Price for package: Rs. 68,000/-

1. One Panasonic 50VT20D TV
2. Pair of 3D glasses <- Not sure, whether 'PAIR' refers to 'one' set of glasses or 'two' sets, as is the case with most other 50VT20D deals posted in here.
3. TataSky HD+ (DVR)
4. Shrek 3D Blu-ray collection pack
5. 6pc - glass set.
6. Scratch card - Panasonic
7. Wireless Keyboard

could someone please tell whether the tata sky+ HD STB that you get with the TV, could it be given to someone else ? am thinking of giving it to my friend (have yet to receive it from croma though). would he be able to activate and use it ? i mean, is the STB bound to be activated only by the purchaser of the TV ?
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could someone please tell whether the tata sky+ HD STB that you get with the TV, could it be given to someone else ? am thinking of giving it to my friend (have yet to receive it from croma though). would he be able to activate and use it ? i mean, is the STB bound to be activated only by the purchaser of the TV ?

I gave it to a friend who has only CRT. It is activated.
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