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in pvr, i found only the Europa good , the rest sounded and looked crap

Hi Subash,
What is a reference grade movie for sound and picture which you have compared in PVR vs the theater of your choice in bangalore and what did you find lacking in PVR ?
This is just for my information because I am not much into theaters these days. I have a group of movie-buff friends who usually book the tickets at PVR/Inox for late night shows. That is how I get to watch most of my "blockbuster" movies.

I am mostly into serious/ parallel cinema which I watch at home on my LCD in two channel stereo.

BTW: I found the sound in Urvashi to be inferior to PVR. It is boosted up commercial sound mostly suited for hindi movies. Not at all balanced. Caused serious ear fatigue for me. The dialogues were unintelligible. Serious issue with time coherence between all the speakers in the hall.
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Hi Subash,
What is a reference grade movie for sound and picture which you have compared in PVR vs the theater of your choice in bangalore and what did you find lacking in PVR ?
This is just for my information because I am not much into theaters these days. I have a group of movie-buff friends who usually book the tickets at PVR/Inox for late night shows. That is how I get to watch most of my "blockbuster" movies.

I am mostly into serious/ parallel cinema which I watch at home on my LCD in two channel stereo.

BTW: I found the sound in Urvashi to be inferior to PVR. It is boosted up commercial sound mostly suited for hindi movies. Not at all balanced. Caused serious ear fatigue for me. The dialogues were unintelligible. Serious issue with time coherence between all the speakers in the hall.

hi square wave, i hardly visit theaters ,its occasionally only for these big movies (last visit to a theatre was for magadheera in europa)

The cinema Europa is definetly good in PVR, but the other screens are not to my liking ---small screen/ low sound levels, cant comment on gold as have not visited as yet.
When i wud watch a big movie like avattar i wud love to be immersed with sound /rather feel it too , and with good PQ too

If u read my previous posts ,i have made a comment on the centre channel @ urvashi ,it definetly needs to be tweaked/fine tuned/upgraded

I am soo used to in your face sound in a theatre, with out that fatigue feeling the feeling of having watched a big movie is missing( just joking man!!:lol:)
have watched it twice in urvashi without any fatigue, the best i like here is the sub ,it really shakes u up .

And this theatre gets a mixed crowd , for a big flick i definetly enjoy the cheering and hooting , adds up to the excietment-:yahoo:-missing in multiplex theatres

Price factor is another point

AS for Refrence Grade in PQ/SQ there is no theater in town to match my HT:yahoo:

Will definetly invite you when i get the BLuray,
will be in hyderabad , this weekend on work , will definetly try to Rewatch @ Prasads, IMAX in 3D (its supposed to be mindblowing in Prasads Imax)
I am soo used to in your face sound in a theatre, with out that fatigue feeling the feeling of having watched a big movie is missing( just joking man!!:lol:)
have watched it twice in urvashi without any fatigue, the best i like here is the sub ,it really shakes u up .

And this theatre gets a mixed crowd , for a big flick i definetly enjoy the cheering and hooting , adds up to the excietment-:yahoo:-missing in multiplex theatres

Okay. I got you :)

I saw this movie in 2D earlier, on Saturday and today at IMAX 3D. Not worth at all or am I missing something.

I think there are hardly 3-4 two secs scenes that throw things onto your faces.

The initial jake Scully run on his excitement and the mud jumps.

the scene where the bottle jumps from a backpack.

Other than this friend, the movie has 80% of its scenes coming near to our eyes kinda near but that is not right 3D experience in my opinion.

Sorry to say, very disappointed.

Will watch this in INOX for Real or dolby 3D next week and let this thread know.

Guys who watched in both can better pitch in.

Please note am talking only abt the 3D, everything else is top notch but that is so obvious today. Hmmmm....
hi anooj, i have heard that the imax experience in 3D is mindblowing, good to know your inputs

According to me ,its not the things coming out of the screen that thrills in the 3d format ,its such that it shud put u in the middle of the action and fool u that all the action is happening around u--eg: the scene where the sacred tree is bombarded and when the tree collapses the effect was such that the tree collapsed inside the theatre right in front of me

i think its abt the depth that the images fool u to be a part of --that matters in the 3d format rather then things coming /protruding out of the screen, but definetly some scenes which make u duck for cover are also fun
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i think its abt the depth that the images fool u to be a part of --that matters in the 3d format rather then things coming /protruding out of the screen, but definetly some scenes which make u duck for cover are also fun

I din duck for any scene except one.Am not sure if anyone here felt the same. During one of the big battle scenes there was an instance were a grenade was dropped and the next scene it quickly comes rolling along the ground. I ducked when the grenade unusually seemed to continue its journey out of the screen towards me . For a moment i thought the grenade was in my hand.
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I din duck for any scene except one.Am not sure if anyone here felt the same. During one of the big battle scenes there was an instance were a grenade was dropped and the next scene it quickly comes rolling along the ground. I ducked when the grenade unusually seemed to continue its journey out of the screen towards me . For a moment i thought the grenade was in my hand.

i definetly felt this too
Avatar is a definitely an film which is not intended to make all the things smashed in to your face... If it is intended,, it is also an ordinarly 3D flick.. Difference than the others is making us to feel we are in the middle of the happenings...

If you got hit by any throwing grenade or arrow or any kind of particles, you will not watch the film, instead close your eyes and miss the scene:lol:

Not to get complaint from the ordinary viewers some scenes... sorry very few have been shot like that...

It is a different film from others...Otherwise why this film is running crazily in all countries for nearly 3 hours and you are able to watch it without getting bored...and still we are discussing about this film:licklips:
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I saw it in IMAX 3D at the Big Cinemas IMAX in wadala (bombay). The visuals were stunning, the film was ordinary. Awful script, poor acting....boring in bits.....I feel asleep in the middle......but ya, the visuals were stunning
JUST needed to post my opinons about 3D. I went out of my way to register to this site which i don't do soo generous of me :ohyeah:

watched this 2 time once in Urvashi (xpand 3d) once in Fame shankarnag (masterimage 3d).

the fame has crappy dirty screen also the brightness is really low but still felt 3d to be more in your face.also the goggle seemed dirt cheap.

the URvashi has better brightness and colour but sound seemed bit crappy.the goggles are best but a bit heavier over all better3d experience .

Also am i the inly one who felt bit nauseated during the thantor beast chase through the jungle ? i belive the curent gen 3d may not be good for fast moving scenes (only my gut feeling)

please help me collect data about 3d scene in bangalore:

Uravashi : xpand 3d (XpanD - XPAND's First and Largest 3D Cinema Deployment Agreement in India)

Fame: masterimage (Polarized 3D Glasses MASTERIMAGE 3D)

PVR : ?


FUN CINEMA (Cunningham road) : watched it here for 3rd time :) . Excellent sound best 3d i ever saw i sat at the center of the theater not too far back . May be because of the seating the 3d seemed good. But i aslo saw that some of the faster scences line the thantor chase came out very well in FUN cinemas without any motion blur or anything. also no washed out picture like FAME . GO here for the best experience.

I believe they are also using the masterimage system (i cannot confirm as they seemed to have removed the brand labelling on the specs) but everything (picture ,3D, Sound) came out beautifully here.

http://www.clacoequipment.com/Digital Cinema.html -- useful link

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I saw it in IMAX 3D at the Big Cinemas IMAX in wadala (bombay). The visuals were stunning, the film was ordinary. Awful script, poor acting....boring in bits.....I feel asleep in the middle......but ya, the visuals were stunning

Do ya feel I amx adds something? As i wanted to see second time in I amx.

anyway my bro who is movie buff also slept during movie. Later he flatly refused me to accompany for second viewing!

I think story or storytelling is gone far away from this directors era just my two bits.
Anyway I have not seen many Mumbai,Thane,Pune guys contributing this thread!
JUST needed to post my opinons about 3D. I went out of my way to register to this site which i don't do soo generous of me :ohyeah:

watched this 2 time once in Urvashi (xpand 3d) once in Fame shankarnag (masterimage 3d).

the fame has crappy dirty screen also the brightness is really low but still felt 3d to be more in your face.also the goggle seemed dirt cheap.

the URvashi has better brightness and colour but sound seemed bit crappy.the goggles are best but a bit heavier over all better3d experience .

Also am i the inly one who felt bit nauseated during the thantor beast chase through the jungle ? i belive the curent gen 3d may not be good for fast moving scenes (only my gut feeling)

please help me collect data about 3d scene in bangalore:

Uravashi : xpand 3d (XpanD - XPAND's First and Largest 3D Cinema Deployment Agreement in India)

Fame: masterimage (Polarized 3D Glasses MASTERIMAGE 3D)

PVR : ?


Digital Cinema -- useful link


Hi tanujay where did you find the information that fame is using masterimage.
I hit upon this site only to find out what crap fame is using and thanks for providing the information.Also the your link XpanD - XPAND's First and Largest 3D Cinema Deployment Agreement in India says Fame,inox, PVR have all signed with XpanD so where did you find about masterimage.

My experience at Fame was bad. As many have said there was lack of brightness, hardly any 3D effect, though it was my first 3D film with over expectations(like live action happening right in front).
Though I would like to try once at urvashi.
yah guys,its better to watch it and forget it.there is lot of technolgy being used in it,i think after a long time we are watching a 3D movie with lot of special effects,do let me know if i am wrong guys.
Watched Avatar 3D at Inox Jayanagar.

Regarding Movie: The grandeur is impressive, more of a visual treat than anything else.

Regarding Inox Experience : Very disappointing, the screen looked a bit dirty (or was it the way the screen was aligned ? not sure). In some of the scenes I was able to see the screen itself ! Images were not bright and vibrant, seems a bit dull. Sound was nothing great. Somehow got tired of the 3D, had eye strain, not sure whether it was because of crappy glasses
As of 23rd December the movie has made 242.5 million dollars with 165.5 million coming from outside the US/Canada region obviously exceeding Fox's exepectations
Watched Avatar 3D at Inox Jayanagar.

Regarding Movie: The grandeur is impressive, more of a visual treat than anything else.

Regarding Inox Experience : Very disappointing, the screen looked a bit dirty (or was it the way the screen was aligned ? not sure). In some of the scenes I was able to see the screen itself ! Images were not bright and vibrant, seems a bit dull. Sound was nothing great. Somehow got tired of the 3D, had eye strain, not sure whether it was because of crappy glasses

want to know which system is being used is it masterimage or xpand
Hi tanujay where did you find the information that fame is using masterimage.
I hit upon this site only to find out what crap fame is using and thanks for providing the information.Also the your link XpanD - XPAND's First and Largest 3D Cinema Deployment Agreement in India says Fame,inox, PVR have all signed with XpanD so where did you find about masterimage.

My experience at Fame was bad. As many have said there was lack of brightness, hardly any 3D effect, though it was my first 3D film with over expectations(like live action happening right in front).
Though I would like to try once at urvashi.

the link only says they tied up with scrabble entertainment i thinlk scrabble is giving them options to choose which 3D system they want. the best way to find out which system is being used is to see the branding on the goggle. i think the 'holes at fame are re-using a disposable google and they are not cleaning it either i went for the first show of the day but still could find sumdges of previous users popcorn oil. same with urvashi i think they are supposed to clean the goggles but they don't but urvashi gogggles are much better.
latest box office info

Avatar (2009) - Box Office Mojo -- the movie may turn profitable afterall they need to earn double the 381 million $ thye have already made read article below

Could 'Avatar' hit $1 billion? | Company Town | Los Angeles Times

having talked about avatar how many of you think 3D has arived and what you would like in 3D. I would love cricket and tennis in 3d would takes into the action.

also i wish Ironman2 and few of the next years block busters were shot in 3D . Does any one know of any upcoming 3d must watches ?
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