Avatar! Avatar! Avatar!

I myself watched the movie yesterday in IMAX 3D and these are my observations. These are purely personal.

1) From slightly off angles, the 3D effect is actually BAD. Towards the centre, It was good. Book the tickets keeping this in mind. I sat in location 6 which is off angle and not so good.

2) Towards the back and towards the very front, same bad effect!! Where you sit makes a huge difference. M row middle is the best location (saw this while walking :D )

3) The 3D glasses supplied had a Sunglass effect with a slight brown tint. This makes the films contrast to reduce a bit. If you remove the glasses, you can see the colours and contrast being more vivid albeit the blur caused by watching the 3D in 2D.

4) Sound effect is awesome.

5) The movie is 2.45 Hrs WITHOUT INTERVAL. Wearing the glasses so long gives headache (at least to me and I dont get headache often).

6) People say it is not up to the hype because, It does not have intentional scenes where a train seems to hit you or of balloons popping out of screen etc.. The movie makes scenes to be happening around you. IMO this is the correct 3D effect.

7) All said and done, Pandora is a great world for a tour and the movie gives you more than satisfactory experience. If the movie were cut to < two hours with an interval like normal English movies, It would have been great.

8) After watching the movie though, I too felt the 2D would have been better because you can concentrate on the movie rather than getting used to the 3D glasses and wondering that the other seat in the middle would have been better. Not that I cannot watch the 2D version now, But I cannot get the first time experience.
Blasto -that was very informative

i too felt that the middle seating from below is best for 3D effects for this movie
Jus an update- Fun Cinemas Bangalore is now showing the movie in 3D.
Their screenings for the past couple o weeks have been in 2D only.
. If you remove the glasses, you can see the colours and contrast being more vivid albeit the blur caused by watching the 3D in 2D.


Without glasses,one may not see whats happening on screen.Its totally blurr.
Sometimes with glasses too (if they are not good Q)sharpness is lost.
Thanks for the information blasto. I booked my tickets for Dec 31st Night 11 PM show on IMAX 3D. Hope I will have nice experience.

I have been to Dubai this weekend (for us the weekend is thursday friday) with my colleagues and we had different agendas for thr trip..mine was to watch AVATAR in IMAX and celebrate Xmass eve in some happening place and I must say that both of the above wishes got fulfilled.

AVATAR is crowned as the most expensive movie ($300 + mil) made in the history of cinema and I think it will remain so for atleast a couple of years unless James Cameron or Rolland Emmerich decide to make something more grander and more FUNtastic.The credit for the success of the movie should go to James Cameron and his special FX team (who I think managed to create whatever James Cameron envisioned inside his head) and the bosses of 20th century fox who trusted/backed/funded James Cameron for making this GIANT of a movie.I have not seen anything before that could rival the IMAX-3D experience of watching AVATAR (I am 101 % honest about this statement).I felt like I was in the middle of whats happening onscreen (thanks to the magic of 3D which I am sure is the most HAPPENING thing in Visual Media arena now).The below is my review abt the movie..If u think I am exagerating then I wud request you to watch the movie in a theater with decent A/V system (like SATHYAM theater in chennai or the IMAX'es in Pune,Hyderabad or elsewhere).

The action takes place in AD-2154 and the main venue of the action is a planet called PANDORA which is populated by the Na'vi people.A billionnaire entrepreneur hires a team of scientists to tame the people of Na'vi and to find a way to ensure their cooperation to start mining operations in Pandora to dig out a precious metal that fetches $20 Mil/Kg in the international market.He also hires a team of highly trained mercenaries (Ex-US MARINES) as back up in case the scientists fails to ensure the Na'vi cooperation.The team of scientists are headed by Sigourney Weaver who is also an authority in the field of Na'vi way life and culture.They have created replicas of Na'vi like people (Lab-made and lifeless) and can give life to them by transferring the energy from human beingsso that "Na'vi" will have the body of a Na'vi and character of human being whose energy is bonded to it.This project is called the AVATAR project and they intend to send this clones to PANDORA to mingle with the natives and to become one of them so that they will be able to persuade the Na'vi's to allow mining operations.Jake Sully(Sam Worthington) is the main candidate and he is an EX-Marine (Paralysed below the waist) and is the twin brother of the scientist (who died before the movie begins) who was supposed to go to the Na'vi.

Jake Sully ventures into the forests of Pandora in his Avatar persona .we are treated with breath taking vista of Pandora's forestsself illuminating plants and flies and many other magnificent creatures which will make us jaws drop.he was attacked by some dog like creatures (its like the dogs in Resident Evil movie but more vicious and agile) and suddenly a Na'vi huntress (I think thats Zoe Saldana in her Na'vi getup) appears in the scene and she manages to protect Jake from the attack but she was very sad that she had to kill one of the creature..coz its becoz of Jake's ignorance that he got attacked and the fault lies with Jake rather than the creatures.she takes him to the head of their clan (Her dad) and siad that he is approved by Eowah (Maybe a variation of the ancient YEHVEH or JEHOVAH)then her mom (A shaman or seer of the clan) asks her to teach him the Na'vi language and the ways of their life.the more he learns the more he starts empathising with the people and realises that the place where the Mineral deposit is found is actually the most sacred place of the Na'vis and that they wont allow anyone to desecrate the site..he is in a dilemmawhether to support his team of human beings or should support the Na'avi people who accepted him as one of their own (btwby this time he manged to fall in love with his tutor and make love) and the rest of the story is about what happens between the Human beings and the people of Na'vi.

My opinion

1) This is the best visual experience you will ever get watching a movie (atleast in the near future)

2) James Cameron has proved that "HE IS THE KING OF THE WORLD" (atleast the celluloid world)

3) Every penny spent is well spent and you could see all that on screen

4) Despite the criticsm that it lacks in emotional content I felt that its more emotional than most of the movies I have seen..and like Ram Gopal Varma said in his blogyou dont see the emotions coz u are awestruck by the visual treat happening on screen.

5) Watching the movie in small screen will be an injusticeyou have to watch it in the biggest screen possible with the best audio system..and according to me I am lucky to watch it in an IMAX screen and in 3D format (nothing beats that experience)

6) Every scene that happens in Pandora can be screen captured and made into a PICTURE POST CARDthats the beauty of the framesbe it floating mountainsbeautiful waterfallsbrightly colored/flurocent flying beings and plants

7) If you think my review is not as good as my previews reviews then its coz I have tooooo much to write about the movie and I cant find enough superlatives to fill the pages
The review is not bad. But why that bold girly pink?!

Ohh that 7th point was for my friends (I used to send reviews occassionaly thru mails)...and I realised that this reveiew didnt have the same range as my previous reviews...the pink has been my colour since I started FORUMing (Memebr in few Mallu speaking forums) and now I am addicted to it (LOL - I am not gay or TV - OMG today I am wearing a PINK shirt!!)
What RGV has to say about AVATAR

Some people say less is more. I say, more is less and too much is not enough James Cameron.

As I stepped out of Imax last night after watching AVATAR in 3D, I hated James Cameron for in comparison to the ultra futuristic vision of his, he made me feel like a pre-historic being of cinema in every which way. AVATAR in 3D is the most mind-blowing cinematic experience anybody can ever hope to have in their entire lifetime. Nearly 3 decades ago I remember being awestruck with Star Wars and now nearly 30 years later AVATAR to me looked 30 years ahead of its time both in its creative output and also in terms of James Camerons sheer imaginative power.

Some people said that its low on the emotional quotient compared to Titanic but if at all, that could be because the visuals and the atmosphere of the film are so breathtaking that it takes you that much more time and effort to connect to its emotional aspect and its story when compared to a normal film with normal people.

I have never believed in God but I think James Cameron is greater than God for the simple reason that he created a far more beautiful, far more fantastic and far more exotic world than what even God can ever hope to create.
And all this he managed to do it in a paltry budget of 1200 Crores. Yes, I say its a paltry budget considering we make films like Kambhakt Ishq and London Dreams for budgets nearly touching 80 to 90 crores which is nearly as much as 1/12th of the budget of AVATAR and then every shot of AVATAR looks 12000 times better than our entire so-called 100 crore films.

I honestly feel that it is a crime to give away such a glorious experience as that of watching AVATAR for a mere 100 or 200 Rupee ticket to us common people.

When someone asked me if the special efx of AVATAR will inspire other filmmakers, I said that on the contrary they might have a reverse effect. What I mean is that we can only aspire to become someone when we can atleast have a belief that we can reach someones potential but James Cameron in AVATAR created a bench mark so high that it will take years for us lesser folk even to comprehend it let alone attempt to execute it.
Its like if you aspire to be a runner and somehow hope to run at a speed of 20km per hour which may be the world record and then when on the track you see a guy running at 200kmph you would rather give up and come back and make family dramas and TV serials and leave the running to James Cameron.

Titanic was fantastic but it did not shake me up inspite of everyone else around me back then saying that James Cameron is God of cinema.

But with his second coming AVATAR I have surely turned religious.

I want to pray to him for making AVATAR.

I hate him for making all us so-called filmmakers in the world feel like ants.

I love him for the passion and the patience with which he created new
benchmarks in each and every technical aspect of the medium of films.
And lastly, I thank him for existing.

P.S: I truly believe AVATAR will divide cinema as we knew it so far into a pre AVATAR and a post AVATAR era.

Dont see it. Experience it.


It's just a movie, get over it!
I am baffled by this sycophancy......RGV was either pulling everyone's leg or has been paid off. The visuals are spectacular no doubt, but the film is piss-poor. This is just like the sycophancy surrounding Paa.....by all accounts it is a terrible film, but Amitabh Bacchan is in it, so everyone lauds the acting and the 'emotions'. Yeah, i guess all art is subjective and all that......but still.....it irritates me to see crap praised to the heavens.
I am baffled by this sycophancy......RGV was either pulling everyone's leg or has been paid off. The visuals are spectacular no doubt, but the film is piss-poor. This is just like the sycophancy surrounding Paa.....by all accounts it is a terrible film, but Amitabh Bacchan is in it, so everyone lauds the acting and the 'emotions'. Yeah, i guess all art is subjective and all that......but still.....it irritates me to see crap praised to the heavens.

Different people different views..people who liked the movie have the right to say they liked it and those who didnt can say that they didnt like..what is CINEMA by the way ? A medium of entertainment (Now dont say that cinema should educate..cinemas shud be logical etc...) and I think AVATAR managed to entertain atleast 90% of the people who watched it and its a box office hit but on the other hand PAA wasnt a box office success and it was a mediocre movie with some good performances...
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