Today i had a brief demo of the W900(thats right),W800,W700 in Sony world Infantry road.
The W900 is available in 55" and costs 2.2lakh.
The W900 looked better in pretty much all parameters colors ,contrast and it appeared it has a better image processing even though they are advertised has X-reality PRO.That TriLuminos colors just makes colors POP out especially with their TriLuminos Demo disc,i haven't seen such beautiful deep colors in any display you have to see it to believe it.Its a worthy successor to the HX850.
Only the W900 and W800 have a MotionFlow setting control and none of the other Sony lcds have the setting.

The W900 is available in 55" and costs 2.2lakh.
The W900 looked better in pretty much all parameters colors ,contrast and it appeared it has a better image processing even though they are advertised has X-reality PRO.That TriLuminos colors just makes colors POP out especially with their TriLuminos Demo disc,i haven't seen such beautiful deep colors in any display you have to see it to believe it.Its a worthy successor to the HX850.

Only the W900 and W800 have a MotionFlow setting control and none of the other Sony lcds have the setting.