I picked up a 42X20D over the weekend for my parents, and upgraded my Airtel DTH connection to the HD box
After using it over the weekend, my initial impressions are -
1. Very decent SD viewing experience, a significant improvement over a 29" CRT that it replaced
2. HD content is mindblowing! only getting NG HD right now, but it is a treat on the eyes even with this TV

(Have set the set top box to 720p output)
3. Also borrowed a WD Player over the weekend and watched a range of 720p and 1080p mkv's and they were just excellent. Regular DivX's were pretty good too, but i have now been spoilt by watching HD and there is no going pack

4. Reflections are a bit of an issue in well lit conditions, i have a lot of ambient light coming in to my hall, but it was not too bad, did not distract much from the TV viewing.
5. No TIR / Ghosting seen at all.
6. Using cinema mode with 50 contrast and 0 brightness
7. Sound output is decent for regular TV channels
This thread was a big factor in me deciding to purchase this TV and i am thankful to the other people who have contributed their thoughts here!