Class D Amplifiers


Just back from Venkat's place.:) Took my amp there to try out their performance with his Audere single driver speakers and also to seek his guidance regarding the cabinet design etc.

Seeing the amp mounted on a plywood board, he said, you mean to say this will drive my speakers?:lol:

All his skepticism has vanished as the speakers started playing.:ohyeah:

The higher efficiency of the speakers were quite apparent as I had to reduce the volume control by 40%

Venkat & Reddymail were there to listen. Hope they post their opinion regarding the amp.

Just back from Venkat's place.:) Took my amp there to try out their performance with his Audere single driver speakers and also to seek his guidance regarding the cabinet design etc.

Seeing the amp mounted on a plywood board, he said, you mean to say this will drive my speakers?:lol:

All his skepticism has vanished as the speakers started playing.:ohyeah:

The higher efficiency of the speakers were quite apparent as I had to reduce the volume control by 40%

Venkat & Reddymail were there to listen. Hope they post their opinion regarding the amp.

Good going captain!

I am eagerly looking forward to Venkatcr's review of your amp paired with his audire speakers!
BTW, you are required to start a thread saying hello to everyone in the forum before making any posts.:)

Yes sir!!!
But was so excited, that i went straight to the topic:)
About Cabinet design, maybe we can work together.
My intention is to make a universal design for most of the class-D products.
Therefore, we can also make these based on orders:cool:...
capt..............will audition the amp when fully finished and give my views, i prefer testing the amp with better speakers, really didn't like the audire :).when you and sashi auditioned my system you were able to get lot more details, which is missing in A:sad:
as an audire speaker owner,I am curious. What speaker are you accustomed to? :)

Sent from my iPod touch
It's much needed.

I know some people who make really good cabinets based on the requirements..
To my concern, it should look simple and royal.. Which means the front panel should be treated real good!!! Last but bot the least, the rear should also tell that it is a powerful monster for its size:D

Is there any way to get Class D Kits in chennai, rather than buying in online???
Cos i learnt from Capt Rajesh that a lot of money is taxed when u ship it from us..
Or are there any dealers in India??
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capt..............will audition the amp when fully finished and give my views, i prefer testing the amp with better speakers, really didn't like the audire :).when you and sashi auditioned my system you were able to get lot more details, which is missing in A:sad:

I suppose we have to wait for Venkatcr's review then.
...two days ago i had a chance to hook up CDA-254 Amplifier from class D on to my sound card... But the sound was very feeble:sad:
Compared to other sound cards, i believe that creative has got better output in terms of level and it can drive headphones well too... And when i wanted to drive my passive sub (Bridge mode), it was much feeble..

Does this kit really require a pre-Amp to boost up the signal???:rolleyes:
My TDA7294 has got at-least 10 times more gain as per its standard datasheet circuit design...
I believe its only something to do with gain in CDA-254 Amplifier, and it can perform well...

The gain on the Class D amps are modifiable, if I'm not wrong. I remember reading it's a matter of replacing just one resistor. The newer modules have a pot to change the gain on the fly. Will try and post the details sometime tomorrow...
At first, with reference to Reddy's comments let me say I have heard quite often the Dynaudio and the Cantons. I have heard the Dali a few times. In these three cases against the Audire, I simply reserve my comments.

Second this was not meant to be a serious review. Capt. Rajesh landed today after a casual call yesterday and brought Reddy along. Reddy brought along a DAC of his (from China), a Primare amp, and a few IC's and speaker cables most of which are beyond my meager financial window.

Now coming to Capt. Rajesh's (CR) amp here are my views. Please bear in mind these are purely my personal views.

CR brought in his amp daintily mounted on a wooden board. We placed the amplifier on a small stool, and placed CP's Marantz 6003 on another stool nearby. We connected the 6003 to the amp using ICs made by Viren Bakshi. The amp has very small aperture for speaker wires, and we could only connect the speaker cables that CP got.

I requested CR to keep the volume low as the Audire's upper limit is about 12 watts.

CR played a few albums of his and the music did sound nice. We then played the Joy Of Life from Kenny G's Breathless. Though the music was nice and the saxophone was sharp and timely, something was missing. Maybe the 'lushness' I heard when I played the same album with a Cayin amp, or through my own 875. Maybe a deeper sound of the drums? Maybe a larger sound stage?

We then played the Radetzky Marsch from the 2002 New Year's Concert conducted by Seiji Ozawa. The depth I was looking forward to and the presence of the huge auditorium I am used to was again missing. In truth, the concert sound tinny to me and I was completely taken aback. To see if there was something wrong with my choice of number, I played the Beethoven 1st Movement from Symphony No. 5 played by the London Symphony Orchestra. A semblance of depth was there, but the deep sound and envelopment I expected was missing.

I raised the volume as much as I dared, but that did not make a difference. Maybe this amp should not be used with single driver speakers. Unfortunately, though I do have the standard multi driver speakers, we never used it for some reason.

When we connect the Primare amp, the difference was immediately audible to me. The Primare brought in a depth to the sound stage that was missing with the Class D amp.

The Marantz 6003, for some reason, refused to play my copy of 'Maya'. Reddy was very eager to try his DAC, and we had to move on to connecting a different set of electronics. Another thing that I noticed today was something that has been bugging me for sometime with the Marantz. If there is a difference in the gain in recording between different CD's, the output amplitude immediately changes by quite a large margin. This forces you to keep changing the volume pot in the amp. If you do not have a remote, for a couch potato like me, it is quite irritating.

My conclusion? I think a more serious and longer review is warranted. In addition, I think the speaker cables needs to be better. Unfortunately we could not fit any of the other cables we had. I certainly would like to try the amp with multi driver book shelf speakers.

The amp has costed CR some 8 odd K. In addition, I think CR may have to spend another 10-12 K to properly house the amp in a cabinet as well as provide connectors at the back as well as power switch, source switch, and pots in the front. But for 20 odd K, you get a 125 watt amplifier that sounds really decent for most music. And all that if you have a streak of DIY in you.

My apologies, Capt. Rajesh but as I said in the beginning, these are my personal views.

Now coming to Capt. Rajesh's (CP) amp here are my views. Please bear in mind these are purely my personal views.

CR brought in his amp daintily mounted on a wooden board. We placed the amplifier on a small stool, and placed CP's Marantz 6003 on another stool nearby. We connected the 6003 to the amp using ICs made by Viren Bakshi. The amp has very small aperture for speaker wires, and we could only connect the speaker cables that CR got.

I requested CR to keep the volume low as the Audire's upper limit is about 12 watts.

CR played a few albums of his and the music did sound nice. We then played the Joy Of Life from Kenny G's Breathless. Though the music was nice and the saxophone was sharp and timely, something was missing. Maybe the 'lushness' I heard when I played the same album with a Cayin amp, or through my own 875. Maybe a deeper sound of the drums? Maybe a larger sound stage?

We then played the Radetzky Marsch from the 2002 New Year's Concert conducted by Seiji Ozawa. The depth I was looking forward to and the presence of the huge auditorium I am used to was again missing. In truth, the concert sound tinny to me and I was completely taken aback. To see if there was something wrong with my choice of number, I played the Beethoven 1st Movement from Symphony No. 5 played by the London Symphony Orchestra. A semblance of depth was there, but the deep sound and envelopment I expected was missing.

I raised the volume as much as I dared, but that did not make a difference. Maybe this amp should not be used with single driver speakers. Unfortunately, though I do have the standard multi driver speakers, we never used it for some reason.

When we connect the Primare amp, the difference was immediately audible to me. The Primare brought in a depth to the sound stage that was missing with the Class D amp.

The Marantz 6003, for some reason, refused to play my copy of 'Maya'. Reddy was very eager to try his DAC, and we had to move on to connecting a different set of electronics. Another thing that I noticed today was something that has been bugging me for sometime with the Marantz. If there is a difference in the gain in recording between different CD's, the output amplitude immediately changes by quiet a large margin. This forces you to keep changing the volume pot in the amp. If you do not have a remote, for a couch potato like me, it is quite irritating.

My conclusion? I think a more serious and longer review is warranted. In addition, I think the speaker cables needs to be better. Unfortunately we could not fit any of the other cables we had. I certainly would like to try the amp with multi driver book shelf speakers.

The amp has costed CR some 8 odd K. In addition, I think CR may have to spend another 10-12 K to properly house the amp in a cabinet as well as provide connectors at the back as well as power switch, source switch, and pots in the front. But for 20 odd K, you get a 125 watt amplifier that sounds really decent for most music. And all that if you have a streak of DIY in you.

My apologies, Capt. Rajesh. But as I said in the beginning, these are my personal views.

Spot on Mr. Venkat, I really appreciate your frank views and I really do not understand why you should be apologetic about it. The purpose of bringing the amp to you has been met.:)

Yes the Amp didn't have the sound stage that the Primare was presenting but we cannot compare the two as they are from very different segments.

These are my humble comments on your review:-

The Amp cost me 9.5k including 700 towards customs (12%)

The Amp is still in its trial form. The transformer is delivering only 30 volts as against the optimum 35V. Moreover, it is not torodial and mounted next to the amp without shielding and thus would induce significant EMI.

The input from CDP is routed through cheapo volume pot and cheapo wires and cheapo RCA sockets. Ideally it must be routed though a Pre-Amp IMHO.

The speaker cable as rightly pointed out is just thin ordinary OFC copper wire.

I hope to sort out the above issues and also mount it in a decent cabinet and then post a detailed review.


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Captain - can you explain briefly why you chose to go with a Class D amp instead of any other option? I am sure your reasoning would be helpful to a lot of members - not to mention, interesting.
Captain - can you explain briefly why you chose to go with a Class D amp instead of any other option? I am sure your reasoning would be helpful to a lot of members - not to mention, interesting.

Hi Bala

That is the true Aquarian trait of not to take the 'beaten path':D

Jokes apart, The idea was conceived after someone offered to build me a Class D amp and our forum members especially Richie, (Grubyhalo) and George (George) have given me some inputs and I did some research on the net. There are huge threads in hi forum "Audio Circle".

Since the cost was not much, I said to myself 'What the heck, let me try this out'. In fact there were nay sayers notable amongst them was 'Cranky' but I went ahead.

I'm very happy I that I took the chance. This Amp may not have a huge sound stage (needs to be confirmed after I address all the issues that I had mentioned in my previous post) but the quality of presentation of the instruments and vocals is superb and very tube like. Trust me, the Primare, or for that matter any other solid state amp cannot match.

I'll keep posting the details as and when they happen and hopefully, the amp may be up and running within a month or so.


Hi Bala

That is the true Aquarian trait of not to take the 'beaten path':D

Jokes apart, The idea was conceived after someone offered to build me a Class D amp and our forum members especially Richie, (Grubyhalo) and George (George) have given me some inputs and I did some research on the net. There are huge threads in hi forum "Audio Circle".

Since the cost was not much, I said to myself 'What the heck, let me try this out'. In fact there were nay sayers notable amongst them was 'Cranky' but I went ahead.

I'm very happy I that I took the chance. This Amp may not have a huge sound stage (needs to be confirmed after I address all the issues that I had mentioned in my previous post) but the quality of presentation of the instruments and vocals is superb and very tube like. Trust me, the Primare, or for that matter any other solid state amp cannot match.

I'll keep posting the details as and when they happen and hopefully, the amp may be up and running within a month or so.



Your soundstage experience may possibly be quite different if you use multi-driver and harder-to-drive speakers, as your amp seems to be built for them.
The input from CDP is routed through cheapo volume pot and cheapo wires and cheapo RCA sockets. Ideally it must be routed though a Pre-Amp IMHO.

Curious, so are you going to spend 10+K more on this amp or are you going to spend it on a preamp?

Hi Bala

That is the true Aquarian trait of not to take the 'beaten path':D

Jokes apart, The idea was conceived after someone offered to build me a Class D amp and our forum members especially Richie, (Grubyhalo) and George (George) have given me some inputs and I did some research on the net. There are huge threads in hi forum "Audio Circle".

Since the cost was not much, I said to myself 'What the heck, let me try this out'. In fact there were nay sayers notable amongst them was 'Cranky' but I went ahead.

I'm very happy I that I took the chance. This Amp may not have a huge sound stage (needs to be confirmed after I address all the issues that I had mentioned in my previous post) but the quality of presentation of the instruments and vocals is superb and very tube like. Trust me, the Primare, or for that matter any other solid state amp cannot match.

I'll keep posting the details as and when they happen and hopefully, the amp may be up and running within a month or so.



An Arian is not too different, actually :). Good luck in your endeavour to extract better sound, Captain.
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