Fans of Television Series

House of Cards is oustanding. Ive been watching The Good Wife for the past few years and love it, also a few others like Unforgettable. Body of Proof and Person of Interest
Guys what made you like Banshee so much finished 2 more episodes, its very formulatic

Here's what I wrote

In this modern era of story telling where 'thinking is the new sexy', Banshee is a bit retro. Some episode plot outlines feel like they could have been taken straight out of a 1980's Seagal or Van Damme film. But the treatment is modern and different.

Seems like everybody who watched it for plot, acting, something fresh have been disappointed. The article technobhatt linked is right - it is a mixture of elements of Spartacus and Justified. You can also see that the 'live comic book action' description in the link could be equally applicable. But that is precisely why I like it. Sometimes it is fresh to let go off all these character and plot complexities and see something raw and direct.

As far as action being 'slow', I don't feel it is slow at all. It is closer to professional wrestling than it is to MMA - scripted story telling in action over real fights. You can at most give a chance for couple of more episodes, but I guess you won't lose much if you quit now.

I treat it much like how I treat 'Castle', 'Supernatural', where you know there's going to be cliche', things you can guess, but you switch off the critical part of the brain and see it for what it is. Sometimes you like, sometimes you do not. But, except for the last episode (9th Feb), Banshee on the whole has been much more entertaining than the rest.

  • I completed all four episodes of 'True Detective'. I was very hesitant to start it, but it is interesting. It is slower in pace than most other series and each episode runs close to the full hour mark. I cannot say I have watched that many Mathew McCounaghey movies, but I didn't think acting was his strong suit. But this character kind of fits him very well. The atmosphere, the pace and dialogues all make it kind of .. interesting. I would like to reserve my judgment until after the season is over though!
  • I am re-watching 'Firefly'. It is the first series I have watched a second time. I like it a little more than the first time. Oh! I spotted Rachel in the episode titled 'Safe'.
  • I am half way into Dekalog. Why the hell did I postpone watching it so long? My admiration for Kieslowski just went up a notch more. I need to watch more films after finishing the current set of series.
  • Justified always seems to take 2-3 episodes to set up a season. But, once it sets off, great writing manages to keep it very, very interesting. I may be in the minority, but I feel that at 8.7 on IMDB, it is still under-rated (read: I like it much more than the general audience rating on IMDB and I know I am always right)
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Banshee is like Dabaang, if people enjoy Dabaang (by swtching off the logical portion of the brain) they will enjoy Banshee too :)
Hmmm... I don't have a clue how good or bad Dabang is or if it can be compared to Banshee. I neither watch Bollywood movies nor follow them. But, I may hate Dabang and still like Banshee ;)

Same as saying - Sam9s likes Firefly, Sam9s likes homeland, therefore Sam9s likes any serial with Morena Baccarrin.
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Sometime I feel lucky that I started watching most of the Hollywood movies and TV shows quite bit later. It was only after 2007 that I started watching movies in foreign language with a keen interest. Earlier it was only casual watching of popular rom-com/action movies or shows like 'Friends' in college.
In my school time I only remember watching either Jurassic Park, Titanic, Home Alone and couple more.
It was only in third quarter of 2012 I watched my first English TV show and it was LOST.

Being a latecomer helps me a lot and I don't come up with instant judgement and prejudices. That's why, for TV shows I keep on going till a certain point and if it's fine I continue else quit. Probably that's the reason I love "Banshee" and the same I wrote very first time.
Despite being lots of familiar elements with earlier shows, this proved quite addictive show.
There has been only one TV show so far that I quit after few episodes and it was 'Agents of Shield'. It felt quite boring because I was already fed-up with lot of super-hero movies and it's just looked another franchise without any interesting procedural plot.

@Esantosh: I think most of 'Justified' fans like us think the same... Justified is truly awesome and it really deserves ratings more than 9 on average. Writing is awesome and crime is completely modern :)
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BANSHEE .... ok so finally started with Banshee, frankly, very frankly, the first episode we kinda just okie ..... but I am seriously hoping it would pick up quickly in the later episodes ........

Guys what made you like Banshee so much finished 2 more episodes, its very formulatic, xcon turned cop, a small town with x cons girlfriend. Towns got a problem (with a typical bad guy who deals all his problems with brutal punishment) , x cons girl friends daughter got problems, the police has it own problem, and all solution is with our one man X con as he is some tough guy helping and rectifying all situation on its own assuming the identity which is made like a walk in the park ;; ...... bhaaa !!! Boring ... ..... all situations are so very clichd ........The action combact fights are also so slow and boring

Not sure if I gonna continue ..... sorry for now Banshee isnt working for me. Wondering how its like 8.3 on IMDB

Do stick with it, typically a series only picks up after the 5th or 6th episode. However, you will need to suspend your sense of logic to some extent.

I enjoyed season 1, but I find season 2 getting really into the thick of things. 2 of the best episodes of the series have been from season 2.

Don't find the action slow or boring!
Sam9s likes any serial with Morena Baccarin
Does anyone not like a serial with Morena Baccarin??? :lol:

Going to start Season 2 of House of Cards on Netflix tonight :yahoo: Season 1 was really taut and I have high expectations from the new season as well. Not all Netflix Originals work for me though - I spent 3 episodes on Orange Is The New Black and wondered what the fuss was about
Morena Baccarin has also made guest appearances in Mentalist, if anyone has not watched Mentalist yet, you are missing something. I liked Simon Baker more than Morena Baccarin
A roundup of some of the television serials I have been watching lately -

I will start with the continuations of existing serials (seasons 2 and beyond).

Revolution (TV Series 2012 ) - IMDb - Started with season 2 which picks up a few months after the season 1 finale. Season 2 is definitely better, has picked up the tempo and pace of the storytelling, introduced new characters and new villains. The story arc has also picked up with the introduction of a new Army that is looking to take over the United States.

Arrow (TV Series 2012 ) - IMDb - Season 1 of Arrow was okay, good fun, pretty faces, decent action, and not much in the way of a storyline. Season 2 picks up a few months after the end of season 1 and our crimefighter has to be coaxed back into fighting the crime in Starling City. That said season 2 of Arrow is definitely better with the introduction of more superheroes. There is also a hint of a relationship between Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, something the fans have been asking for. There is also the introduction of a stronger villain who is both a strong fighter as well as a strategist who prefers to play the waiting game when required. Will not challenge your mental faculties, but nonetheless good fun as Arrow is filled with pretty faces and action sequences for the most part.

The Following (TV Series 2013 ) - IMDb - Season 1 was weak in parts, especially the middle episodes where the FBI was shown as incompetent and always 2 steps behind the bad guys. However, it did pick up towards the ending and hence my decision to give season 2 a chance. It is still too early to tell, but there is the introduction of new villains and the addition of several new cast members like Connie Nielsen and some unexpected twists and turns in the very first few episodes. Things are definitely looking better for The Following especially in comparison to season 1 which had its weak moments. That said, it is still early days and hopefully it will not meander and lose steam like it did in season 1.

Banshee (TV Series 2013 ) - IMDb - Am a huge fan and the good stuff continues in season 2. Expect the unexpected, but may not be too everybody's liking especially if you prefer logic and don't enjoy pure popcorn fun. Do give it a try, it might just be what the doctor ordered.

Scandal (TV Series 2012 ) - IMDb - One of my favorite serials now into season 3. I really like it because it is so much different compared to everything else on the TV which can be broadly categorised into genres like horror/vampire, sci-fi/space/robots, comedy/family/gay families or finally action series. Scandal is a behind-the-scenes look at the politics in Washington, D.C. and in particular revolves around Olivia Pope (a professional fixer for the rich and famous in America) and the President of the United States. Season 3 has upped the ante with more mystery, more scandal, and the introduction of new characters. Highly recommended!

The Walking Dead (TV Series 2010 ) - IMDb - Seasons 1 and 2 were very good, but of late things had fallen into a rut with a predictable story arc and the same set of performers battling the same enemy in the same environment. However, things got really shaken up during the mid-season finale of season 4 and things have really picked up after the break. At least the normalcy has been broken and all of the characters have been taken out of their "safe" elements and are having to fight for their very survival. Definitely on an upswing and cannot wait for more of the good stuff, considering the pot (plot) has been well and truly stirred.

Now onto some new serials that I have started recently.

Almost Human (TV Series 2013 ) - IMDb - Fits into the sci-fi/robots genre, but is surprisingly lighthearted and fun. Karl Urban at times is good and at times out of place or a total misfit, but Michael Ealy really takes the cake (and the bakery too) with his performance as an android in the police force. The story arc has been good, mainly single episodes that solve one case/murder, but there is an underlying theme that should lead into the season finale (as can be expected).

True Detective (TV Series 2014 ) - IMDb - Definitely a Hollywood heavyweight what with the presence of superstars like Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson adding their star power. Only into the 5th episode and the going has been slow at times, but the performances are uniformly good and one can feel the story and the suspense slowly building up. Definitely recommended if you are into serious drama, just don't expect any of the big action from Hollywood. The story itself follows the lives of 2 detectives over the course of 17 years as they try to catch a serial killer.

The Tomorrow People (TV Series 2013 ) - IMDb - This one is surprisingly good. I guess the reasons are because it does not try to do something out of the ordinary or try to blow you away with huge expectations. In fact you get pretty much what you can expect going into a series with limited budget and no big names. Still it's high on the entertainment factor, lots of pretty faces, good storyline, and lots of superpowers on display (reminds you of the movie Jumper). I usually don't venture into unknown territory unless it comes with a recommendation and this one did. Cannot say I am disappointed and have in fact enjoyed what has been a good ride so far, now into the 13th episode. Do check it out.
Last night finished binge watching House of Cards Season 2. Awesome, please don't miss it. Without any spoilers : Frank and Claire are absolutely vicious.... great show !!!!
^^ Not yet, @easanthosh! Due to some connection issues, my viewing has been mostly limited to what I have with me right now. Also, I'm spending a lot more listening to music, rather than viewing movies/miniseries, when I'm at home now. A queue is slowly building.
^^ You should when you get the chance. More than anything, a single writer and director combo for all episodes maintains consistency in style of narration. The last two episodes have spiked my interest a little more.

I should finish Dekalog first :o
^^ I finished 4 episodes. But going at slow speed.

@hydra, @technobhatt

Are you watching 'True Detective'?

Not yet... I have a plan to start watching it only after all the 8 episodes are completed. But I don't forget to snatch its episodes right after they're available on internet. No weekly anticipations as of now apart from Banshee.

I've been regularly watching 'Boston Legal' now a days. I have been recording the show in my Airtel HD-DVR everyday. Have completed till 3rd Feb episode which is I guess S02E22.

After not so good season-1, season 2 gets better both in terms of its humor and court cases. James Spader is really good and what to say about another lead actor 'William Shatner'...... Denny Crane!!
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