Fans of Television Series

Just finished Breaking Bad finally !!! I know I was late in catching up to this masterpiece, but I made sure that I turned a blind eye to all discussions, spoilers, etc. for all this time. Now I am just sad to think that there's nothing else which can come up to this level of excellence. Just perfect.
The Strain (TV Series 2014 ) - IMDb - Completed Season 1 of this good thriller/horror series about vampires and how a group consisting of doctors, hunters, hackers, etc. are on the run to stop vampires from taking over the world.

This is nothing like The Walking Dead, which deals with after the zombie apocalypse and how the remaining survivors have to fend for themselves and survive in a harsh world that's no longer theirs. The Strain deals with a group of humans who are aware of what's happening and trying to stop it and how other powerful humans are helping the vampires by hiding/hacking/jacking the news, the media and the government.

Deals with human apathy, the dirty politics which come to the fore even during medical emergencies and the sheer stupidity of people in helping and even colluding to destroy their own world.

A good series, definitely different from other vampire/zombie/apocalyptic serials that are on air, good entertainment that keeps the thrills and the shocks going on.
The first two episodes of Homeland (Season 4) aired back-to-back yesterday night. I can't wait to get home to watch them! :)
The first two episodes of Homeland (Season 4) aired back-to-back yesterday night. I can't wait to get home to watch them! :)

Good stuff indeed. Crazy Carrie is back and crazier than ever and she also has Quinn for company battling his own inner demons.

Good stuff like I said, but its not the same without Damian Lewis. Scenes like the first time he kneeled down to pray in the garage really made the hair on your neck stand up. That's missing this time around... more espionage/spy stuff this time around and they are also showing the mighty US in a negative light with their drone bombs killing innocents and chalking it up nonchalantly as collateral damage.

Still all said and done Homeland is entertaining fare and much better that most stuff on TV.
The first two episodes of Homeland (Season 4) aired back-to-back yesterday night. I can't wait to get home to watch them! :)

I already have watched them, and so far things are yet to take shape properly.
That is to be expected, they are starting with a new storyline with new characters coming in.
I do not wish to give away spoilers but this time it is based in Pakistan as was revealed in the trailers. The Urdu spoken by the characters feel very scripted at best and definitely ruins the experience. Carrie's personal life choices and dilemmas are again brought forward which I personally feel the series can do less with.
So far it has been a little predictable, but knowing Homeland I am going to stick with it, better things are to follow.
Orphan Black (TV Series 2013 ) - IMDb - Completed Season 1 and its a blast. Seriously good!

Its about a young woman who finds someone looking exactly like her committing suicide and then taking on that identity for money. Very soon she finds there are more like her and from there on its a matter of her and her look alikes working together to find out their past and where they are from.

Excellent sci-fi and thriller genre series, made even better by the performance of Tatiana Maslany who plays so many different characters that look alike but behave differently and kudos to Tatiana Maslany for pulling it off with aplomb.

I'll probably take a break for a day or two before I start with Season 2, but I do look forward to where Orphan Black is headed and it sure does look very good from here.

Completed Season 2 of Orphan Black and its more of the good stuff and in addition they have upped the ante with the introduction of several new characters. I will not go too much into the story/plot as I don't want to give too much away and it sure needs to be seen, but suffice it to say its really good entertainment.

Special mention of Tatiana Maslany again... she's a revelation as an actress, does a terrific job in multiple roles and does them all equally well and at the same time too. Considering most people suck at doing the same thing over and over, Tatiana Maslany rocks.

Orphan Black is highly recommended guys, do watch it.
Good stuff indeed. Crazy Carrie is back and crazier than ever and she also has Quinn for company battling his own inner demons.

Good stuff like I said, but its not the same without Damian Lewis. Scenes like the first time he kneeled down to pray in the garage really made the hair on your neck stand up. That's missing this time around... more espionage/spy stuff this time around and they are also showing the mighty US in a negative light with their drone bombs killing innocents and chalking it up nonchalantly as collateral damage.

Still all said and done Homeland is entertaining fare and much better that most stuff on TV.

I already have watched them, and so far things are yet to take shape properly.
That is to be expected, they are starting with a new storyline with new characters coming in.
I do not wish to give away spoilers but this time it is based in Pakistan as was revealed in the trailers. The Urdu spoken by the characters feel very scripted at best and definitely ruins the experience. Carrie's personal life choices and dilemmas are again brought forward which I personally feel the series can do less with.
So far it has been a little predictable, but knowing Homeland I am going to stick with it, better things are to follow.

They're rebuilding the show. Watched them last night. Exciting

I watched the two-part episode yesterday night, and my thinking is along the same lines as you folks.

I miss the storyline with Brody in it, and after the resolution of that storyline at the end of the last season, I wondered how they would be able to move the show forward with the same quality, but I guess my fears were unfounded. I think the life and times of Carrie, and the general theme and feel of the show are being moved forward well, with all characters staying consistent to their strengths and flaws shown previously. I do feel Quinn's character had a lot of potential for darkness, and I'm a bit disappointed that they seem to be mellowing him down somewhat, probably to act as a sort of moral balance for the show.

Shibashis, the Urdu did indeed stick out like a sore thumb. The characters were all speaking rather intellectual/scholarly Urdu, unlike what real people in their positions would have. The dialogues were obviously originally written in English and then translated into Urdu by somebody with knowledge of the written language, without knowledge of the subtleties of the spoken language. That said, I guess only very few from the show's audience would have picked up on this.
Shibashis, the Urdu did indeed stick out like a sore thumb. The characters were all speaking rather intellectual/scholarly Urdu, unlike what real people in their positions would have. The dialogues were obviously originally written in English and then translated into Urdu by somebody with knowledge of the written language, without knowledge of the subtleties of the spoken language. That said, I guess only very few from the show's audience would have picked up on this.

Hydra, we will just have to look past the scripted/mechanical Urdu to enjoy it, I already started doing that after the initial disappointment.
One of the primary attractions of Homeland with Brody was his inner conflict and the audience's ride along similar lines. A character whose final aim/goal absolutely has no place in human society probably will have difficulty to find such sympathies with the audience as Brody did, that was Homeland's success. Will they be able to do so with this Ayaan character? I would rather not, because I grew too attached to Brody.
Completed Walking Dead S04 - Every season Rick and his team keep things interesting .
Started Banshee S02 - Epic Fist fights .
Started watching lost, it is any good?

you will get to know after 2 or 3 episodes as the suspense will start to build up. It is one of the costly series of recent times due to the huge star cast that went on throughout. But I do feel JJ Abrahams could have shorten it to 4 series instead of 6.
you will get to know after 2 or 3 episodes as the suspense will start to build up. It is one of the costly series of recent times due to the huge star cast that went on throughout. But I do feel JJ Abrahams could have shorten it to 4 series instead of 6.

Thanks, you saved Lost for me. I've just started with it, only 2 episodes in and was getting ready to junk it. Will persist a bit more and see how it pans out.
Started watching lost, it is any good?

Very good. Lots to like about it in fact... characters like Sawyer, Locke and Ben (my top picks) and then Kate, Sayid, and Jack... and oh wait till the monsters come calling and fear begins to grip the stranded travellers. Add to that humans will be humans with their petty problems, selfishness, and other emotions and then the mystery the island/jungle holds... what's not to like about it.

One of the best serials ever in the thriller/mystery genres and highly recommended.
Does Satyamev Jayate qualify as a TV series?
Aamir Khan is doing some great stuff. This season has had two episodes on sports and road safety. He has added a live interaction session this season.
Please do watch. I believe we must educate at least our children on these and the earlier issues that the program has taken up.
All episodes and interactive sessions, named Mumkin Hai, are available on YouTube.

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