You forgot the most important thing!!Making a good quality video needs expensive equipment and good editing skills and a proper room.
And if it's about audio equipment it can't be like a randomly shot video
So having such equipment and skills wont be feasible for one individual, let alone many.
In that sense a written review is much better option as it will be able the reviewer to put down his thoughts without much problem.
The issue of getting equipment stays same for both kind of style of reviews.
Ultimately you can try till a certain level, after that you have to leave it as you have family and work to look after too
You forgot the most important thing!!
The confidence to talk into a camera and come out coherent enough for the audience to get the story
Just kiddin'
And if one has to jump through so many hoops and endure pain for doing a review, if it were me, I would definitely expect a monetary benefit to do all of this. If no monetary benefit, then one must be on a different plane or just plain nuts or both!Making a good quality video needs expensive equipment and good editing skills and a proper room.
And if it's about audio equipment it can't be like a randomly shot video
So having such equipment and skills wont be feasible for one individual, let alone many.
In that sense a written review is much better option as it will be able the reviewer to put down his thoughts without much problem.
The issue of getting equipment stays same for both kind of style of reviews.
Ultimately you can try till a certain level, after that you have to leave it as you have family and work to look after too
I do know a person who is cooking up something along these lines.I’d have expected the naysayers to be quick in responding. And those who see a possibility will mull in their minds, or park the idea before reaching a conclusion. I’d just leave it out there in the open. There might always be someone who doesn’t think through constraints... today or later some day.
They now have a website Manufacturer- Shaan
Brand Name: PeeCeeBee
2. Equipment categories made: (try and use categories as per HFV sub-forums): Amplifier, Pre Amplifier
3. Price range: Entry, Budget, Mid-priced, High-end, Luxury (for eg for speakers these will correspond roughly to INR <25k, 25-75k, 75k-2L, 2L-6L, >6L respectively - or use your own judgment here): Entry Level and Mid Priced, 60k to 1L
4. Product/s you owned/heard extensively: Heard Extensively and continue to do so.
5. Price advantage against comparable products from international brands: state in percentage lower than: At least 50% very conservatively.
6. What do you like best about these products: Add specs/design/build/performance/service - whatever applies, and elaborate: Biggest USP is GREAT SOUND. Custom Built w.r.t. power, class(A or AB), dimension of your rack ... can be made to match speaker requirements. Handmade, Directly from designer's workshop.
Maximum Power – 50WRMS/90WRMS into 8Ω/4Ω load with +/-35V PSU
Maximum allowed PSU voltage for 4Ω operation – +/-35V (with default clamp diodes and BD BJTs for Q9/Q10) and +/-42V (with higher voltage rated clamp diodes and MJE BJTs for Q9/Q10)
Frequency response (simulated) – ~2Hz to ~800KHz (-3dB)
AC gain – 23 (27dB)
DC gain – Unity
Input level for 50WRMS into 8Ω – 1VRMS
THD 100Hz 10W – 0.0005%, 1KHz 10W – 0.001%, 10KHz 10W – 0.002%
Slew Rate – 100V/uS
SNR – >100dB
Offset variation – +/-10mV
7. Comparable international brands in design and/or performance: Price wise Marantz, Cambridge Audio etc. But it easily sounds very hi-end.
8. Manufacturer’s Website or other contact details:
9. Any other information (not covered above):
Here are some user's reviews of the amplifier -
I can see where that's coming from: Automobile video bloggers perhaps! Considering that the whole exercise is done purely out of passion: Receiving some equipment on loan from a manufacturer, putting it through its paces for intense listening sessions, penning down one's thoughts in a structured manner, proofreading et al is exercise in itself; a huge one at that. Notwithstanding, there are passionate people like Sidvee who undertake such endeavors. Writing a review is one thing; making a video of the whole thing is another. Not that it can't be done; Just presenting my perspective.Yes Sid, I understood that. The logic here is: if the videos garner substantial viewership, then the manufacturers and distributors might be more interested in providing their gear for reviews.
Good idea. We have an open mind. Let some quality content come in.How about setting up a HFV Youtube channel - the postings on which can only be done by the moderators? There could be an approved panel of FM reviewers who commission their video reviews in consultation with the moderators under agreed guidelines.
Marking the mods @captrajesh, @Nikhil, @arj, @Naturelover too on this. Kindly read this suggestion in the context of the discussion in the posts above.
Well said Captain, any proper written review of audio equipment is an intense exercise and adding video to it makes it even more intense. However nothing is impossible, there are a few video review sites operating.I can see where that's coming from: Automobile video bloggers perhaps! Considering that the whole exercise is done purely out of passion: Receiving some equipment on loan from a manufacturer, putting it through its paces for intense listening sessions, penning down one's thoughts in a structured manner, proofreading et al is exercise in itself; a huge one at that.
That's one very valid point I too thought of but forgot to mention. I'm sure that our forum has enough members to take this forward; you included, to be amongst the torch bearers.if there is adequate demand, I am sure this can be done successfully whether it is pro-bono or paid.
Norge Audio has updated their website, since the last time I visited:
I don't know whether anyone else has already mentioned this in the forum.
With regards,
Sandeep Sasi
USB/Bluetooth I guess.Nice. What does UBT mean?
Well said Captain, any proper written review of audio equipment is an intense exercise and adding video to it makes it even more intense. However nothing is impossible, there are a few video review sites operating.
Anyways if there is adequate demand, I am sure this can be done successfully whether it is pro-bono or paid.
Hi All,In the Indian context, there is a dearth of information.
We see many folks who jump on to HFV just to get basic doubts cleared.
A video channel that'll do even a product introduction is a good start.
- here's XYZ product
- typical application is ....
- here are the underlying tech stuff ....
- brief listening experience (if possible/applicable) ....
- caveats/gotchas (if any) ....
It need not be a full blown review like we read in mags or sites like What HiFi or Stereophile or anything.
Of course distributors/dealers need to be proactive and be part of this game.
Recently saw a short intro/review of Saregama-Caravan by one of our members @ktks1
Nice, short and informative. This in itself will educate a lot of folks wanting to enter into this mystified game.
You may want to share your YouTube handle if you think it's OK.
Hi All,
I am a beginner and here are my views.
1. Most of the people just wanted to enjoy music. They are not much interested in details etc. for eg, most of the people want a good music system either for music or movies(2.1, 5.1 or 7.1 etc etc). Take example of mobile - no one is interested to know which ram is used, which camera is used etc etc. Mobile should work. Thats all. Same with music.
2. The moment someone tries to understand things, there is no end to it. Earlier i knew only about speakers and amp only. Now i came to know that there is pre amp and power amp, network streamer, dac etc etc and what not.
3. I understand that music is complex and different people have different preference. But common people dont have so much time to understand these things. Imagine if someone puts 10 vidoes or mobile review(speed, ram, camera, battery, software etc etc), then no one will watch them. people want one review video which will just summarize. similar should be the case with music system.
3. Things should be simplified. Thats what companies like sony,bose etc have done. And hence people go and buy them. Of course, Other reason are also there.But this is also one of the reason.
4. Now a days, lot of people in small cities have iphone. Which means people have money. And they are ready to spend. But they want simple thing. Some company should simplify these things.
Hi All,
I am a beginner and here are my views.
1. Most of the people just wanted to enjoy music. They are not much interested in details etc. for eg, most of the people want a good music system either for music or movies(2.1, 5.1 or 7.1 etc etc). Take example of mobile - no one is interested to know which ram is used, which camera is used etc etc. Mobile should work. Thats all. Same with music.
2. The moment someone tries to understand things, there is no end to it. Earlier i knew only about speakers and amp only. Now i came to know that there is pre amp and power amp, network streamer, dac etc etc and what not.
3. I understand that music is complex and different people have different preference. But common people dont have so much time to understand these things. Imagine if someone puts 10 vidoes or mobile review(speed, ram, camera, battery, software etc etc), then no one will watch them. people want one review video which will just summarize. similar should be the case with music system.
3. Things should be simplified. Thats what companies like sony,bose etc have done. And hence people go and buy them. Of course, Other reason are also there.But this is also one of the reason.
4. Now a days, lot of people in small cities have iphone. Which means people have money. And they are ready to spend. But they want simple thing. Some company should simplify these things.