Join the party: Mumbai HFV Meet 2011!


Lets not just write silly things in this thread. As far as dress code is concerned, all should be aware that we are hosting our meet in a 4 Star Hotel & hence should dress accordingly, Lest the doorman shoo you away thinking you are a vagabond!

@ Amit,
Hope your query is answered ;)

@ avidyarthy,

What are you implying ???? :confused:

PS: Understood Avidyarthy, you can do the needful ;)
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The fastest registration and payment is done by mpw.... Thanks and welcome to the meet!

Of all interested members, only the following two have not responded despite sending PMs / reminders..
ruenigma, Brajendu : both from Pune!
Out of total 5 dropouts, again 3 are from Pune!
Not fair :D

ruenigma, Brajendu: please respond, doesn't matter if you are able to come or not.

9 days to go

Latest update:

As per PM's to me, brajendu has confirmed attendance along with sachin & ruenigma has declined due to work. Viki may join @ the last moment & so might Sonosphere.

No news from flash, dwayne, sups as yet.

Pune Warriors are getting 'Run-Out' one by one!!! :lol:
@Santy: Was fence sitting due to a client off-site planned around the same but the date was not fixed. Unfortunately now they have fixed it on the same weekend as our meet and to my chagrin its in Lonavla.
Payment seen in my account, not able to identify who made them since they are by cash/ cheque:

30.11.11 700 By CLG (Cheque)

So I am a bit confused who has made them. :o

Please clarify who made cheque payment and inform me the cheque no.
And who made cash payment
Sorry for the inconvenience.[/QUOTE]

It would be me, details are:
Bank of India, Chq. No: 015015 dt. 28/11/2011, Churchgate Br. deposited in Axis Bank, Nariman Point Br.
7 days to go friends,
Pls.remember to carry necessary If I am getting my Speakers,I will get speaker cables too.Same way with sources(DAC/CDp),analog & digital interconnects may be required.There shouldn't be shortage of them.
If anyone needs a ride from South Mumbai let me know. My car is virtually empty and enough boot space for some equipment.


Can you do Mr. Shyam Bajaj a favour by picking him up from Bandra???

Would be most obliged if you can. Will PM his contact no. if your willing.


Can you do Mr. Shyam Bajaj a favour by picking him up from Bandra???

Would be most obliged if you can. Will PM his contact no. if your willing.


Sure no worries at all. Would be my pleasure. Its just me and bhagwan in the car as of now. PM me his contact no.
Sachinke: You are welcomed. Check your PM

Registrations still open!

We have a few more seats left (may be 3-4)
To the organisers :

Can you tell the hotel guys to keep a margin of 5-6 persons turning up extra at venue ? so u can adjust last minute additions like myself or viki from pune.
In fact, we will have to pay on arrival as our plans are not yet finalised.

To the organisers :

Can you tell the hotel guys to keep a margin of 5-6 persons turning up extra at venue ? so u can adjust last minute additions like myself or viki from pune.
In fact, we will have to pay on arrival as our plans are not yet finalised.


No issues. We can accommodate

To all members: yesterday I paid Rs. 10k as advance to the Hotel.

3 days to go!:yahoo:
I have started making list of stuff & interconnects which I will carry.Even I cleaned my HTPC after long time.:D
Well done - so we are on track;
I look forward to this meet - will be fun to meet up.


p.s. What happened to the 'donation' ?


No one has given any so far. Our meet is scheduled to take place irrespective of such an occurrence. Yes, its always welcome but we cannot force anyone to do so.

Best is to have No expectations w r t donations. Apna haath Jagannaath!!!

The Meet is not organised anticipating any donations.
Nobody here is expecting a refund through donations.
We already mentioned that the idea will not get through.
Its a request not to bring back the topic again and again.
The Meet is not organised anticipating any donations.
100 % correct.

Nobody here is expecting a refund through donations.
I have no idea about the others - but I certainly am not;

We already mentioned that the idea will not get through.
Which idea ? I lost you here - kindly shed some light - shall be appreciated..
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.