So, my bro purchased this tv and on first impressions, it looks fantastic. But, im not satisfied with hd set top box. I have videocon d2h which is hd box. Most of the channels are not showing in full screen mode. That settings is just greyed out. HD channels looks ok but non-hd channels just doesnt display in full screen mode. IS there any settings.
Also another thing is that, i downloaded two movies from torrents captain america and amazing spiderman 2 1080p prints by yify (dont tell me you never heard of him
) So, i played them fine but the clarity just seemed to be dull. By dull, i mean that it doesn't give me a movie experience. It seems as if i am watching a tele serial or making of movie scenes :-( I think i can't explain too much about it. Do any of you suffer from this? Animation movies looks absolutely fine though. Waiting for a reply