LG 50PK550R Owner's Discussion Thread

Do NOT touch anything in the service menu. We will get some LG expert service guy to help.

Really tired today, no energy. Hitting the bed now. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.
The other day I visited Croma to check the green pixel on their display. There was a 50" PQ just above a 50" PK series. I asked him what the difference is. Without a blink he said "PQ is 1 mega pixel" and "PK is 2 mega pixels". WTF? Sorry, I don't use crass words but seriously, what was that from Croma salesman? The beauty is people will still buy into the crap for lack of knowledge.

If the PQ series is HD ready and PK series is full HD, then what the salesman said is absolutely correct.
Was busy for few days. Today I did report a complaint on the LG website about the various issues we are facing and urged them for a firmware update. Guess I wrote too much ;)
I got the following message :
[B]ORA-01704: string literal too long[/B]

Register Your Complaint Online
Your record has been successfully Updated.
Your complaint No. is : 0707100

So not sure whether they got my whole Ramayana :)

I can post that epic here if needed for reference. Anyways the complaint number is as above.

You may refer the above complaint numbers to the LG personnel in case they mention that others have not complained.

I have asked for the THX,ISF profiles and the expert calibration options. HD playback is also requested.
Have asked clarification about the 3-month refund policy.
Also have asked about not listing the PK550R spec in the official Indian LG website. I have claimed that not posting the spec in Indian site made me believe that I would get features what European model get as I referred it before I bought the TV.
Hmm, many people asking if this model is good. Should I recommend? On picture alone it is scores.

Btw, my latest June make display has less IR.

Anyone found issues other than what is already under discussion?

Is LG India or HFV on facebook?
Got a call today from LG technician. They have been able to replicate the problem on two of their displays that they were testing on. Should get some answers by tomorrrow on the progress.

Read this post on AVS forum:


Looks like a universal LG problem.

Come LG, fix it!

I am drained; another loooooooong day. Keep posting guys.
I have being using the 120 burn-in slides with all settings in 45. The pics from v120_026_XXXXXX to v120_031_XXXXXX is a transform from white to black. v120_026 shows a full white while the v120_031 shows a black. In between are the different shades of gray that slowly fades from white to black.
v120_030_333333.jpg is the darkest grey which is very close to black. It looks dark gray from normal viewing distance. But if I go close, the whole pixels in the screen will be dancing. So basically the LG's algorithm to generate dark gray seems to be culprit. So thats what basically happens when we increase the brightness. There will be a tipping point where black will be presented as dark gray and thats when they pixels starts dancing.
But from a viewing distance it does seems to do the trick and I get to see the dark gray.
So optimistic that it can be fixed by a firmware update and is not a fault in the PDP.
Right. I saw those greens on the pink transition slides as well. How menacing can be those greens be!

dotMac, you did a good thing about the PK550R specs not mentioned on lg.com/in.

I hope they give what we ask for. THX is another story. Does it matter much if they enable expert modes? I have started dreaming about the goodies already :licklips:

Hey, let's start a parallel discussion for media player. Are you guys not interested in a dedicated BR player? I am game for anything that works best. Not much of a media player person - have zero idea about it.
Well the LG tech didn't come today, i am filling in another complaint to Lg about this, let's see what happens.

And about the media player, i have some idea about it, but i have a ps3 which also serves my purpose of a media player, gaming and a lot more things, i prefer it over other alternatives, there is an a store in Pune which also sells online, and they have the 80GB bundle ps3 for 19.000/- which comes with 2 games, so that means you are literally buying the most stable ps3 (that is the 80GB ps3 2008 model) for more or less 16,000/- i don't think there is a better deal out there, since you can get most of the BD rips by PS3 team which are playable on PS3, plus you get the best console with 2 very good games.

Otherwise for a dedicated media player i tink WDTV Live is the best, since even if you import it from US and by the grace of god it reaches you, it's warranty is applicable in INDIA as well, well thats what i have to say about media players, hope it helps.
Thanks Shaiju , Dotmac and Mannu for the posts.

I have my LG guy coming on Saturday for checking these "flaws". I too have raised the same 3 issues. Lets see what comes out and lets keep raising the issues and our volumes till it reaches the right ears.

As for the media player, Mannu is very right - I have narrowed it down to WD TV Live
(cost 119 USD) plus or AC Ryan POHD( 165 USD)
Hi Guys,

I could not raise a complaint to LG last week. I am going to do this week. I have noticed few some thing different rather than just the green pixels on the blacks. I am also seeing red pixels. I saw this has already been noticed in the AV forum thread. In certain scenes I only see green dancing pixels. And again this is not visible from a distance greater than 5 Feet. Not a major concern for me.

Another thing which is very noticible is the line bleed. It is especially seen on Sony pix/World movies because they have the name of movie always on the left top of the screen.

This weekend I will raise a complaint to the LG guys and include the other concerns already raised by you guys.

I don't think this is an issue with any particular batch of TVs.
I am also seeing red pixels.

Actually I see all the three sub-pixels flicker. Green being most prominent and Blue being the least.

And again this is not visible from a distance greater than 5 Feet. Not a major concern for me.
Same here. I am not being bothered by it as of now. And it does the trick too. i.e. I get to see a very dark gray image from 5+ ft.
Only thing I am scared is if it worsens as the TV ages. Shouldn't happen what happened to the 09 Panas.
Question on everyones mind is, to produce a dark grey, should it not glow all subpixels (RGB) with equal intensity and stay ON.

Another thing which is very noticible is the line bleed.

It is especially seen on Sony pix/World movies because they have the name of movie always on the left top of the screen.
I will check this. Till now I didn't notice this. I did notice when I am very close to TV and white text is scrolling on a dark background(like Credits roll).
The blacks in the text row appears dark gray.

I dont want to get another warning by talking about the Media player :p
In case anyone would start a thread ( "Pk550 addons" :) ), I shall put my opinion going for a HTPC.
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I didnt hear back from LG about my complaint. So not sure whether they got it. In case I don't get response from them by tomo afternoon, I shall call/report again.

Many of us have raised the issue and hence LG would be asking us about the issues. Instead of each providing a different list let us all maintain one list of issues. And we shall all put forward the same list to LG and rigorously pursue on each of the demands.

So here is the initial list. Please add if I missed any :
  • Dancing pixels. Green more prominent.
  • Playback of HD media via USB.
  • Expert picture setting controls for better calibration.
  • Picture wizard
  • ISF Expert and THX color profiles.

These demands are based on the spec available in LG site for PK550. As LG has not posted a separate spec in Indian version(atleast when we purchased), we have the right to get the features what is present in the available spec. (Though legally I may not be right as they put a disclaimer that spec can change at any time even if the spec is put in site; But I think its fair to get an unbiased treatment ).
Also we are not asking for something that increases production cost. These are features in the firmware which LG if willing; must be able to provide us merely through a firmware upgrade. So I feel, if enough people ask for it, LG will work it out.

Do anyone have the 3-month refund policy of LG in writing? I would be asking them to resolve all the issues by 2-month of my purchase so that I will have the option to return my TV and get my full money back.

Saiju, Vivek, Srinivas are in an e-mail thread with LG. Incase other PK550 owners would like to join us PM your mail ID to one of us. More people join us, the louder the voice will become to LG.

Also can we all have private conversation about this issue with that mail group.
I didnt hear back from LG about my complaint. So not sure whether they got it. In case I don't get response from them by tomo afternoon, I shall call/report again.

Many of us have raised the issue and hence LG would be asking us about the issues. Instead of each providing a different list let us all maintain one list of issues. And we shall all put forward the same list to LG and rigorously pursue on each of the demands.

So here is the initial list. Please add if I missed any :
  • Dancing pixels. Green more prominent.
  • Playback of HD media via USB.
  • Expert picture setting controls for better calibration.
  • Picture wizard
  • ISF Expert and THX color profiles.

These demands are based on the spec available in LG site for PK550. As LG has not posted a separate spec in Indian version(atleast when we purchased), we have the right to get the features what is present in the available spec. (Though legally I may not be right as they put a disclaimer that spec can change at any time even if the spec is put in site; But I think its fair to get an unbiased treatment ).
Also we are not asking for something that increases production cost. These are features in the firmware which LG if willing; must be able to provide us merely through a firmware upgrade. So I feel, if enough people ask for it, LG will work it out.

Do anyone have the 3-month refund policy of LG in writing? I would be asking them to resolve all the issues by 2-month of my purchase so that I will have the option to return my TV and get my full money back.

Saiju, Vivek, Srinivas are in an e-mail thread with LG. Incase other PK550 owners would like to join us PM your mail ID to one of us. More people join us, the louder the voice will become to LG.

Also can we all have private conversation about this issue with that mail group.

LG trditionally do not have advanced caliberation features in indian versions for reasons that they know better. I remember warning this to you earlier.

Do you guys have any idea if they can be enabled through service menu? Did anyone figure out yet?
can we enble folowng featurs in PJ series??

Playback of HD media via USB.
Expert picture setting controls for better calibration.
Picture wizard
ISF Expert and THX color profiles.
Hey friends....

All those who didn't get a revert from LG please do not give up the chase. I have been on it everyday. The HO VoC guy seems to have given up. Hehe!

Got a call yesterday from the LG technician who replicated the issue. Update is: Problem is now with LG, Korea R&D. I have asked for a conf call or at least contacts from Seoul.

He said that I can go for another LG model - Plasma or LCD. Did not agree for now as I know there are many of us in same boat and don't want to jump off mid-way. If problems cant' be fixed please stop rolling out this model in India.

Rearranged dotMac's (thanks) list according to priorities. Last 2 are more of good-to-have rather than must-have features (IMO). Agree?

  1. Dancing pixels. Green more prominent.
  2. Expert picture setting controls for better calibration.
  3. ISF Expert.
  4. Playback of HD media via USB.
  5. THX color profiles.
  6. Picture wizard.

The pixels, I have kept on top of list as it affects PQ and may prove to be a thorn in the future.

Hmm, have something more to write; can't recollect, brain in sleep mode.
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Got a call yesterday from the LG technician who replicated the issue. Update is: Problem is now with LG, Korea R&D. I have asked for a conf call or at least contacts from Seoul.

Wow thats a positive sign. It is appreciable that our voices are heard. Bit relieved by this.
If what they said(Korean team investigating) is true, i see a solution in horizon.

Thanks for the update mate.
Do you guys have any idea if they can be enabled through service menu? Did anyone figure out yet?

If we go with some web sites, it seems possible. However, we are trying to convince LG to make the same available officially.
can we enble folowng featurs in PJ series??

Playback of HD media via USB.
Expert picture setting controls for better calibration.
Picture wizard
ISF Expert and THX color profiles.
Refer to US/UK User manual for your model. It is available in US/UK LG website for download.
If the western manual have them, it is likely that you can enable them through service menu. If any of the feature require extra hardware, it may not be available in Indian version.

But I must WARN you. Tweaking settings in service menu can be disastrous if not done right. It can leave ur TV bricked. If I am not wrong, it may also void the warranty of your TV.

Mehuldil, if you do find these features available in US/UK model, raise the issue with LG. Thats what we are doing. We are asking for a fair deal and we deserve what people in the west get.
Alright guys I got a visit from the LG tech and he was completely CLUELESS :)

I had to show him the issues, he coulnt make much headway... didnt have the service remote and kept calling his "Training manager" . The manager had told him USB cannot be enabled at all. He insisted on going to showroom with him to check other models :)

Didnt even try pursuing any other options with him. Have asked him to come back with some better update, service remote and some solutions.

@Shaiju - Is there some way I can out him to the LG Service guy who had come over to your place and who understood the issue better.

I had a laugh I can assure of you that
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