OK I am not really sure whether I was the author of the post in other thread

But let me give you an idea. IMHO at 14 ft you will not get the difference unless you got an eagle eye.
Here is the quote from
this site which i referred :
so best is 6.5 ft and beyond 9.8 ft it is gone.
You may refer this
wiki entry and this
But I would not say "No need to buy".
If your budget is not very tight, I would recommend the FullHD. Go for HDReady only if you intend to use this for very short time like a year or two.
Reasons :
1. The world is moving toward 1080p content. So when you are spending around 50K+ better future proof then feel sorry later. The 5K extra is not a large amount in front of 50K. In future you wont be able to spend that 5K and turn your TV to FullHD. (An incident where i learnt this : When buying HTIB, I decided to save 2K by going for a model that does not have a optical audio-in; bcoz at that time, 5.1 audio source were limited to DVDs. Now, if I get a HD DTH, I am struck with stereo sound. And sadly, even i have that 2K(+interest), i cannot get it replaced with optical-in. Only way is to sell it where I will loose few more Ks and get new one :sad: )
2. IMHO The resale value of HDReady is going to tumble more compared to FullHD as the world moves to FullHD content. If even if you have plan to sell it, you will get better off with a FullHD.
3. You can always grab a chair and sit close when viewing a weekend (FullHD) movie

I do that. My usual viewing distance now is 10 ft and I watch the TV/SD content at this distance. But for HD movies I sit at ~ 6ft.
4. Occasionally, if you connect a PC or Console, a FullHD would give you lot better PQ(again within the viewing distance).
5. Read point one again
These are just my thoughts and I do not know the importance of 5K for you. If you can spend it, I would recommend that.