LG 50PK550R Owner's Discussion Thread

Sent another mail to LG folks, based on your earlier mails Shaiju. The firmware did not do anything spectacular. Looks like a placebo :)

In fact when I asked the engineers, do you know the contents of the firmware update, they pleased ignorance.
My replacement's due to arrive in 3-4 days, I have kinda of accepted that there will be flashing green subpixels. so as long I dont have my nose on the screen, and I will learn to ignore it but will keep on following up for a fix
I think it will save 7-8k

Well not a bad option if you dont have any plans to attaching a high end PC to your computer. I have a gaming PC with a Radeon 4870 which handles games in 1920 x 1080 very nicely. Hence for me full HD is must. But even for Blu ray or COnsole gaming 720P is good enough. Just ensure the screen supports 1375 x 768 resolutions. Older plasmas support 1024 x 768 which is bad for a big screen with 16:9 aspect ratio
I had finalized to buy 50pk550.
Today I came across some threads stating-
There is no need to buy 50 inch full HD TV if viewing distance is more than 6 feet.
My viewing distance is 14 feet.
Budget- 50 to 80k
Is there any HD ready but larger than 50 inch plasma TV in this budget?
Or should I save some money and buy 720p 50 inch plasma?
As there will no difference in 720p and 1080p at viewing distance of 14 feet.

OK I am not really sure whether I was the author of the post in other thread ;)
But let me give you an idea. IMHO at 14 ft you will not get the difference unless you got an eagle eye.
Here is the quote from this site which i referred :
For a 50-inch screen, the benefits of 1080p vs. 720p start to become apparent when closer than 9.8 feet and become full apparent at 6.5 feet.
so best is 6.5 ft and beyond 9.8 ft it is gone.

You may refer this wiki entry and this blog.

But I would not say "No need to buy".
If your budget is not very tight, I would recommend the FullHD. Go for HDReady only if you intend to use this for very short time like a year or two.
Reasons :
1. The world is moving toward 1080p content. So when you are spending around 50K+ better future proof then feel sorry later. The 5K extra is not a large amount in front of 50K. In future you wont be able to spend that 5K and turn your TV to FullHD. (An incident where i learnt this : When buying HTIB, I decided to save 2K by going for a model that does not have a optical audio-in; bcoz at that time, 5.1 audio source were limited to DVDs. Now, if I get a HD DTH, I am struck with stereo sound. And sadly, even i have that 2K(+interest), i cannot get it replaced with optical-in. Only way is to sell it where I will loose few more Ks and get new one :sad: )
2. IMHO The resale value of HDReady is going to tumble more compared to FullHD as the world moves to FullHD content. If even if you have plan to sell it, you will get better off with a FullHD.
3. You can always grab a chair and sit close when viewing a weekend (FullHD) movie ;) I do that. My usual viewing distance now is 10 ft and I watch the TV/SD content at this distance. But for HD movies I sit at ~ 6ft.
4. Occasionally, if you connect a PC or Console, a FullHD would give you lot better PQ(again within the viewing distance).
5. Read point one again ;)

These are just my thoughts and I do not know the importance of 5K for you. If you can spend it, I would recommend that.
Just to double check and peace of mind, I visited LG Shoppe to verify the green pixel problem on the step down PJ series. Surprisingly the 50PJ560 had no such issues at all. Not even a speck of green pixel problem.

If the problem is specific to full HD models then I think LG should revisit its 1080p Plasma strategy. Every time I call Rohit Pandit he has one simple answer - "You are the only consumer facing this issue". How convenient for a business head to brush of a very well known problem.

Having said that I will admit that LG has been sending engineers to resolve the problem. However, the PK550 is a monumental handicap without advanced calibration. The engineers themselves struggle. I seriously doubt that they will incorporate the internal and service menu changes to other PK550s. Even with current adjustments to my display there is room for improvement.

Some really dumb-stupid at LG made a single bad decision and caused all this trouble.

Hope the LG top brass is reading this thread.

From your recent post here I thought its all solved and was optimistic that it will come in next firmware update.
I didn't check my mail in quiet some time. I too will mail Rohit just to reaffirm the issue.
From your recent post here I thought its all solved and was optimistic that it will come in next firmware update.
I didn't check my mail in quiet some time. I too will mail Rohit just to reaffirm the issue.

Why not all the current owners and potential buyers send him a mail ? :rolleyes: Pretty sure he will react seeing the demand for this model :cool:
OK I am not really sure whether I was the author of the post in other thread ;)
But let me give you an idea. IMHO at 14 ft you will not get the difference unless you got an eagle eye.
Here is the quote from this site which i referred :
so best is 6.5 ft and beyond 9.8 ft it is gone.

You may refer this wiki entry and this blog.

But I would not say "No need to buy".
If your budget is not very tight, I would recommend the FullHD. Go for HDReady only if you intend to use this for very short time like a year or two.
Reasons :
1. The world is moving toward 1080p content. So when you are spending around 50K+ better future proof then feel sorry later. The 5K extra is not a large amount in front of 50K. In future you wont be able to spend that 5K and turn your TV to FullHD. (An incident where i learnt this : When buying HTIB, I decided to save 2K by going for a model that does not have a optical audio-in; bcoz at that time, 5.1 audio source were limited to DVDs. Now, if I get a HD DTH, I am struck with stereo sound. And sadly, even i have that 2K(+interest), i cannot get it replaced with optical-in. Only way is to sell it where I will loose few more Ks and get new one :sad: )
2. IMHO The resale value of HDReady is going to tumble more compared to FullHD as the world moves to FullHD content. If even if you have plan to sell it, you will get better off with a FullHD.
3. You can always grab a chair and sit close when viewing a weekend (FullHD) movie ;) I do that. My usual viewing distance now is 10 ft and I watch the TV/SD content at this distance. But for HD movies I sit at ~ 6ft.
4. Occasionally, if you connect a PC or Console, a FullHD would give you lot better PQ(again within the viewing distance).
5. Read point one again ;)

These are just my thoughts and I do not know the importance of 5K for you. If you can spend it, I would recommend that.

As always I am back to 50pk550 again. :clapping:
Will book it next week.
As always useful post from DotMac :thumbsup:
Ok another update.

Got a call from the regional service center in charge (or some similar designation) that panel replacement will take too long. He asked for a copy of my bill and they will replace my TV altogether. I tried to reason with the guy that the issue can be solved via simpler means such as advanced settings but I doubt I was able to get through to him.

Spoke to my dealer too and it seems like the people who notice this problem are a small fraction of LG's total sales market so it may just be cheaper for LG to just continue to replace our TV's till we get one without a problem (if its even possible to get one without a problem.) The service center guy claimed that I was the only person in Mumbai who had reported the green pixels issue and that he had never seen it before. But he said he will check when I mentioned that I know other people around the country with the same issues.

Any case, for now I guess my procedure will be to continue to get my set replaced until I get a satisfactory piece.
I dont think they have teh expertise to change the panel, because for plasmas the glass can be fixed in the enclosure only in factory conditions. and if u keep on telling to replace, they might give u a forced refund like mehudil (just a theory ;) )
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Got a call from the local LG tech support. The LG engineers want to come and do some tweaking to my PK550 to resolve the green pixel issues.

@Shaiju - looks like your solution has reached Bangalore :).... do let m know what all did they tinker with... since he mentioned they will take few hrs and tinker with the panel itself, by opening the set....Just hope they know what they are doing :)
Oh, that's cool.

Just make sure they keep the Plasma standing and not gripping it in any way. When they remove the back panel the screen is detached from stand - so just be careful.

I did not make note of the internal changes. Through service menu they will change the sub-brighthness to 115 and sub-contrast to 165. Have the set play some picture which you watch often. This way the changes through service menu will be more apparent. Later, adjust the picture controls from TV menu and see how much of an improvement is seen. I can now bump up my brightness all the way to 63-68 without seeing too much of greens and better blacks.

Best of luck ;)
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