LG 50PK550R Owner's Discussion Thread

Sent you a mail about the TV. When you get time, please respond over mail about your thoughts on the proposition. ;)
The service technician stated that my Panel (with the black plastic inside the outer glass) needs to replaced...again. At this rate I will be soon dislodging Mehudil from the top position for number of times panel was changed :) Atleast the panel works perfectly sso not grumbling too much. I might finally get a panel without the green dithering problems.

You are absolutly Right... and This is what they are doing.

Any one of you have seen RED color mixing specifically onm SAB, STAR PLUS channels?

This happenes when there is Moving red with other colors or darker shades.

If it is for entire panel, then as Mehul said, the problem would simply shift from one number to another. Like you said from 53 to 70. So I dont see the point :(
So am I correct in saying that new contrast range of 0 ~ 100 simply maps to the old contrast range of -17 ~ 83?
I mean the contrast I get at 53 will now be at 70 (i.e. +17). The contrast I get at 70 will after update be at 87. So TV's contrast has been effectively reduced by 17 points. i.e After I updater the contrast of 100 would match with old 83. :sad:

No. That is why I am surprised. They should change the sub-contrast to 165-170 (and not down) plus adjust a few things internally. In no way should the contrast be above 84 clicks if the adjustments are made according to my panel.

And 53 to 70 is the brightness that Viveknath mentioned, not the contrast.
:yahoo: yippeee !!! :yahoo:

I am in the 50pk550 owners club now.

50pk550 installation done today.

Box was in very good condition. No finger print marks on edges. Fresh Screws. Means got totally new set.

It was told to me by DotMac & Siddharth that to insist LG installation guys to held PDP upright always. But they didnt listened to me :mad: & done fitting laying PDP flat on SOFA. I am worried; :( dont know if minute fractures in the glass are done internally due to this. :sad:

There was major reflection issue in the afternoon even after closing curtains behind. Colours did not looked bright. PDP looked little bit dull compared with previous LCD TV. :indifferent14: Quality of most of the Tata sky channels in SD was poor. HBO was average.

But in the night pictures looked awesome. (720p) :licklips: Compare it with any LED/LCD TV. Plasmas are to be enjoyed in the dark. :thumbsup:
Really amazing.
Paisa Vasool !!! :clapping:
Contrast, Brightness, Colour all was set to 50 in the afternoon. Watched 30 min of 720p movie in Cinema mode setting with family. :cool:
Again all set to 50 now. Intelligent power saving mode & orbiter mode set. TV will be used to watch Tata sky & DVDs in the night mostly.
I can see green dancing pixels from distance of 2 Feet when screen is black. Dont know if this is a problem. I will never watch this TV from distance less than 5 feet. It will be 8-14 feet most of the time. Saw some stuck red pixels in the right bottom (Thanks to Tata Sky Logo :mad:). Ran colour wash & white wash for 1 min each. Problem is solved. :clapping:
I want to set PDP to normal setting as early as possible. I am going to run break in slides for 5 hours daily till 250 Hrs. Is it really required? Will it do any harm to my PDP? :confused:
How can I find usage hours of 50pk550? After 1000 hours phosphor is totally mature. Does it mean that I have to run break in slides till 1000 hours & have to watch at all settings set to 50 till 1000 hours?
How to check firmware version? Which is the latest firmware version?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Thank you all.
Thank you all.
Thank you all. :clapping:
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Congratulations Vivek and welcome aboard.

My suggestion would be run the break in slides for atleast first 100 hours with settings all set to below 50. Then start seeing normal TV with the same settings. Probably after 150-200 hours start changing your settings. Please know that in the first 200 hours you will see a lot of TIR. Ensure to run colour wash or whitewash before switching off the TV.
Congrats Vivek !! :clapping: Post some pics as well .

why all plasmas look dull ? is it due to low brightness level or reflective screen ?
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Congrats Vivek !! :clapping: Post some pics as well .

why all plasmas look dull ? is it due to low brightness level or reflective screen ?

BOTH. But mostly we watch TV at night. So it is not problem for me.
I am happy with my decision. :D
Copied 120 break in images to USB & started slideshow on 50pk550.
Screen turns black between two slides. Is it ok?

While using slide show, what settings does it use?
I have set all to below 50. Are these settings apply to USB slide show also?
Copied 120 break in images to USB & started slideshow on 50pk550.
Screen turns black between two slides. Is it ok?


While using slide show, what settings does it use?
I have set all to below 50. Are these settings apply to USB slide show also?

Speed = slow.
Everything at 50. Keep contrast at 100. ISM method = Normal.
At slow speed, it takes 10 Sec. to change the slide. Is it ok?


Contrast at 100. Are you sure?

Yes. Do not forget to bring it down to 50-60 during normal viewing.

Colour Temperature Normal?

W26 for SD
W30 for HD

You need not change it for break-in slides.

What is Tint?

Keep it at 0. It is a good setting.

For break-in slides remember 3 things:
Speed: Slow
Contrast: 100
ISM Method: Normal

Other settings rarely matters.

Go back some pages on this thread and you will find recommended settings for SD and HD. Obviously, if you feel other settings are better suited to your eyes, please use them - there's no hard and fast rule unless you are in pursuit of videophile picture quality.
There is 1 green pixel on my 50pk550. (Clearly Visible in white backround)
I used colour wash & white wash for 15 min.
Used break in slides for 4 hours but that 1 green pixel is there.
Should I complain to LG?
I want opinion on this.

Yfrog Image : yfrog.com/mrp1040109j


It's fine as long as you don't see it from normal viewing distance. Even if it is invisible at 2 ft I would ignore it. I had similar issue with first set for about 20 hours and it disappeared on it's own. For peace of mind, you may call LG but I wouldn't stress.
Was speaking with Viveknath today. Next on my list is AVR and speakers. Later I would crave for a better display (but no 3D), the search never stops.

I just wish LG replaces our PK550R in 2011 with feature ladden Plasma as goodwill gesture. :licklips: & :cool:
My replacement came..one little problem. There is a piece of plastic INSIDE the glass. The guy assembling the set must've been drinking on the job. Sewrvice people said they will rectify the problem. basically open the set and pull out that piece.

Any response from LG?

I think LG in India got a bit unlucky
- super bad decisions by slaughtering picture calibration and HD via USB options.
- pathetic quality control - dust, plastic and unclean panel.

Thankfully, PK550 saves the day by offering
- brilliant HD picture quality
- decent SD picture quality

How else can one justify it's survival and demand?
Checking Usage & Firmware

How can I find 50pk550 usage in hours?
How to check firmware version? Which is the latest firmware version?
Wow, you are so excited about the TV! Great :)

Never felt the need to check hours of usage - so don't know.

Latest firmware is 3.28. You can check firmware using a service remote but no recommended that you do it. Call an LG service person.
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