LG Cinema 3D LW5700, LW6500 Owner's Thread

Just cheked in Hyderabad (Bajaj Panjagutta)
42LW6500 Rs. 84000
47LW6500 Rs. 112000
42LW5700 Rs. 75000
47LW5700 Rs. 105000
42LW4500 Rs. 66000
47LW4500 Not available

Reliance Digital quoted Rs.76500 for 42LW4500. But agreed to match Bajaj price. Also 47LW4500 is available in Reliance digital.
Pl advice if reliance agrees for about 80k for 47LW4500 if this is a good buy.

55", lw5700 is for 128K after hard bargaining (cash price).
Yesteday I booked 42 inch LW6500 for 82.5K including normal freebees and also including one HDMI cable, 2 years extended warrandy (1+2 years) and I got microwave oven in the scratch gaurd.
Delivery expected this week
Last week I booked 42 inch LW5700 for 74 K including normal freebee and also LG Mobile (GU220), Tata sky HD. From LG Best Shop in velachery. Seems to be best price in chennai and better service compared to other showrooms I enquired.
Booked 47LW6500 for Rs.122k, got one HDMI cable and the wi-fi dongle free as the dealer was not any more down on the price. Is it best price.

Booked 47LW6500 for Rs.122k, got one HDMI cable and the wi-fi dongle free as the dealer was not any more down on the price. Is it best price.


No its not the best price if you just read the top portion of the post then you can know 112k is quoted by the bajaj dealer in hyderabad

@LG lw 5700 & lw6500 owners have you guys watched any SBS 3d movie on this tv ?
If yes then how was the 3d effect ?
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Today got the delivery for 42LW6500 and PS3 move 320GB.

Will post some reviews after Diwali when I am able to use it properly, still waiting for the PS3 games and accessories - Killzone3, Sharp Shooter rifle attachment, shooting attachment, Navigation controller etc to be delivered. It will be nice to play this game in 3D with all accessories.
Last week on 16th Octomber it was a Super Sunday for me. Want to buy 42" LW 5700. On last movement I changed my mind and go for 42" LW6500. Before that in one of electronic showroom in my area salesman says that LG has stopped manufacturing LW 6500 and if I have a doubt in my mind then I may call LG Stockist for the same. But it seems doubtful for me. So at last I went Vijay Sales in my area. After a hard bargening salesman settled down for Rs. 81500 for 42" LW6500. He says that it is a best prize and if anyone cote below that then he will give me a free DVD player. I got 4 pairs of 3D glasses plus magic motion remote and 8 GB USB Pen Drive and Hungama card has still to arrive.
After scratching a card I won 47" LG Cinema 3D LW4500 worth Rs 115000:yahoo:. They said that I have to wait for 30 Days for the delivary of the same and I have to pay 35% tax on MRP that comes around 34500 Rs. I am following this thread quite previously and also saw that some of the guys have won LG Microwaveoven , mobiles etc. So anyone guys paid tax for the gift they have won ?
I almost made up my mind to go with 55", and shortlisted lw5700 and ex720 (samsung way expensive, so ruled out).. Considering >50% SD and <10% 3D content, what do you guys suggest... I would be buying in next couple of days..

If you watch more of SD content, then buy any of the Panasonic plasmas like V20. SD content looks quite average on the LG 5700 as far as I have seen. Not compared with other models side by side but I have heard Plasmas are good for SD content. But 3D and HD picture quality looks awesome on the LG 5700. Even Sony NX500 fails in front of it.
Last week on 16th Octomber it was a Super Sunday for me. Want to buy 42" LW 5700. On last movement I changed my mind and go for 42" LW6500. Before that in one of electronic showroom in my area salesman says that LG has stopped manufacturing LW 6500 and if I have a doubt in my mind then I may call LG Stockist for the same. But it seems doubtful for me. So at last I went Vijay Sales in my area. After a hard bargening salesman settled down for Rs. 81500 for 42" LW6500. He says that it is a best prize and if anyone cote below that then he will give me a free DVD player. I got 4 pairs of 3D glasses plus magic motion remote and 8 GB USB Pen Drive and Hungama card has still to arrive.
After scratching a card I won 47" LG Cinema 3D LW4500 worth Rs 115000:yahoo:. They said that I have to wait for 30 Days for the delivary of the same and I have to pay 35% tax on MRP that comes around 34500 Rs. I am following this thread quite previously and also saw that some of the guys have won LG Microwaveoven , mobiles etc. So anyone guys paid tax for the gift they have won ?

congratulation buddy :yahoo: that's really amazing :ohyeah: you won a 47" LG Cinema 3D LW4500
After scratching a card I won 47" LG Cinema 3D LW4500 worth Rs 115000:yahoo:. They said that I have to wait for 30 Days for the delivary of the same and I have to pay 35% tax on MRP that comes around 34500 Rs. I am following this thread quite previously and also saw that some of the guys have won LG Microwaveoven , mobiles etc. So anyone guys paid tax for the gift they have won ?

Wow! What a card you picked dude!
AFAIK, the 30% component must be paid in the form of TDS as given U/S 194B for anything above Rs.10000, be it cash or kind.
Last week on 16th Octomber it was a Super Sunday for me. Want to buy 42" LW 5700. On last movement I changed my mind and go for 42" LW6500. Before that in one of electronic showroom in my area salesman says that LG has stopped manufacturing LW 6500 and if I have a doubt in my mind then I may call LG Stockist for the same. But it seems doubtful for me. So at last I went Vijay Sales in my area. After a hard bargening salesman settled down for Rs. 81500 for 42" LW6500. He says that it is a best prize and if anyone cote below that then he will give me a free DVD player. I got 4 pairs of 3D glasses plus magic motion remote and 8 GB USB Pen Drive and Hungama card has still to arrive.
After scratching a card I won 47" LG Cinema 3D LW4500 worth Rs 115000:yahoo:. They said that I have to wait for 30 Days for the delivary of the same and I have to pay 35% tax on MRP that comes around 34500 Rs. I am following this thread quite previously and also saw that some of the guys have won LG Microwaveoven , mobiles etc. So anyone guys paid tax for the gift they have won ?

Congratulations on your buy. The prize is like a cherry on the cake :clapping:
How much does the extended warranty on the 47LW6500 cost?

6k for a yr you can buy 2,3 max 5yrs eg = 6 x 5 = 30k but if you buy the extended warranty within 1 month of the led purchase you can get 20% discount so after discount 5yrs = 24k :) if you buy after 1 month of the purchase the you will get only 15% dis on 5yrs & 10% on 2 & 3yr
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Hi all,
Read through some of the posts here and I think this is the right place to ask some of the pertinent questions running through my mind.Like many of you here, I also am very keen on buying an LW6500 as the prices seem very competitive considering the other options in the market with similar specs.The only bother in my mind till now is the 540p resolution in 3D(Passive,FPR) against the 1080p on Active Shutter glasses.
But this article:LG improves 3D picture quality on Cinema 3D TVs - FlatpanelsHD
seems to suggest that that shortcoming has been compensated for.I have not been able to confirm this as none of the LW6500 reviews seem to touch upon this topic(of firmware upgrade).Some comments on review blogs brush this aside as just hogwash.
I did go to an LG showroom and checked out 47LW6500 but could not get any confirmation from the sales rep there if the Model had the latest firmware(In fact,he was oblivious of any firmware being put out by LG).I dont blame him either coz the LG India website doesn't seem to have the Drivers & Software support feature,unlike some of the LG sites for other countries viz. US,Italy etc
LG India Support page:LG Product Support for 47LW6500
LG USA Support page:LG Product Support for 47LW6500
I don't even know if the firmware upgrades are region-free or not.But it is missing from the Indian site.
Secondly,the only technical differences in specs of LW5700 & LW6500 are Motion Clarity Index of 600 and 850 & Response Time of 2.4ms & 2.0ms(besides the DCR & LED Plus on LW5700) but a huge price difference of 10K(on the 42" models).Some blogs even suggest that the Motion Clarity Index difference between the two is not a big issue.Can someone in the know throw some light on the major differences in PQ(2D & 3D) between the two?
Also,can anyone confirm if the firmware upgrade (for 1080p to each eye) really does exist & if there is any noticeable difference consequently?
Sorry if I'm asking too much but I presume the folks on this forum are quite discerning about such technicalities and would know better than most sales executives/"techies" at the showrooms.
Thanks in advance.
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