Orthodynamic Headphones & all things planar

Thanks ! :)

BTW had an ortho auditioning session for 4 guys on Sunday at my home. All 4 were unanimous that the sounded great and worth more than the 6k that I got them for ! :D

However Faheem found them 'laid back' !!!!! :o
^^ May be I should start charging something for the mods I perform. :D

Laidback :rolleyes: - compared to what headphone? That's the last thing I would describe them as. Are you sure that's what he meant ?
Their speed is beyond any dynamic can I have heard.
Sweet!! I have a pair of Telefunken 6GM8 tubes that I found to work the best in the EHHA..Let me know if you are interested.

Thanks ! :)

BTW had an ortho auditioning session for 4 guys on Sunday at my home. All 4 were unanimous that the sounded great and worth more than the 6k that I got them for ! :D

However Faheem found them 'laid back' !!!!! :o

That is excellent news..wow am so happy to see so many of you getting into orthos and damn fine ones too I must say. That dBel84 modded YH-100 is the best YH-100 pair I have heard. Mine sounded a little bit dark in comparison and had more weight int he lows. Don's is well sorted out and balanced as it gets with the YH-100. Congrats again.
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Sweet!! I have a pair of Telefunken 6GM8 tubes that I found to work the best in the EHHA..Let me know if you are interested.

That is excellent news..wow am so happy to see so many of my brethren getting into orthos and damn fine ones too I must say. That dBel84 modded YH-100 is the best YH-100 pair I have heard. Mine sounded a little bit dark in comparison and had more weight int he lows. Don's is well sorted out and balanced as it gets with the YH-100. Congrats again.

Thanks ! :D

I cant wait to hear them and give them a good listen.

And you have Gurubhai to thank as he is the one buying orthos in bulk and selling them across India ! :)

Though waiting for them to reach India is a bit of a bummer. :(
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Brendon said:
And you have Gurubhai to thank as he is the one buying orthos in bulk and selling them across India ! :)

I haven't been able to say no when people request for these. I always say to myself that i am gonna get a better one soon anyway.:D

I still miss the one I sent to you though, if only for its custom lambskin leather headband. I put a good bit of time & effort in securing that.
My own YH-2 is still riddled with the broken stock headband.:o
this thread is dead for almost a month now?
I have joined the gang for building the ehha.
@guru - ordered the stuff from the US?
^^ That's because you are not posting any impressions of your new acquisition.

EHHA stuff will be ordered soon , just waiting for confirmation of an item locally.
guru,looks like my proposed ortho purchase will have to wait,and hope u understand the apprehension as pm'ed earlier.not to worry,will join this merry gang,sooner than later ;).cheers all
My Yamaha YH-2 is not getting any use these days, so I am thinking of sending it on a loaner program for people who want to try out orthos.

Any takers ?
The inspiration was sachi's TP Loaner Program over at head-fi :
Loaner Program : Smeggy made Fostex T50RP woodies aka "Thunderpants" - Head-Fi.org Community

So, I shall ship it to the first person who keeps 'em for few days & then ships it to the next person. The Last person ships these back to me.

These are very hard to drive headphones so participants should have a powerful amp to drive these.

Lets make a list :

1) iaudio

2) rallynut

3) rajapraveen80

anyone else ?
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Hey I am planning on selling my modded HP2s. Anyone interested ? :)

Like most orthos it needs a powerful amp to drive.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.