Hey I am planning on selling my modded HP2s. Anyone interested ?
Like most orthos it needs a powerful amp to drive.
Please open a thread in For Sale by Owner section and post them.
Hey I am planning on selling my modded HP2s. Anyone interested ?
Like most orthos it needs a powerful amp to drive.
Hey I am planning on selling my modded HP2s. Anyone interested ?
Like most orthos it needs a powerful amp to drive.
On first listen I was like, where is the bass ? Then I realized that there is no mid bass hump that is present in the HD650. It reaches really low unlike the HP2s but there is no overemphasis on bass and the drivers are well damped so the bass is very tight with very little decay making it great for rock music.
Leave the headphones on a big DVD pack about the size of your head &it should get comfy in a few days.The fit is a bit of an issue though as I can seem to get much of a clamping force. And there is also a slight sibilance issue. However I toned down the 10 hz band again a tad and its no longer an issue
The YH-2 that I have offered for tour has been modded to have a much more balanced treble. If you want I can include you in the loaner, but in return you would have to write a detailed 3 way showdown review of these cans.The treble is also not as sharp as the HP2 and more easy to listen to.
The YH-2 that I have offered for tour has been modded to have a much more balanced treble. If you want I can include you in the loaner, but in return you would have to write a detailed 3 way showdown review of these cans.
Anyway, the plan is to send the YH-2 to Brendon first, for no reason other than that he is the closest from my place & then he can ship these to the next person.