I bought a panasonic VT20 like most of you here around the month of Nov 2011, got a fair deal on the Tv and i pulled the trigger.. First VT20 i got i used the slides to take a look at the red green blue grey, what i noticed when playing the grey slide abt 2 inches from the right side of the frame a white shadow like line appeared to run vertically across the screen, i was visible only on grey slides.. i called panny and they sent their technician over, who after taking a look said that it wasn't a problem as it wasn't visible in "normal tv viewing" then i saw a movie in which the credits scrolled on a grey slide it was clearly visible. but Panasonic refused to do anything abt it, i spoke to the dealer and he agreed to replaced the TV for another VT20. If not for the dealer i dunno what i would have done.
The 2nd VT20 which arrived had a "vibration" and "rattling" sound is emitted from the back of the TV when the viewing any content having low frequency sound accompanying them esp deep male voices or bass, the whole back frame vibrates, lo and behold i had to call the same Panasonic tech's who came saw the TV took off the back cover and the problem was still there, they have replaced two sets of speaker and woofer at the back and even thou the problem has reduced 20% its very much still there.
Now they have exhausted their efforts, and are now claiming that its " NORMAL" for speakers to "Jarr" in some frequencies. i refuse to accept that.
Vol is 50. and settings "music bass +4, over 30 cms from the wall. if i change/increase any of the settings in "SOUND" for example set bass to over +6 or +8 the jarring is much more. They claim that i should watch the Tv in reset defaults, not to touch anything in the sound setup. What crap!
Its very annoying to watch Tv and when it hits a low bass note or to watch someone talking with a deep male voice and the whole tv kinda resonates. It has seriously taken the fun out of the whole experience and its frankly frustrating as much as from the TVs end also from the kinda AFTER SALES SUPPORT PANASONIC gives. They give out 3 year warranties. but god forbid if your unit is a faulty one like mine then You've had it. Dealing with them is like hitting your head against the wall. They are a MNC and a huge corporation & should behave like one.
There are many recent VT20 owners i would like to hear from all of you. Is anyone facing similar problems with their TV.