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Bought Denon AVR 1911 from Prague !!:p:p Bit of bizzare scenario..

It was a display piece selling for 6000 Kc (app. Rs. 15,600/-), was in double mind wether to buy or not as new 1912 was already launched..But then got to know that I can get another 690 Kc off through tax refund and then bought this for app. Rs. 14,000/-

yes indeed, it was probably worth taking risk at 14,000/-:yahoo:

If someone is in Prague or planning to visit Prague, check out this product at Datart shops (check at their bigger stores as this product is only stocked in their bigger stores).. who knows you can still find one if you are lucky... speak to store manager (if they speak English, but you will certainly find one person who can speak moderate English) and tell him / her that you were selling this for 6000 kc (czech korunas)

Well I am mighty pleased with the complete combo now. And since I want to get away from this tempting upgrade cycle, I wont be coming over to HFV now (Damn, its so addictive)

But just for the benefit of the folks, I'll list few differences between the rDAC and DACMagic. rDAC is little laid back, with a little more bumped lows. The sound with it was subtle. Something with very nice overall texture. It would be a great buy with the speakers which are less bass heavy. The DACMagic on the otherhand is very very open with better imaging. The bass seemed to be more controlled comparatively. The overall sound is fuller as compared to the rDAC but again I am yet to hear the subtle things that rDAC would present. The overall sound signature of DACMagic suits the speakers with bigger drivers (like the avainos I have). There best thing about DACMagic is the dynamic range. It just blows you away. Norah jones sounded great on rdac but the live performace actually felt live with the DACMagic. The imaging is just amazing. I'd still prefer the female voice timbre of rDAC but overall DACMagic holds my kind of sound.

Still a lot early to comment but will surely come back to post a rather more detailed impressions.
rdac seems to have an advantage for the USB, but if you don't like the basic sound signature, all that great async usb stuff doesn't make any sense. Good bye, oops I meant good buy :)
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Just received my HRT Music Streamer 2 !! And how it has changed my computer music!
After starting on the "audiophile" journey last year with a Norge 2060, I was always on the look out to improve the way I listened to music. Enter Monitor Audio M2 bookshelves (rated by AVMax as best bookshelves under 20k in 2010). But after reading extensively on the forum and elsewhere I was convinced that I needed a better source. So I tried experimenting with the Asus O Play Air for downloaded files and my old Philips DVD player for CDs. However it was a very complex system since playing through the Asus also required me to constantly keep my BenQ HD monitor on for song selection. So there were wires all over the place.
At the same time I was interested in buying a DAC which I could then feed with the sound from my Philips DVD player and the Asus. The Cambridge DACMagic was always a dream but wasnt sure of the benefits considering an outlay of about 25k. So I thought of buying a VDAC and was nearly convinced about it. However I read a rave review of the Music Streamer on What HIfi and on the net. However my laptop was an old 2005 IBM thinkpad and wasnt sure if it would be worth connecting it to a DAC.
In the meanwhile I did an audition of the Marantz CD 6003 only to be surprised that for a substantial outlay of INR 20k it provided a max benefit of 10-15 % over my old Philips DVD player (dont mind the percentages :-)) The Ipod touch however sounded really well through the CD 6003 (in fact better than the same song played through CD !!)
However I wasnt convinced of spending INR 20k for a CD player that made the Ipod sound good :-).

So I bit the bullet and finally bought the Music Steamer. The first visible benefit was that my system became highly simplfied with just the laptop- the streamer and the amplifier. The Monitor audios are connected through Chord Carnivals.

I first played Jagjit Singh's Kabhi Yun Bhi to Ho only to be completely stumped by the sound that my simple laptop was now throwing out !!
Next was Eagles- Hotel California which is a 24 bit 96kHz recording which introduced me to a 3D soundstage for the first time (thanks to the music streamer)

Btw I am using Foobar 2000 with ASIO for all which ensures "bit perfect" sound through my Bandridge USB cable to the DAC (bit perfect is atleast that is what the experts claim).

Anyway enough of gyan, now back to listening :-)

Thanks for reading
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