After months of research (and ending up even more confused), I finally bought a part of Kef Q300s yesterday from ProFx Bangalore. Spent a few hours auditioning the Q100s, Polk Audio and Monitor BX2s. The Q300s sounded the best to my ears (best judge). I had concerns pairing it with my new Onkyo AVR NR 609 (due to the supposed brightness of the amps) but I "hear" no problem. It sounds incredible.

Have just used it in a 2.0 (stereo) mode, and not in a 5.1 setup, which I plan to over the weekend.
As they say - this is a bottomless pit. I upgraded my amp from my Yamaha to the 609, then found myself needing a new pair of fronts. Now that I have the Kef, I feel the need for a nicer (simpler) AV rack in the room. I hope my wife is not on this forum. ;-)
Will update again after spending more time with the new darlings.