Thanks Mr.malvai
That was a typo error:sad:
Its Clearaudio and the price is Rs.1250
Now thats a steal :clapping:
Thanks Mr.malvai
That was a typo error:sad:
Its Clearaudio and the price is Rs.1250
Thanks for the advice, If you can PM me the steps that would be useful.
I guess at this time, all new iphone 4's are on 4.0.1, but I will check it once I get it in my hands in India.
Congrats on the BD-Rom purchase mate. Get prepared to buy more and more Hard-disks now,a NAS maybe. It is inevitableI orderd Asus BR-04B2T from amazon & arrived @ brother's place in US.I need to wait for a month to add to my HTPC.
Congrats on the BD-Rom purchase mate. Get prepared to buy more and more Hard-disks now,a NAS maybe. It is inevitablehyeah:.
BTW, you were looking for one that could be cross-flashed to read HD-DVDs as well IIRC. Is this model capable of reading HD-DVDs?
I have been postponing buying one, maybe in next few months.
Picked up the following Bluray's,
Minority Reporter
Is this a typo or this is some special movie:licklips:
Congrats btwwwwwwwwwww..... :clapping:
Hi Aneel,
Congrats!!! Awesome titles!!! Huge lot in a single buyGladiator :: is it new Sapphire remastered edition???
hi, thanks srini,
and yeah this is the sapphire remastered/extended version, picked them up form walmart, there was a sale going on for $15 each.
Will be going back tomorrow to pick up more, fresh titles arriving on sunday.