"Another issue is dynamic (instantaneous power).This peak power could be as much as double the usual constant power rating (this is what gives the dynamism and if your power source cannot supply it,the sound will go dull, the usual problem with many power conditioners)"
Which is why Bryston does not recommend any kind of power conditioning.In places where the power supply is relatively stable a direct connection to the wall outlet is probably the way to go.Unfortunately in India one cannot take that stability for granted.The voltage in Chandigarh is relativel stable but does play tricks when it's raining hard and continuously.
From the 'dynamic' viewpoint,power conditioning may reduce rather than improve performance.Especially in a powerful solid state set up.
The positives from power conditioning seem to be
Surge protection
Regulated voltage with 1/2 % variation
Pure sine wave output
Isolation from noise present in the power supply
Back up in case of power outage
It has to be an individual decision whether we
must have
all these features or can be happy with a
few of them.
Since I fixed the loose connection,the power supply has been satisfactory and the sound quality has improved dramatically.I feel that removing even the Belkin surge protector/extension board and plugging directly into three individual power sockets may improve the dynamics.Out of the positives listed above,if for a moment I sideline 'protection',then the only
must have feature for me is isolation.A locally manufactured isolation transformer would probably cost between 2K-3K and a branded one 6K-9K.
I have no idea what 'isolation' will actually acheive,but I have this notion (may be right maybe wrong) that it may yeild some benefits in the area where I want them.Specifically,clean up a little muddiness in the mid range and add a little more 'air' and 'space' to the top end which seems a little subdued and closed in.
Like a clumsy ham fisted amateur,I am trying to break on through to the other side of 'hi-fidelity'

.I am sure many of the paths I take out of ignorance,may be strewn with traps and pitfalls,but I am definitely getting closer to what I have been looking for.
Last night I played my eternal favorite,Schubert's Unfinshed Symphony No.8,and for the first time ever,after having heard it hundred's of times,I gave the reproduction of this music,on a system owned by me,a two thumbs up