Samsung Plasma 51F5500 Owners Thread /Reviews/Discussions!!

Panasonic 50 inch ST60 for 1.2lac is available on amazon India site

Even Panasonic 50 inch LED latest model DT60D is available at 1.05 lac online

Plasma TV cost are supposed to be less than Leds.
Panasonic 50 inch ST60 for 1.2lac is available on amazon India site

Even Panasonic 50 inch LED latest model DT60D is available at 1.05 lac online

Plasma TV cost are supposed to be less than Leds.

You are correct.. Having the same in mind i missed 50ST60D last month, when it was available for 1.17lac with free home theatre.

50DT60 Is available for 1.04 in Bangalore, Devi International.. So on-line should be cheaper than that.
Hello guys. whats up ? :) Glad to see so many people getting this beautiful plasma panel since I got one in july.

Just opt for Videocon D2H with their 23 FULL HD channels for tv content. Found it to be better than useless Tata Sky with far better PQ & better stability during heavy rains. The reception of Sony HD is just exceptional on Videocon D2H. I just keep staring at my tv in awe :lol:
Yogi good to know you are enjoying your TV.

Want to know how is SD channel PQ on 51f500

I find even the sd channels PQ to be quite satisfactory with Videocon D2H as been the source. Go ahead, get this set. Only issue is of reflections which can be taken care of ofcourse. Just saw Yeh Jawaani Hain Deewani on Sony HD & boy what an experience :cheers:
(firstly when I said in the earlier thread that my 4 year old kid wasnt able to decide it was of course pun intended !!! Will ensure that my kid watches not more than 3 to 5 hours in a week !!! )

Thanks to Gauthamnaidu, just4kix, sunilkm & many other members of this awesome forum..based on your inputs and the first hand demo experience, I have finally zeroed in on my first Plasma.!!!

I have purchased PS 51 F5500 on 27th Oct 2013 from Reliance Digital Hyderabad. The delivery is scheduled for 28th /29th Oct.

I have got the Samsung BluRay Player (BD F5100) as a free gift.

The invoice price is INR 67432.51

To top this, I have paid by State Bank card and am told that I would get a 5% cashback within 45 days (reliance digital & StateBank seem to have an exclusive tie-up ).

Definitely happy with the price !!!

Now that this is done, could u please help me in the following
How to check the usage hours in Samsung Plasma PS 51F5500 ?
Should I opt for ResQ (Reliance 2 year Extended Warranty) or Samsung 3 year extended warranty?
- The reliance guys were mentioning that Samsung only provides Free Service during the extended warranty period and will not bear the cost of replacement & component / panel costs.
- Also the reliance guys mentioned that Samsung doesnt cover damages owing to Voltage Surges where as ResQ covers this.

How far is this true? Are those reliance guys just trying to make a ResQ sale? They were offering some 25% discount on the ResQ 2 year extended warranty.

Do we get any discount on the Samsung 3 year extended warranty? What is covered in this extended warranty ? Is there any specific advantage of going with ResQ / Samsung Extended Warranty?

Am planning to go for V Guard Crystal Plus Stabilizer (3 Amps) + Belkin 6-Socket Surge Protector (420 Joule) : will be connecting the Plasma TV + BDP + STB + Audio Speakers + External Hard Drive. Will this suffice or should I go for a level up?

Thank you for all your support & timely help

- Rajendra

read thro' the last 27 pages of this thread...and am even more inclined towards 51F5500 :yahoo: : would request your suggestions / inputs in further clarifying my queries posted on the below thread...

Apologies for the intrusion, but would like to seek the opinion of the experts / users from their first hand experience : if everything goes fine, am planning to buy this within the next 2 days - hence the urgency...!!!


Need Help in finalizing on PS51F5500 Samsung Plasma TV : my 4 year kid is unable to decide !!!


I am newbie to this forum and to the world of Plasma / LED TVs. In fact, the last 29 Inch LG Flatron that I had - tanked off almost 3 yrs back (picture tube issue). Since then, I never found the need of a TV I watch most of the movies, fav serials on my laptop and my wife, in-laws watch their daily soap on a 19 inch bedroom tv. But now my kiddo is 4 yrs old and I want her to experience the Kids content, animated movies on a large screen.

So, wanted to buy a large screen TV preferably 50 inches+ during Diwali 2013 and hence have been actively reading the articles and reviews on this forum for the past 2 months+.

Upon reading the user experiences and my own demo experience in viewing the same content in Movie mode on both Plasma, LED I am more inclined towards buying a Plasma TV.

My requirements are :

Good Picture quality
Built in Wi-fi
Full HD
Good number of apps / Smart TV features
The TV should last at least for 5 years

Possible TV Watching habits

2 to 3 hrs on weekdays & 6 hrs on weekends
Mostly for Movies (720p / 1080p Rips) and cartoon channels

Initially I was willing to opt for Panasonic 50ST60D : unfortunately, I am yet to get a chance to demo this in Hyderabad.

Yesterday, I happened to demo Samsung PS51F5500 and I kinda liked it.
Especially the price difference seems to be huge between these models (as on 12th Oct 2013)

Panasonic 50ST60D : 3 yrs Manufacturer Warranty, no freebies, Discounted price quoted by the brand shop is INR 113000.

Samsung PS51F5500 : 1 yr Manufacturer warranty, Free BluRay Player, Discounted price quoted by 2 to 3 dealers is INR 67500 (there is an option of taking additional 2 year warranty directly from Samsung by paying an additional INR 5500)

In the next 2 yrs time, I am planning to have a dedicated projector room in our upcoming apartment with a large screen, good audio system and the best Projector I can buy at that time. Hence, for now, I am willing to spend as optimally as possible to get a good picture quality. Maybe, we might watch TV for not more than 2 to 3 hrs in a day.

Having said that here are few areas on which I would need your suggestions & inputs

My current TV room is mildly bright room I can shield with curtains, but would prefer my kid watch TV in a bright environment. Would the PQ of Samsung PS51F5500 be good in this environment? Is it ok for eyes if we watch plasma for 3 hrs+ at a stretch in dark rooms?

In the long run, do kids prefer the bright display of LED or the natural colours of Plasma?
( my 4 yr old kid is unable to make her mind yet). Would the bright display of LEDs strain the eyes?

My in-laws and my wife might prefer to watch their regular SD content on this plasma TV in which case, what are the chances of burn-in / Image Retention in the long run?
(I would try my best to take all possible precautions suggested by just4kix & other members in some of the previous threads but at the same time am wary about the recent plasma issues quoted in this same forum).

Is Samsung PS51F5500 with Free BluRay Player + 1 year warranty a good VFM at INR 67500 : do we have any other models in Plasma / LED that might meet my requirements?

The place where I stay has frequent power cuts and occasional voltage fluctuation : should I buy a stabilizer for this ? If so, which model / brand?

Does Samsung PS51F5500 play avi, mkv, mp4, vob, dat formats?

Is there an option of upscaling the SD content in Samsung PS51F5500?

How effective are the Active 3D glasses in this model? Do they impact the kids eyes if watched for 2 hrs+ at a stretch.

With a hyper active kid at home, should I go for wall mounting? ( for next 1 year we are going to be in a rented apartment)

Is it worthwhile to spend INR 5500 for an additional 2 years warranty (1+2 yrs) or should I opt for INR 8400 for an additional 3 years warranty (1+3 yrs)

Apologies for asking so many questions at one go but this is going to be my major buy in the last few years hence am seeking the opinion of all the experts / 1st hand user experiences. Also, would like to give the best possible TV viewing experience to my kid hence the detailed thought !!!

Am planning to buy this by 19th Oct 2013 in case, any one else from Hyderabad is interested in Samsung PS51F5500, we can go for group buying.

Thank you for all your time & support
- Rajendra
in one other TV thread, an FM has written and reiterated a few times to opt for Samsung's offer rather than Reliance's. i think it was 'just4kix'. you may discuss with him as well over PMs, or invite him here to share his knowledge.
Congratulations and you got it at BEST price.!!!

Usage Hours: I don't know. Did not check it.

Extended Warranty: Samsung ASC told me that extended warranty covers all the parts of the TV and it is an extension of the 1st year standard warranty.
Whatever mentioned in the 1st yr warranty is covered during the extended warranty. I sttill have to get the extended warranty certificate. They will send it in e-mail.
( Other items like external drive, cables etc won't be covered under warranty )

I am also using V-Guard crystal Plus and belkin surge protector. Connected TV, STB and BDP. It is fine.
Are you connecting any active sub to this? Then you have to calculate the current intake taking the power in to consideration.

(firstly when I said in the earlier thread that my 4 year old kid wasnt able to decide it was of course pun intended !!! Will ensure that my kid watches not more than 3 to 5 hours in a week !!! )

Thanks to Gauthamnaidu, just4kix, sunilkm & many other members of this awesome forum..based on your inputs and the first hand demo experience, I have finally zeroed in on my first Plasma.!!!

I have purchased PS 51 F5500 on 27th Oct 2013 from Reliance Digital Hyderabad. The delivery is scheduled for 28th /29th Oct.

I have got the Samsung BluRay Player (BD F5100) as a free gift.

The invoice price is INR 67432.51

To top this, I have paid by State Bank card and am told that I would get a 5% cashback within 45 days (reliance digital & StateBank seem to have an exclusive tie-up ).

Definitely happy with the price !!!

Now that this is done, could u please help me in the following
How to check the usage hours in Samsung Plasma PS 51F5500 ?
Should I opt for ResQ (Reliance 2 year Extended Warranty) or Samsung 3 year extended warranty?
- The reliance guys were mentioning that Samsung only provides Free Service during the extended warranty period and will not bear the cost of replacement & component / panel costs.
- Also the reliance guys mentioned that Samsung doesnt cover damages owing to Voltage Surges where as ResQ covers this.

How far is this true? Are those reliance guys just trying to make a ResQ sale? They were offering some 25% discount on the ResQ 2 year extended warranty.

Do we get any discount on the Samsung 3 year extended warranty? What is covered in this extended warranty ? Is there any specific advantage of going with ResQ / Samsung Extended Warranty?

Am planning to go for V Guard Crystal Plus Stabilizer (3 Amps) + Belkin 6-Socket Surge Protector (420 Joule) : will be connecting the Plasma TV + BDP + STB + Audio Speakers + External Hard Drive. Will this suffice or should I go for a level up?

Thank you for all your support & timely help

- Rajendra
Hello guys. whats up ? :) Glad to see so many people getting this beautiful plasma panel since I got one in july.

Just opt for Videocon D2H with their 23 FULL HD channels for tv content. Found it to be better than useless Tata Sky with far better PQ & better stability during heavy rains. The reception of Sony HD is just exceptional on Videocon D2H. I just keep staring at my tv in awe :lol:

It seems I am following your decisions quite closely ;)

Anyway, I also switched from TS to D2H, though the new connection was not smooth, but now things have settled down and am happy with all those HD channels.

Yesterday Saw Life of Pi in 3D (blu ray) .. it was a pure bliss.. I think the best 3D I have seen so far. The TV took it to another level. I just made the room, entirely dark and when we ended, it was like coming from a theater. :yahoo::clapping:

Regarding those advises on UPS etc, my TV is running on raw power and never felt the use of any such thing. I think, nowadays the TVs comes with lot of protection built in for such things. In fact the last stabliser I used was 25 years back when we used to have B&W tv from a company called Keltron. Since then all the TVs me, my family and friends are all running on raw power only. Anyway, it is better be careful than be sorry. But for me it works without a stabliser.

Regarding the extended warranty. Please buy it from Samsung, which is almost comprehensive and AFAIK, it includes the panel, which the prime items that gets damaged and costs almost 60-70% of the TV.
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51F5500 has the triple protection.
This is from the TV features page from Samsung website:

This TV set is protected from Lightning, Surge and Humidity.
Lightning Protection : Block capacitors that can absorb lightning strike up to 15KV
Surge Protection : Varistor blocks and capacitors that can withstand power surge up to 750V
Humidity Protection : Silica gel and anti-humidity glue coating on chipset

Could you please share the store and price details?
hi Sunil,

i was out of station for a while... apologies..

i got a deal from croma, jayanagar - 68k; this was more than a month ago; i think the prices have significantly gone down now..

i didnt get any freebies though..

well, regarding the power plug; i simply replaced the 5A socket with a 15A socket..
51F5500 bagged the WhatHiFi 2013 Television award for "Best budget 47inch-52 inch TV"

What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision Awards 2013: Best Televisions |

Whathifi 5 star review of 51F5500.

Samsung PS51F5500 review from the experts at

"Best budget 47in-52, Awards 2013. This is a superb all-rounder, which combines fantastic picture quality with a strong feature set, all at a competitive price"

Could someone let me know which month of printed What hifi magazine it will be published. I would like to buy.
Quick question.. I have a small problem here..

Airtel stb - - > AVR - - > TV Via hdmi.. I used to have audio on both tv and avr before.. Now I get only either in AVR or in the tv based on whether I turn on ARC or off.. Is this how it is supposed to work? Someone update please..

Thanks in advance


Just to have a clear idea..
i disconnected the hdmi cables..

connected the hdmi 1 of the tv to the stb .. No video/audio

then changed the setup as below

connected the stb to the avr via the same hdmi - got video and audio on avr.. (i had this before...but audio only on tv or avr..not on both...that was the confusion to start with...and now this)

i switched cables also thinking it might be a prob with the cables.. same effect..

its really confusing..anyone??
Hello everyone,

I am planning to buy Samsung 51in F5500 this weekend, along with that I want to buy a sound system as well.

I see that there is a soundbar available for 17k but it is only 2.1 channel output. Can you please suggest me if I should go with that or go for a 5.1 channel surround system that I can get for cheaper price?

Hello everyone,

I see that there is a soundbar available for 17k but it is only 2.1 channel output. Can you please suggest me if I should go with that or go for a 5.1 channel surround system that I can get for cheaper price?



It depends on your choice of programming for the TV? Most TV's produce crappy audio output so some enhancement makes the sound so much better.

The Surround Sound concept for Video is BS. Home Theatre/Surround Sound/5.1 concept is a flop and waste of money. If people want to get a theatre experience, they go to a movie theatre.

Audio is best enjoyed in a Stereo or at most a 2.1 channel. Even for movies or sports a 2 channel + sound bar is great. Putting 5 speakers just to feel a bullet or bomb sound is silly.

Buy a good Amp and Speakers + a center channel if you watch a lot of "spoken" programming. I have a NAD amp and PSB speakers and they rock my world.
Hello everyone,

I am planning to buy Samsung 51in F5500 this weekend, along with that I want to buy a sound system as well.

I see that there is a soundbar available for 17k but it is only 2.1 channel output. Can you please suggest me if I should go with that or go for a 5.1 channel surround system that I can get for cheaper price?

You should not hurry with either a sound bar or 5.1 system. You will make a compromise because a large sum is being deducted from your bank. For the moment, just buy the TV. Wait for some six months to a year and then buy a proper 5.1 HT system. Before buying a 5.1 HT system, you should also decide whether the room can support a 5.1 system, where you can place the speakers, keep the equipment that does not clutter the rest, etc.
You should not hurry with either a sound bar or 5.1 system.

agree with Just4K - Buy a TV and enjoy the video for a while. Once you feel that it needs a boost, think of a good quality upgrade for sound. Don't buy the sound bar or 5.1 just coz its cheap.
Thank you Vishal & Just4k. It makes sense not to act in hurry. For now I will just buy the TV and think about the sound system later on.
I have purchased PS 51 F5500 on 27th Oct 2013 from Reliance Digital Hyderabad. The delivery is scheduled for 28th /29th Oct.

I have got the Samsung BluRay Player (BD F5100) as a free gift.

The invoice price is INR 67432.51

To top this, I have paid by State Bank card and am told that I would get a 5% cashback within 45 days (reliance digital & StateBank seem to have an exclusive tie-up ).

Definitely happy with the price !!!

- Rajendra

I am planning to buy this TV for the diwali, can you tell from which Hyderabad Reliance store/branch you bought this ?

The reviews are too good for this TV & my hands are hitching to spend :)
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