Samsung Plasma 51F5500 Owners Thread /Reviews/Discussions!!

Weird problem

as i stated a few posts back that a close friend got a new F5500. however now the issue is the weird noise or static..

something similar to what we used to see back in doordhardhan or cable tv or when no channel is displayed... just those jumping black white pixels

it is also present while Tata sky setbox is disconnected and movies are being played via USB.

we initially thought it was a grounding issue and isolated everything including STB and got the power line checked but no cure as of now.

also we have noticed that it is only noticible if watched from closely like 1-2 feet distance and have reduced to some extent with passign days but still worried and it feels bad buying an expensivce gagdet which is not working flawlessly.

something of this sort but not visible while watching from 10 feet. TV Noise 1080p with Sound.jpg
Re: Weird problem

as i stated a few posts back that a close friend got a new F5500. however now the issue is the weird noise or static..

something similar to what we used to see back in doordhardhan or cable tv or when no channel is displayed... just those jumping black white pixels

it is also present while Tata sky setbox is disconnected and movies are being played via USB.

we initially thought it was a grounding issue and isolated everything including STB and got the power line checked but no cure as of now.

also we have noticed that it is only noticible if watched from closely like 1-2 feet distance and have reduced to some extent with passign days but still worried and it feels bad buying an expensivce gagdet which is not working flawlessly.

something of this sort but not visible while watching from 10 feet. TV Noise 1080p with Sound.jpg

Call Samsung let a technician come down and have a look.
Okay I'm assuming you'd be sitting at least ten feet away from the TV while playing games..because the TV is quite big.. I haven't noticed any flicker issues.. Slight image retention with Airtel logo and star world logo.. Which I use YouTube to play the break in slides..

Yes... I sit approx 10 feet away from the TV... I use Videocon HD DTH which is think is the most translucent logo...
can i purchase this model online on indiatimes??? is it safe????

one more the, whole image retention procedure really necessary???? i will follow it, but the other individuals in my house really wont,,,,so thats worrying me.... :S

Best you buy from a dealer and showroom. Would not recommend to buy it online. In case of any issues like DOA or other stuff it would be a challenge. Go the dealer route and have peace of mind.
can i purchase this model online on indiatimes??? is it safe????

one more the, whole image retention procedure really necessary???? i will follow it, but the other individuals in my house really wont,,,,so thats worrying me.... :S

You don't have to follow very word written on IR. Just be careful about the setting for first 100/200 hours.

I bought this TV on 4 Nov.
Till 1 week back I had kept picture size to zoom level, so that dth logo is out of screen. Then kept contrast ratio at 30 and pixel shifter on.
Just ask family members to change channels regularly to avoid channel logo IR
Such simple measure will help with IR.

I have not run any image slides.
Now I changed picture size to normal (16:9). Will keep contrast ratio at 30 for 1 more month.
My TV is on for almost 10 hours daily.
I have not observed any IR till now.
I have Tata sky hd recorder. Is there a option in the samsung tv to zoom the picture that is to push the channel logos and also full screen option available when watching black bar movies using USB? After the initial 200 hrs can we watch scrolling news and channels with logos normally ?
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you can watch with logos during the initial break in period also , all you have to make sure is dont watch it for a long time. Probably you can change the channels during breaks e.t.c ...
Hi i am thinking of buying this but there are no showrooms showing this model in kochi. How much it cost now. Have they increased the price one shoroom salesman told me it is 76500. Mrp 81000. Where can i get it in kerala.:o:rolleyes:
Re: Weird problem

What happen to the static seen posted by ironhorse . Did samsung repair it

evetually the static reduced and then i checked few more plasma's closely form like 6 inches and its present in those too even Samsung flagship model. so basically its the property of plasma :)
E6 is not available.Decided not to wait for it anymore.Samsung and sony are easily available for customers unlike panasonic.Since i had earlier shortlisted e6 and samsung 51f5500,paid advance for samsung a few days back and got the tv today :yahoo:.This is my first plasma.Installation will be done on monday.

1)Should keep brightness and contrast below 30.what are the other settings?
2)should avoid channel logos and black bars for the first 200 hrs.
Any other thing that i should follow?
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some doubts please answer

I have not connected set top box and going to play movies through hard disk for some time to avoid logos in tv channels.

1)When i played movies which has black bars through usb,there is no option to zoom.How to do it? :confused:

2)How to disable subtitles?

Owners of this tv please answer
Can't you Zoom it from the remote ? Isn't there a Mode or Aspect button on the remote ? You can use that to Zoom or Fill the screen. Try different modes and see whichone completely removes any static logo or the black bars. Keep the contrast below 50 or 35 like I kept on my TV (Panasonic). Brightness to 0 or below that or whatever low settings you have. Run those Scrolling Bars or Color Slides whenever you can.

There are no options of removing subtitles from your TV, it's gotta be removed from your hard disk if there's a subtitle file. If the subtitles are hard-subbed then it's a pain otherwise you can just remove or rename the subtitle files if you want to avoid those.

If you have a laptop or PC, connect the TV to that to watch movies and play games.
E6 is not available.Decided not to wait for it anymore.Samsung and sony are easily available for customers unlike panasonic.Since i had earlier shortlisted e6 and samsung 51f5500,paid advance for samsung a few days back and got the tv today :yahoo:.This is my first plasma.Installation will be done on monday.

1)Should keep brightness and contrast below 30.what are the other settings?

2)should avoid channel logos and black bars for the first 200 hrs.

Any other thing that i should follow?

set on movie mode and set everything to 50% or less for 100 hours or so.
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