Summers=No Electricity and Electricity=Low voltage..HELP!

The problem is no different in part of Chennai I live in. The problem seems to be across the year not just during summer. Lost a refrigerator because of voltage fluctuation :sad:
My computer desk looks odd with 2 stabilizers connected to my APC UPS. I dont use stabilizers which trip during low voltage. I just use them to boost 10 or 20 volts whatever it can and feed it to the next one.
Iam also in the process of installing a V-Guard double booster for my refrigerator. Single stabilizer does not work. I have a doubt if it will work because this V-Guard actually trips when the voltage drops below 150 V.

Iam also looking for a neat and permanent solution. Working with EB has not borne any fruit so far.

Living in UP I am constantly facing these issues. Earlier, I was using a 2kVA servo for my HT. Voltage range was 140-280V. Now, I have a bought a servo for the whole house. I have removed each and every stabilizer in the house. It feels good to plug all the equipment right in the wall socket.
I would advice you to go for a 2kVA servo. This is sufficient for most HT loads. I was running my entire gear on this servo. If you have power hungry equipments then you can go for 3kVA. Be wary of the voltage range. For your location a minimum of 140-280V is required..

Any idea how much would a 2KV servo cost.......and would it able to handle heavy fluctuations, like a sudden drop to 150/180 and back to normal.........which one do you suggest......Vertex / Krykard / Audire???
phew, sometimes i'm glad i left the NCR !!

Ghz is bad in electricity I agree, but I see the positive side, in this world of high expenses and rocketing price, Ghz somehow is able to maintain the living cost, I can't even think of getting a 3 bedroom, 3 attached bathroom banglow for a rent of 8000 (including misc charges) anywhere else in NCR (except maybe Faridabad). You get a small flat for that in Noida and may be a 2 room set for most of the part in Delhi. Electricity is cheap (what ever we manage to get), and most of all general ration is cheaper than Noida/Delhi. It because of Ghz and it Land prices I am able to start constructing my 3 floor new house (still saving for HT). If I had thought to buy land in Delhi or Noida I could have just managed to buit a small appartment..........and forget about the you see.......
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I flew into Gurgaon yesterday morning. Within a span of just 4 hours, I saw the power system tripping some 10 odd times. The lights are all always dim with low voltage unless the generator is switched on. I travelled to Kamla Nagar, DU, and CP, and the situation is the same. In Lajpat Nagar, every shop has a huge generator chugging away right at the front door.

That this is happening in the Capitol is beyond my understanding.

Madhu, I am not aware where you live, but in Besant Nagar, I hardly need to use any stabiliser.

Venkat - Delhi is always the same in summer. Without a generator you are done for. Delhi is like its 3 cities in one. One - the old Delhi with its forts and markets, the new Delhi (South Delhi with malls and posh enclaves) and then the embassy section. Lush, verdant and green all over.
Any idea how much would a 2KV servo cost.......and would it able to handle heavy fluctuations, like a sudden drop to 150/180 and back to normal.........which one do you suggest......Vertex / Krykard / Audire???

Choose from Vertex or Krykard. I have not used either of them but heard a lot. maybe, members who are using these brands can suggest better.

Fluctuations are handled well. It normally has a good correction time.

I can tell you specs:

High Cut and Low Cut must.
Should have a bypass rotary switch.

Hope this helps.
I flew into Gurgaon yesterday morning. Within a span of just 4 hours, I saw the power system tripping some 10 odd times. The lights are all always dim with low voltage unless the generator is switched on. I travelled to Kamla Nagar, DU, and CP, and the situation is the same. In Lajpat Nagar, every shop has a huge generator chugging away right at the front door.

That this is happening in the Capitol is beyond my understanding.

Madhu, I am not aware where you live, but in Besant Nagar, I hardly need to use any stabiliser.


Hi Venkat,

I live in Kottiwakkam. There are too many houses in the area I live in, primarily built for the purpose of renting. Requested EB for a transformer which they agreed to. But there seems to be no place where it can be installed, nobody wants a transformer near their house :sad:

yaar two subs 1200 watts of power consumption so its 2400+750 watts for onkyo 807+300 watts for projector and 300 watts for ps3 so total is 3750

Manu, thats is not how you calculate power consumption?
Your sub is 1200W but the power consumption by it would be much less. Check the technical specification section of all your devices. Add all the power-consumptions and give it a 30% headroom/
This is an ideal way to deal with stuff like this/
^^ Also 1200W (is it RMS....??fcukn woofer if you ask me) anyway 1200W is its peak output, does not mean it would consume the same through out its usage....
Manu, thats is not how you calculate power consumption?
Your sub is 1200W but the power consumption by it would be much less. Check the technical specification section of all your devices. Add all the power-consumptions and give it a 30% headroom/
This is an ideal way to deal with stuff like this/

brother 1200 watts is power consumption in short term and 600 watts continous power consumption
^^ Also 1200W (is it RMS....??fcukn woofer if you ask me) anyway 1200W is its peak output, does not mean it would consume the same through out its usage....

no bro its 500 watts continous rms subwoofer and 1000 watt short term ,but bro i'm listen to high volumes so doesn't that mean my woofer reaches 1200 watts of peak power consumption instead of 600 watts so that's why i opt for 1200 watt for uls 15
no bro its 500 watts continous rms subwoofer and 1000 watt short term ,but bro i'm listen to high volumes so doesn't that mean my woofer reaches 1200 watts of peak power consumption instead of 600 watts so that's why i opt for 1200 watt for uls 15

Manu, power consumption is different from power handling. You need to plan your stabiliser keeping the power consumption or power requirements in mind. I tried searching for you, came across this manual with specs but no detail on power consumption.

For Eg: My 5 channel power block is rated at 100wpc x 5 = 500 watts as maximum wattage. But, the power consumption or power requirements to run this amp is 800 watts.

Please note that some manufacturers mention the power consumption in watts while others mention in VA (Voltage Ampere). While planning, it is a good idea to convert Watts into VA because Stabilisers are sold in KVA (Kilo Volt Ampere).

So, if I were to plan for a servo, I would:

Step 1: Add the power consumption of all components where manufacturer has specified in watts:

800 Watts (Multichannel power block)
Add: 300 Watts for Projector
Add: 400 Watts PS3
Add: 500 Watts Sub Woofer

Total: 2000 Watts

Step 2: Convert total wattage in to VA using formula: Total Watts x 1.67
2000 W x 1.67 = 3340 VA

Step 3: Add the power consumption of all components where manufacturer has specified in VA:
675 VA for my 2 channel amp
200 VA for my 2 channel pre-amp

Total = 875 VA

Step 4: Add total from Step 2 and 3:
3340 + 875 VA = 4215 VA

Step 5: Add headroom of 30%
30 % of 4215 = 1265 VA

Step 6: Add 4 + 5
5480 VA

As per above example, one would need a stab that is 5.5 KVA:).

Some Tips:
1) Include everything that will be on for the most power consuming activity. Manu, for you, I think it would be gaming, so include PS3, but leave out DVD or Blu-ray player as PS3 consumes much more power than players.
2) If you have a seperate Stereo Setup, you can leave it out as you have already provided for a higher power consuming activity ie., Home Theater or Gaming.
3) Remember that power consumption is the maximum power that gets consumed at peaks or closer to high volumes(in amplifiers/AVRs). So we will probably never consume so much. If your volume control is in 12 o' clock position, you might be consuming a little over the half the maximum power consumption.

I am no expert, I needed to estimate mine sometime soon. So spent some time to learn and documented it for members (including myself). So, if I am wrong, please feel free to correct me. I am sure this is discussed several times on HFV.
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Step 2: Convert total wattage in to VA using formula: Total Watts x 1.67
2000 W x 1.67 = 3340 VA
Very well put santhosh, but different product draw different amount of current, don't they :confused:??? So it would be better to calculate wattage of each equipment separately then add all together.
Very well put santhosh, but different product draw different amount of current, don't they :confused:??? So it would be better to calculate wattage of each equipment separately then add all together.
Hiten, I have added individual components and the total I am converting to VA. I have just used some round figures and made the total 2000 Watts. I have edited my above example, so it makes more sense.
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