Summers=No Electricity and Electricity=Low voltage..HELP!

What does run on inverter, my Mictoteck Online UPS ??? ....... Well if thats what you mean yes, it runs on inverter, generator, mains, everything, keeping the output to solid 230V. What ever happens at the input end .......
thanks, I meant to ask the same. When light is out and genset has not kicked in, is the inverter able to support. What is the VA etc for your inverter?
If I get this, I will keep it on mains+backup power, but will try to leave it out of inverter wiring.
thanks, I meant to ask the same. When light is out and genset has not kicked in, is the inverter able to support. What is the VA etc for your inverter?
If I get this, I will keep it on mains+backup power, but will try to leave it out of inverter wiring.

yep when the power is out, my inverter kicks in, and supplies power to my Online UPS. The problem initially was that my inverter though an expensive quality one still didnt have the perfect 0 switch over time, so though normal equipments like TV and all user to work, my AVR used to trip in that switchover. Plus voltage fluctuations, low voltages to as low as 120 were too much for my poor inverter when is used to come to my HT. Thats why I lost a transformer. My Online UPS takes care of all of this pretty neatly.
My Inverter is Microteck Pure Sine Wave 1500VA

If you leave your inverter out if wiring, either make sure that your equipment does not trip in the switchover, (most home inverters do not have total fail-safe switchover) OR do not put your HT equipment on it. .......I'd prefer not to put your HT equipment on inverter instead use your Online UPS.

since you must have done some market research - how does it compare to APC and Emmerson? Both performance wise and pricewise?

Franky I do not like APC ups........ too expensive and not exactly suited for India power outages and backups ...... one reason I shared on the other thread ...

I have that as well, if you are planning to run this UPS on Generator OR a non pure sine wave inverter, I would refrain from purchasing this product. APC Smart UPS is very genset sensitive and needs a pure sine wave at the receiving end. Strictly speaking this product is not for India. As I said I have this and it simply does not run properly on Genset nor on my simple home inverter (may be because its square wave). I had to buy a pure sine wave inverter which supplies main power to this UPS, when the power is out. On Genset it simply comes to batter every minute or so, very irritating.

On the other hand my Online UPS runs on every damm thing, it does not care what is running at the background, it takes all fluctuations and every input (sine non sine), genset, what ever and gives a solid 230V 24x7.
thanks Sam. We are sitting so close but we haven't met. Been a bit too lazy. Let us try to meet up tomorrow (fri) if you are in office.
I have got a dedicated inverter for my music system. It keeps on charging but the inverter is switched off all the time. When I want to listen to music, I switch off the mains and switch the inverter on. Then I listen to my music system using only the battery power. My inverter provides me pure sinewave and nothing else apart from the music system works on it.

There no switching on or off since the power is already cut-off and my inverter provides me a backup of around 20 hours which I hardly use completely.
Came home one evening last week to find the house in darkness and the inverter fault light flashing. Checking, I found it was getting live current fed into it on its output and started praying it hadn't melted inside. Spent half the night being an amateur electrician, but every time I seemed to trace a fault it ran away elsewhere. In the distribution box I found that almost whatever I did, there was live current on the neutral bar. At one point, the lights and fans came on, very fast and very bright. I measured 350 volts on a socket. Thank god the hifi wasn't plugged in, and stabilizers/UPSs were preventing that current from reaching computer equipment, ACs, etc.

The next morning our EB engineer diagnosed a fault at the supply pole, but hey... 350 volts! Sheesh, I'm going to put at least a UPS between the hifi and the mains.

I now believe in protection!
^^ Better late than never Ginathom, I learnt the hard way when I lost the main transformer of my AVR.
Call me Thad :)

Yes, I really had some luck that no harm came to human or equipment from this one. I realised something very bad was happening when I disconnected the inverter and got quite a strong shock from the should-be-dead return! :eek:
Guys I recently moved into my new house at Faridabad, and here its not that different from the rest of the NCR, I never had the problem of voltage fluctuation in the last 5 years as I was living in a rented place in a society which had a power backup in the form of a Genset and they had a big transformer to distribute power to all the flats in the society so even a cheap line interactive UPS was successful in providing the backup to my Network and AV Setup. Now after moving into the new house all the power woes seems to have effected me. We recently lost 2 ACs and a Brand New Refrigerator due to the voltage fluctuation problem. I have installed couple of 3.5 KVA Commercial UPS from Sukam for my backup power needs and they do pretty well to power every thing in my house except ACs for atleast 2.5 to 3 Hours.
Now the problem, these UPS have 2 modes i.e UPS or Inverter, in UPS mode it switches to Battery power if the voltage drops below 180V and goes beyond 240V, so every time an ACs compressor kick starts the Inverter keep shifting back and forth between supply and battery power. Now since I have a 3 Phase power supply at my house so in 1 Phase the voltage ranges between 220- 250 Volts whereas in another it ranges between 160-220V, depending on the time of the day and both these Phases are used to charges each of the Inverters. There have been instances when the voltage remained low for the entire days and UPS didn't charge its battery due to the voltage protection circuit kicking in and bypassing the low voltage to pass through it to the entire house, and when during the evening hours the Backup was actually needed we found out that the battery has completely drained out, to overcome this problem I am unable to use my UPS in this mode and have to switch it to W-UPS mode which lets it by-pass the protection circuit and make it work like a normal inverter wherein it will bypass anything and everything and will also charge its battery. Now I am unable to use it for Voltage protection as well as a UPS so all my equipment turns off during the switchover time and my network and TV all resets with every power outage, also during the low voltage period my AVR keeps switching off/on.
I have tried an Offline UPS of 1 KVA capacity to protect my setup against these voltage fluctuations/ power outage/switchover time but its simply doesn't work and keeps switching to the backup mode even if the power is present and with the Inverter power it simply refuses to work.
I have also tried placing a 3 Step / 5 KVA Voltage Stabliser behind the mains of my Inverter but it seems that this path is also not working and the voltage correction time taken by these stablisers are very high so I am unable to use the Sukam in the UPS mode and this trips the network during the power switchover.
I have been adviced to Install a Servo of 5KVA each behind every Sukam Inverter/UPS which should solve my problems or else I will have to buy atleast a couple of On-Line UPS, 1 of 1KVA Capacity for my network and 1 of 2KVA capacity for my Setup. I know the last resort will defenitely solve my power woes but will also set me back by another 40K, which is too much considering I have already spent around 1.5 L for those 2 Sukam Inverters and another 7.5K for the 2 x 5KVA Voltage stablisers.
Now if I go with the Servo route which should cost me somewhere around 30K for the 2x 5 KVA units, so here it seems like an unavoidable expense as this will protect all the equipment in my house whereas with the Online UPS I will be able to protect only limited setups and 1 of the major disappointment with any online ups is the fan noise. My only concern is will a Servo be able to do a voltage correction in quick enough time so that I am able to use my Sukam UPS/Inverter in UPS mode and it doesn't switch over to battery backup during the voltage correction period of the Servo.
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Ginathom sounded better .... :D ... anyway Thad it is ... :) ....


The dreadful voltage fluctuations of my corner of Chennai seem to be a thing of the past (at least for now). The EB have not only replaced many local transformers, they have also put in new ones with new cables.

Just a few months ago, we were buying double-boost stabilisers just to get AC machines and microwave oven to even work. When our new inverter clicked in, the house lits would brighten as 100-and-something volts became 220. Now, the lights dim when the inverter takes over.

So long as this actually keeps up, I no longer feel the temptation of stuff like servo stabilizers. Now, all I need is protection --- from faults and surges.
Hey Guys, got a quick question for you!

Just bought a Denon AVR 1713 with a pair of Polk Audio TSI300 floor standers! I live in an apartment that has 100% power backup, however when the power cuts out, the generator takes about 10 seconds to kick in. There have been instances where the power would come back and go out almost immediately around 3-4 times within a span of minutes! :| So, effectively am looking at putting something in between the mains and my entertainment system (tv/stb/ps3/denon) for the 10 seconds! Currently, I have all of my entertainment units plugged into an expensive surge protector which is plugged into the mains!

What do you guys suggest? I was looking at the APC Line Interactive UPS's (1500VA) but those use the stepped up sinewave waveform (I guess it's also known as sqarewave). The question really is, do i need pure sine wave for the 10 seconds for the AVR or am I good with the stepped up approximation to sinewave for the 10 seconds whenever the power cuts out?

Thanks in advance!
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I am using a LI UPS with quasi sinewave. Haven't faced any problem. For 10 seconds delay you can use LI UPS.
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