The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread!

Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

There is no need to panic (wrt ST60 price) until there is. The ST50 mrp was 118,500.
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

There is no need to panic (wrt ST60 price) until there is. The ST50 mrp was 118,500.

In that sense, the price of ST60 is higher by Rs. 10K compared to ST50.
I expect Rs. 105-110K to be the price where it will settle down before it goes out of stock permanently.

BTW: 42GT50 is available and in stock in Pune.
hi everyone, this is my first post i am interested in buying 64f8500..but the price is too high right now can anyone who may have analysed the price trend of 64e8000 last year tell me what was the drop in price around diwali?
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

Considering the PQ enhancements of st60 over st50 I would definitely shell out the extra 10k.:)
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

Just watched John Reacher on bluray on my st50. Yesterday I partly watched it on hx850.
Phew. What a difference.
St50 nicely balances the shaades of light either on the face of tom cruise in a partially dark scene or the interiors of the house , just as the director intended. It was the same thing in Skyfall bluray.
HX850 manages well but the subtlety is not there.
Every scene looks the same on the led. Bright always as if the Lord Almighty is present in every scene.
Again and again I prove to myself that plasmas always are way ahead of leds no matter what local dimming that they employ, when it comes to movies.

Long live plasmas.
Electronic is a highly dynamic market.. so far the only one which have bucked the trend is Apple, who has manged exclusivity to their products thus by enjoying a huge brand image and with that a huge margin on whatever they sells. Apart from that, there is no other brand that has any exclusivity value. So if you want to succeed, there is no point deserting one category, where you are among top 4/5 brands and getting into newer category like handsets, where even players like Sony is finding to get a good enough hold. Samsung is too dynamic in all their product categories. They launches first, they gives features first, they are omni-present in almost all price point. They hardly takes time to adapt to market demand. That's why the visibility of Samy is very high and there is hardly anything within a category (where they are present), they are not offering. They have offered the 64E8500 at the same price, they are offering at US!!! Others instead of trying to garner a larger market share, by offering better goods at a cheaper cost, are trying to figure out how they can stop the import of cheaper TV of their own brand. What stops others to have their own manufacturing facility in India and produce it cheap (someone has reported that 64F8500 is manufactured in India). There is sufficient demand for TVs for them to adopt such a strategy. But they goes for the easy way of importing and selling at a much higher margins. A TV sold at Bangkok stores for 50-60K is getting sold in India at 1 lac. Even with the logistics + import duty the same should have been available here at around 65-80K. But they choose extra high margin of 20-25K, thus making it extremely costly here.

Regarding Samy not introducing 51F8500, is unfortunate, but they are offering the slightly cheaper 51F5500, whose specs are closer to 51F8500. Hope they gets the 51F8500 as well for the enthusiasts at a price enviable to others.

100% agreed to manzb. Over the last 5 years or so, samsung and apple have inflicted so much pain on co's like Panasonic and sony that they are both operating in very defensive mode. Ofcourse due to their rising losses. Amazing how apple and samsung have crushed them in a field that was ruled by them.
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

Hmm. There are ordinary buyers of TV and there are buyers who are conscious of PQ.
And there are buyers who are conscious about PQ but who can't /won't afford premium sets.
And there are buyers who always aspire to get the best though it costs a little more. Panasonic plasmas cater to this category.
Good things don't come cheap as it requires the service of good people who are paid good.
My pioneer sc37 costed me one lakh. Half of the price was from my credit card.
There are other options like a HTIB for 20k.
One cannot compare panny with LG which caters to the mass market.
Obviously an LG or a sammy can beat pioneer kuro in sales. Can we draw the same conclusions.
Will there be value to a headline in the av magazine saying "LG trounces kuro in sales"?
ST60 is superior to every set in that price range 2D PQ wise no doubt but it has only average 3D performance. That would be a concern for a few
Personally, i.e., myself, I would not worry too much about 3D performance, whether plasma or LCD/LED. But to some 3D is important.
hi everyone,sorry for posting again this is my first post i am interested in buying 64f8500..but the price is too high right now can anyone who may have analysed the price trend of 64e8000 last year tell me what was the drop in price around diwali?
hi everyone,sorry for posting again this is my first post i am interested in buying 64f8500..but the price is too high right now can anyone who may have analysed the price trend of 64e8000 last year tell me what was the drop in price around diwali?

There was no avalanche like price drop for 64E8000 last year. The price drop was for the 51" model.
Any idea about extended warranty for 64f8500. Does it make sense to go for extended warranty @64k for 3 years for a set that cost me 1.86.

Yes. An extended warranty is worth the cost as long as it is reasonably priced. For 64" screen, I think an extended warranty costing no more than 15k is worth.
Yes. An extended warranty is worth the cost as long as it is reasonably priced. For 64" screen, I think an extended warranty costing no more than 15k is worth.

I am getting a quote of 24k for an additional year and 64k for 3 additional years. I am thinking of not taking it and just go with the one year that comes with the tv.
There was no avalanche like price drop for 64E8000 last year. The price drop was for the 51" model.
thanks for replying btw do u have any idea of the launch price of 64e8000 last year and the price around diwali?
couple of new f8500 Reviews.
The Samsung PN60F8500 is the best Samsung HDTV weve ever reviewed. Its spectacular performance places it in the stratosphere of the finest 2013 HDTVs, and therefore, by extension, one of the best-looking TVs ever. Due to the aforementioned combination of deep inky blacks coupled with its very high brightness level and excellent AR filter; the Samsung F8500 achieves our top rating. HD Guru awards the Samsung PN60F8500 ?????.

Samsung PN60F8500 HDTV Review | HD Guru

Until weve thoroughly tested the Panasonic VT60, we cant declare any winners in the battle for this years best TV, but we can say that Samsungs F8500 is going to give the Panny a serious run for its money. Though the F8500 is a little rich on novelty features for our taste (we could do without voice commands and gesture control entirely) its Smart Hub TV interface is one of the best platforms available. And, if youre willing to endure the learning curve, its ability to control cable and satellite boxes and integrate its content guide into a more pleasant interface can be a nice bonus.
But if we brush all that stuff aside, what were left with is a TV that is stunning to behold, on or off. While videophiles will understandably want to dicker over measurement minutiae in an effort to objectively declare a winner of the ultimate TV prize, the fact is that anyone who chooses to buy the F8500 is going to come out a winner. It is one of those TVs that you dont want to miss out on purchasing now, or youll be regretting it for years as you read five years from now about how it was a landmark product for Samsung and how sad it is that plasma isnt around anymore. Its just that good.

Read more: Samsung PN60F8500 Review | Digital Trends Reviews
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