The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread!

Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

- Biggest adv. is 10" extra size
- Nearly 95% matches the performance of ST60; we checked with our own BD sources
- brighter

- Half the grey shades of gradations as compared to ST60 (some 6144 shades or something)
- G14 non neoPDP panel
- slightly more reflective
- does not have infinite black pro filter
- not 3D

Many thanks to Just4kix, who took time out on a Sunday and accompanied me to the Panny showroom, to help with comparisons between various models.

I found 50 inch ST60 marginally better in PQ, however ended up buying the 60 inch S60, as the impact of bigger screen made the STAR WARS action scenes more enjoyable. If you like huge, wide, panoramic movies, this 60 inch will impress you over a 50 inch screen. By the way I found PQ of S60 to be VERY GOOD... ST60 is marginally better... but not a generation ahead. Showroom conditions are not considered good for evaluation, but this is what I observed there. ST60 has lesser reflection, but not so less that you have to look hard. it is still noticeable... so reflection was not going to be deal maker/breaker factor.

Reflections are distracting in dark scenes. To get rid of reflections I am watching movies without any lights. During bright scenes reflection is not an issue.

For those who are curious reg S60 PQ, I will do screen calibrations on weekend and post pics thereafter.

Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

Many thanks to Just4kix, who took time out on a Sunday and accompanied me to the Panny showroom, to help with comparisons between various models.

I found 50 inch ST60 marginally better in PQ, however ended up buying the 60 inch S60, as the impact of bigger screen made the STAR WARS action scenes more enjoyable. If you like huge, wide, panoramic movies, this 60 inch will impress you over a 50 inch screen. By the way I found PQ of S60 to be VERY GOOD... ST60 is marginally better... but not a generation ahead. Showroom conditions are not considered good for evaluation, but this is what I observed there. ST60 has lesser reflection, but not so less that you have to look hard. it is still noticeable... so reflection was not going to be deal maker/breaker factor.

Reflections are distracting in dark scenes. To get rid of reflections I am watching movies without any lights. During bright scenes reflection is not an issue.

For those who are curious reg S60 PQ, I will do screen calibrations on weekend and post pics thereafter.


Thanks for reply

How s ur experiance with S60?
And plz tell me price??
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

60S60 will be slightly more expensive that 50ST60. So the question of "affording" may not arise. Basically it is a judgement call - pay a little more and get extra 10" at the quality of last year's UT50 or stick to the higher end ST60 (that has 3D capability as well) but 10" smaller?

It is not really "evens-stevens" nor an "apple to apple" situation. Gut feeling will play more role than anything else.

S60 is full hd??
Cause if i will buy S60 or ST60 , i cant change it before 10 yrs.
so according to function, PQ and ofcourse screen size, what you will suggest( i m asking a EXPERT VIEW).
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

Many thanks to Just4kix, who took time out on a Sunday and accompanied me to the Panny showroom, to help with comparisons between various models.

I found 50 inch ST60 marginally better in PQ, however ended up buying the 60 inch S60, as the impact of bigger screen made the STAR WARS action scenes more enjoyable. If you like huge, wide, panoramic movies, this 60 inch will impress you over a 50 inch screen. By the way I found PQ of S60 to be VERY GOOD... ST60 is marginally better... but not a generation ahead. Showroom conditions are not considered good for evaluation, but this is what I observed there. ST60 has lesser reflection, but not so less that you have to look hard. it is still noticeable... so reflection was not going to be deal maker/breaker factor.

Reflections are distracting in dark scenes. To get rid of reflections I am watching movies without any lights. During bright scenes reflection is not an issue.

For those who are curious reg S60 PQ, I will do screen calibrations on weekend and post pics thereafter.


It is laudable that fms here are going extra length here to help out people in choosing good tvs.
Kudos to the forum and @kix.
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

S60 is full hd??
Cause if i will buy S60 or ST60 , i cant change it before 10 yrs.
so according to function, PQ and ofcourse screen size, what you will suggest( i m asking a EXPERT VIEW).
S60 is full HD and is near equivalent to 2012 model UT50 - in fact most specs match.

If you have the budget and inclination, go for 50ST60; for 90% people, it will be hard for them to make out differences between S60 and ST60 (in the 50" size). If considering 60S60, then DTH SD PQ will take a very slight degradation. Also, consider the screen reflection issue also on S60 - it is not quality shattering but needs more ambient light control than ST60. Do not judge on comments alone - see a demo for yourself - my viewpoint and analysis may be much different that yours.
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

Many thanks to Just4kix, who took time out on a Sunday and accompanied me to the Panny showroom, to help with comparisons between various models.

I found 50 inch ST60 marginally better in PQ, however ended up buying the 60 inch S60, as the impact of bigger screen made the STAR WARS action scenes more enjoyable. If you like huge, wide, panoramic movies, this 60 inch will impress you over a 50 inch screen. By the way I found PQ of S60 to be VERY GOOD... ST60 is marginally better... but not a generation ahead. Showroom conditions are not considered good for evaluation, but this is what I observed there. ST60 has lesser reflection, but not so less that you have to look hard. it is still noticeable... so reflection was not going to be deal maker/breaker factor.

Reflections are distracting in dark scenes. To get rid of reflections I am watching movies without any lights. During bright scenes reflection is not an issue.

For those who are curious reg S60 PQ, I will do screen calibrations on weekend and post pics thereafter.


Congrats for your purchasing a great TV. No doubt, S60 is close to the reference quality and it delivers such a wonderful picture quality with no cost overhead attached. Waiting for your reviews/photo snaps of your new S60.
A kind request - Take care of your TV like taking care of a baby.

And finally, just4kix is just an Aristocrat. What matters a lot is just going one step ahead in supporting a new member looking for a good system. :clapping:
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

...And finally, just4kix is just an Aristocrat. What matters a lot is just going one step ahead in supporting a new member looking for a good system. :clapping:

Indeed not. Just a good samaritan who likes to help people. :)
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

Thanks for reply

How s ur experiance with S60?
And plz tell me price??

I am very satisfied with this purchase. After screen-calibration I expect PQ to be even better (I am viewing currently on "Normal" setting).

I got it for 1.2 L. (The MRP is approx 1.32 L)

Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

It is laudable that fms here are going extra length here to help out people in choosing good tvs.
Kudos to the forum and @kix.

You can sure rely on J4kix for detailed and unbiased opinion. BTW some days ago, J4kix also extended hospitality to me to demo the "calibrated" ST60 he has at home. I was sold on ST60 within 5 mins of demo and immediately told the Pune dealer to book one for me.

... following in J4kix footsteps, if anybody wishes to see demo of my S60, pls send me PM.

Congrats !! First of the 60S60 in the forum. It is great that you have picked up a great choice.

Thanks manzb. The amusing part is, the S60 was never in my short list!

I went to dealer to buy the 50 inch ST60, when he confirmed that the model has arrived. Once I was there, he asked me to take a look at S60 also which is approx 10% more expensive but also a lot bigger.

Till then I somehow had impression that S60 range is poor sibling of ST60. When the dealer told that leaving aside 3D, it's almost as good, the 60 inch size got me interested > then did comparisons with ST60 > ended up buying S60 :)

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Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]

You can sure rely on J4kix for detailed and unbiased opinion. BTW some days ago, J4kix also extended hospitality to me to demo the "calibrated" ST60 he has at home. I was sold on ST60 within 5 mins of demo and immediately told the Pune dealer to book one for me.

... following in J4kix footsteps, if anybody wishes to see demo of my S60, pls send me PM.


Just a small correction - my TV is 50ST50, and not the 60.

Hi All,
I tried the settings* given in this link >>
*I did two exceptions to the settings.
(1) "Picture Mode" changed from 'Cinema' to 'User' as the 'Cinema' setting didn't offer option for advanced settings,
(2) Changed "Color temp" from 'Warm' to 'Normal' as the 'Warm' resulted in too much yellow tint.

The picture has noticeably improved though not a day and night jump (my earlier setting was "NORMAL" as defined in presets in Picture menu item.)

The improvement is in black level, more defined edges, and realism. There is slight drop in brightness. (These comparisons were done in nearly pitch dark condition i.e at night time with all lights off.) Even in default state the PQ of S60 was better than what I saw in Inox cinema, Kalyani Nagar Pune (it has one of the best projectors) With calibration it's improved further. BTW the DVD of "Dil Chahta Hai" looked pretty good when upscaled to HD by S60. Obviously the HD details were not there but overall tonality and realism of image was better than anything I saw on CRT and LCDs.

I took some pics with cellphone camera, but results were too poor to do justice... so not posting here. Hopefully I'll get hold of a good camera from someone, and post pics later.

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Hi All,
I tried the settings* given in this link >>
*I did two exceptions to the settings.
(1) "Picture Mode" changed from 'Cinema' to 'User' as the 'Cinema' setting didn't offer option for advanced settings,
(2) Changed "Color temp" from 'Warm' to 'Normal' as the 'Warm' resulted in too much yellow tint.

The picture has noticeably improved though not a day and night jump (my earlier setting was "NORMAL" as defined in presets in Picture menu item.)

The improvement is in black level, more defined edges, and realism. There is slight drop in brightness. (These comparisons were done in nearly pitch dark condition i.e at night time with all lights off.) Even in default state the PQ of S60 was better than what I saw in Inox cinema, Kalyani Nagar Pune (it has one of the best projectors) With calibration it's improved further. BTW the DVD of "Dil Chahta Hai" looked pretty good when upscaled to HD by S60. Obviously the HD details were not there but overall tonality and realism of image was better than anything I saw on CRT and LCDs.

I took some pics with cellphone camera, but results were too poor to do justice... so not posting here. Hopefully I'll get hold of a good camera from someone, and post pics later.


what are the advanced settings in user mode of s60?
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