The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread!

they are referring to ST60 as old. no plasma replacement offered.

They want a difference between my invoice value and ST60 MRP - i wonder if that's the norm. in any case, paying money for their problems is out of the question in my books.

my argument is: If a repair is not possible, can you peddle the lowest tv in your range to the customer? the model they are offering (ET60) can't compare with my VT20 PQ. Another forum member was offered DT60, panasonic stooped even lower after looking at my invoice - which was a brilliant deal, cracked with help from our forum members only!

I bought a 50UT50D model in Nov 2012. In July 2013, a vertical line began to glow continuously. Panasonic now says this cannot be repaired and so offering a replacement. And as with RPM, offering the low end LED (50ET60D) saying plasma is outdated and also out of stock. I have offcourse refused this and awating further developments. So, buyers in general of the Panasonic plasma, be ware. Even though there is the 3 years warranty, if any issue develops, they cannot repair and they are offering only the lowest end models of the LED as replacement.
I bought a 50UT50D model in Nov 2012. In July 2013, a vertical line began to glow continuously. Panasonic now says this cannot be repaired and so offering a replacement. And as with RPM, offering the low end LED (50ET60D) saying plasma is outdated and also out of stock. I have offcourse refused this and awating further developments. So, buyers in general of the Panasonic plasma, be ware. Even though there is the 3 years warranty, if any issue develops, they cannot repair and they are offering only the lowest end models of the LED as replacement.

Mate, you can always get full refund of your invoice value if withinn warranty period....nothing to lose in 3 years in case of panasonic...anyways there are not many Plasma's available in the market...I got full refund for my 50VT20 from did take some time ...but i goth my money back.
Mate, you can always get full refund of your invoice value if withinn warranty period....nothing to lose in 3 years in case of panasonic...anyways there are not many Plasma's available in the market...I got full refund for my 50VT20 from did take some time ...but i goth my money back.

Thanks a lot, for you post. It gives Confidence on Panasonic 3 year warranty.

Others, pls get some solid suggestions / steps to proceed further. Don't get blocked yourself just with Store executive words.
Yes, I can always take my money back. I can also bargain and see what I can get. While I deal with this issue with them, just wanted other forum members to be aware. Pana plasmas are the best stuff available but their service levels are degrading which is the key.
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thats the reason, i say, all brands are the same, sony fails so does Panny and Sammy. Just buy what suits your budget and your experience clearly shows extended warranty would not be of much help if they push you towards lcd as replacement.
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Mate, you can always get full refund of your invoice value if withinn warranty period....nothing to lose in 3 years in case of panasonic...anyways there are not many Plasma's available in the market...I got full refund for my 50VT20 from did take some time ...but i goth my money back.

2 months and they are yet to offer a refund. and will they compensate me for the time i have wasted on calls with them? i suppose not. refund is an easy way out for them and onset of a new tv hunting quest for me.
Re: The 2013 Plasma Discussion Thread! [Updated with Information]


Panasonic Sales Manager Mumbai informs that the demand indent is so low for plasma vs other models that they cannot say when stock will reach and how much to be allocated to each city.

For example TH 60S60D (not ST60) is already sold out.

Dealers who don't have stock will play dirty and offer you a price knowing they have no stock. Ask them to commit and they will back out.

For those interested 2 PCs available at Panasonic brand shop at Ghatkopar and 2 at Mulund shop.
As much as we love plasma, we must accept that plasma is dead. For India at least. The only options are from Samsung at the moment and there too we don't get to see the best models ready in stock. Another issue with Samsung plasma is that they do not have the 50-51" model for the F8500. The 64" model is too big or too costly for most buyers.
Technology changes fast but quality remains. Just like the valve amplifiers which are pricey vintage, plasma will also find its premium niche.

Even LED will be passe with the acceptance of OLED organic light-emitting diode TV's.

LED TVs rely on LED backlights shining behind an LCD panel. Even with advanced dimming technology LED TVs struggle to produce dark blacks. They suffer from light bleeding out from the edges.If an OLED pixel isnt getting electricity, it doesnt produce any light and is, therefore, totally black.
Even though Panasonic denied it back in April, it appears an earlier rumor of the company halting its plasma TV line might turn out to be true after all. According to Japanese business outlet Nikkei, the electronics firm hopes to get out of the plasma biz much sooner than initially thought. Indeed, Panasonic has reportedly already discontinued the development of new plasma TVs and hopes to stop production by the end of fiscal 2013 which is around March of next year. Sales will then continue until inventory runs out. The paper states that Panasonic has suffered losses exceeding 750 billion yen through fiscal 2012 thanks to the waning product line and is in talks to transfer tenancy rights or sell off its remaining plasma factory.

Original story from March:
Nikkei: Panasonic may end plasma HDTV production soon

Denial from April:
Panasonic buries rumors of plasma TV's death

New story from today (quoted above):
Panasonic reportedly ending plasma TV production by end of March 2014
indeed true. panny india is not importing anymore of these. and they know that there is demand, and hence, loss of business and customers.

damn this flat panel shit. give me a slim fit flat trinitron.
indeed true. panny india is not importing anymore of these. and they know that there is demand, and hence, loss of business and customers.

damn this flat panel shit. give me a slim fit flat trinitron.

Even if its available for limited time, warranty will be an issue rt?:sad:

I wonder why some media outlets are in a hurry to kill Panasonic's Plasma business?? I guess their reporters must be plasma haters :D

Panasonic has denied the latest wave of news that they are exiting the Plasma business in 2014, Panasonic India has also confirmed that they will continue to sell select models as they see demand in the market.

The truth is that the guys at Panasonic have not made any decision about their Plasma business, they have adopted a wait and watch approach. People at Panasonic have been hinting that development for Panasonic's 2014 Plasma TVs is on and they should be unveiled at CES 2014.
People at Panasonic have been hinting that development for Panasonic's 2014 Plasma TVs is on and they should be unveiled at CES 2014.
Since I'll be at CES in January, I'll keep an eye out for new models being unveiled.

Also, of all the 4K displays announced, none seem to be plasmas. The technology might have run its course.
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